Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 184 There Is No Unconquerable Foodie

The rooms for Zhihua and the others have already been arranged by Liu Ming.

No matter how good their relationship with Liu Ming is, this place is still a strange place to them, and they are only primary school students. Living alone in a room might be a bit scary, so Liu Ming specially arranged for the two of them to live in a room.

With acquaintances around at night, you will feel more at ease and the quality of sleep will be better.

Not counting Kang Na, there are six girls in the women's basketball team, two people live in a room, and the rest live with Mei Yu.

Of course, Liu Ming did not participate in their house allocation, and let them decide for themselves.

No matter what, Huang Meixing would have guessed that the delicious food that Meiyu was talking about turned out to be the restaurant opened by Liu Ming.

Obviously, the two had a conflict just now, but they brought her here specially, were they planning to embarrass her?

Originally, she planned to leave directly, but she just looked at the dishes on the guests' tables in the hall and smelled the fragrance emanating from them, her footsteps seemed uncontrollable.

She swallowed involuntarily. .

Why are these dishes so delicious.

Wouldn't it be a shame to leave like this?

No, you can't let him go so easily, at least you have to eat him back.

After Huang Meixing found a reason for herself, she no longer resisted.

Liu Ming would have thought that one of his unintentional words would actually make Huang Meixing so angry.

As the local snake here, Meiyu naturally guides Zhihua and the others.

Liu Ming glanced at them and stopped caring.

There was still a while before dinner, so he went to play with Xiao Chi.

I have been busy with the women's basketball team for the past few days, and I forgot about Xiao Hina.

The "cousin" Xiaochu was very happy to see Liu Ming coming, and stopped playing with Yike, and flew into Liu Ming's arms.

"Xiao Chi, have you been obedient these two days?" Liu Ming rubbed Xiao Chi's head gently.

"Xiao Chi is very obedient." Xiao Chi said with her head held high.

"Xiao Chi is really a good boy," Liu Ming praised.

"Giggle" Xiao Chi immediately laughed happily.

Ever since Huang Meixing entered the restaurant, she kept looking around, and even sneaked a look in the kitchen.

She found a very serious problem, how come there are women here.

It seems that apart from Liu Ming, there is no one man.

It seems that a great secret has been discovered.

Huang Meixing couldn't help smiling complacently.

"Xiao Ming~"

Liu Ming and Xiao Chi were having fun when they suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Grandma Tujian, you're here." Liu Ming put down Xiao Chi and stood up gently.

"Grandma Tujian is good!" Xiao Chi ran to Granny Tujian and held her hand.

"Xiao Chi, good boy" Granny Tujian followed Xiao Chi's footsteps to an empty chair and sat down.

And Xiao Chi skillfully climbed onto her lap and sat down.

That's her special seat.

After doing all this, Granny Tujian looked at Liu Ming, "That child, Xiaobu, said that he would move to live with you, did you know about that?"

"It's true. Did you agree to it?" Liu Ming asked strangely.

"Well, it's not that she hasn't lived here before, I was persuaded by her." Granny Tujian nodded slightly.

Liu Ming secretly rolled his eyes, could it be the same?

Xiao Bu was only so old back then, but she is so old now.

But with so many people on his side, he is not afraid of other people's gossip.

"Since you know all about it, you can go pick her up tomorrow. Xiaobu said she has a lot of luggage, so I asked you to go over and help move it." Granny Tujian said.

"Tomorrow? What time?" Liu Ming couldn't help but frowned. He would continue to train Zhihua and the others tomorrow.

"Hey, do you have something to do tomorrow?" Granny Tujian couldn't help being curious. According to her understanding, Liu Ming seems to be free every day.

"It mainly depends on the time period. The day before yesterday I promised Meiyu and the others to be their basketball coach temporarily, so during the time after school, I have to go to their school to train them." Liu Ming shrugged helplessly.

"Is it like this?" Granny Tujian also wrinkled her forehead.

Because Xiao Mei's fixed time is also the time after school. After all, she still has to go to school, even if she moves, it won't affect her study.

Seeing Granny Tujian's expression, Liu Ming guessed that the two might be in conflict.

He thought for a while and suggested, "How about this, I'll drive there to pick her up at this time tomorrow night. When I come back, it's just time for dinner.

0 looking for flowers......

Mother-in-law Tujian thought about it and didn't object, thinking that this is also a method.

The two chatted for a while, and it was time to eat.

Facing a series of delicacies with both color and fragrance, all dignity, anger, and contradictions were all thrown away by Huang Meixing.

Now she only has food in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhihua and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really afraid that Huang Meixing will be angry, but she usually takes care of them.

This time such a big thing, they didn't tell her in advance, and they knew it was their fault.

Fortunately, Meiyu thought of such a good way.

The moment of enjoying delicious food is always so pleasant, and everyone is full without knowing it.

When they came, there were obviously many people, but when they left, Huang Meixing was alone.

After personally tasting the food in the store, Huang Meixing was completely conquered, and at the same time, she also understood why Zhihua and the others came up with the idea of ​​co-sustaining.

In her opinion, sleeping together is fake, eating and drinking together is the real thing.

Ming is a thick-skinned thing, but why is she so envious?

Seeing the excited expressions of Zhihua and the others, she became angry.

Such a good thing, she didn't even inform her consultant.

Hey, that's right, she is the consultant of the women's basketball team, why can't she stay.

Moreover, when she was eating just now, she saw that Liu Ming was really the only man here.

For the safety of Zhihua and the others, her consultant must also stay.

It's just that not long ago I unilaterally got angry with Liu Ming, and now I tell him that I want to live in, isn't it too embarrassing.

Huang Meixing thought about it for a while, and felt that it was definitely impossible to stay tonight, and could only wait for tomorrow.

It's time to cut first and then gather together.

Knowing that she was thinking so much, Liu Ming was quietly standing at the door waiting for her to leave.

Huang Meixing is Miyu's teacher and club advisor, as a parent, he will definitely send her out of the house for a few days. .

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