Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 188 Specially Prepared Song

After the dinner, Liu Ming planned to send Huang Meixing, a consultant, to him.

It's just that Huang Meixing didn't seem to have any intention of leaving at all, and sat there chatting with Zhihua and the others with a familiar look.

As if aware of Liu Ming's gaze, Huang Meixing raised her eyebrows triumphantly, "I will also move in to keep an eye on you."

"Spy on me?" Liu Ming was puzzled.

Where did this come from? Why did you monitor him for no reason? He didn't do anything bad.

"Hehe" Huang Meixing smiled strangely, she looked at Zhihua and the others, and said, "You are really too dangerous.

Then she pointed to Xiaokong and Mako, and said, "Look at your place, except for you, the rest are all women. What if you suddenly have a beastly outburst and do something bad."

"For the safety of Zhihua and the others, I, the consultant, must be on the sidelines, so I have to stay.

Huang Meixing's straightforward words made many people blush. .

Especially simple people like Xiao Kong, whose faces are already getting hot.

I thought to myself, "How can Meiyu's teacher behave like this, it's embarrassing."

Liu Ming gave her a speechless look, "If I really want to do something, what's the use of being 1.5 meters taller than you. Besides, saying such things in front of the children

You are really a good teacher. "

Huang Meixing was choked up immediately, originally she wanted to provoke others to be wary of Liu Ming, but it turned out to be her fault.

This made her very angry.

Why is this guy talking so irritatingly.

"You can stay if you want, but just don't make trouble." Liu Ming didn't bother to talk to her anymore, wasn't she just eating, she didn't have many people.

He is now more concerned with what happened today.

He needs a good stroke.

Seeing that Liu Ming didn't object, Huang Meixing was secretly relieved.

Alas, it's easy to be a teacher now, but it's so difficult to have a meal.

But before she could rest assured, Zhenfan and the others attacked her, scratching her back, scratching her back.

Who let Huang Meixing say that just now, how can they live here with peace of mind.

Seeing Xiao Kong's pretty red face, Liu Ming suddenly remembered something.

He quickly ran back to the room and took out the score that he had finished not long ago.

"Brother Ming, what is this (acaf)?" Miyu asked curiously.

"It's Xiaokong's business, none of your business." Liu Ming rubbed her head.

"Mine?" Xiaokong had noticed Liu Ming a long time ago, especially when he looked at the few pieces of paper Liu Ming was holding in his hand, he had a secret guess in his heart.

His eyes were wet, and his heart was full of emotion.

Originally, she thought that Liu Ming was unwilling, but who knew that he secretly gave her a surprise.

"Aren't your light music department going to perform at the school festival? This is a song I gave you. I don't know if you like it or not." After Liu Ming finished speaking, he handed the paper in his hand to Xiao Kong.

Xiao Kong happily accepted it.

Meiyu immediately walked over curiously, hugged Xiao Sora's body, and watched with Xiao Sora.

Of course, Meiyu is not the only one who is interested, Chihua and the others are also quite curious.

It's just that, due to his identity, he was too embarrassed to go over.

Zhenfan didn't have such scruples, and didn't care about Huang Meixing, he jumped down from her side, ran to Xiaokong's side, and secretly watched.

Xiaokong has also opened the paper at this time, and the first thing he sees is the title of the song, Bliss Jingtian

"When the Moon Rises"

"Red Lantern Carried"

"The accompaniment signal sounded at the festival"

"Dance lightly, butterfly lightly, lure them into fascination"

"Look a little bit, take a closer look"

"Once addicted to it, you can't extricate yourself"

"Happy and comfortable, if you yearn for it"

"Welcome to Happy Pure Land"

"The lyrics are so beautiful. You really deserve to be Brother Xiao Ming, even if you write songs so well." Even a rookie like Mei Yu can feel the power of this song.

Hearing Mei Yu's admiration, the others couldn't bear it any longer and gathered around one by one.

Then there were bursts of exclamations.

"The big brother is great!" Hinata looked at Liu Ming adoringly.

Liu Ming admitted it all cheekily, completely forgetting that he copied the song.

After Zhenzi saw it, she didn't show too much surprise, after all, she knew another layer of Liu Ming's identity.

Liu Ming, as a world-renowned writer, can write so many excellent works, how could he fail to write a good song.

Of course, the words are good words, and the specific arrangement can only be determined after listening to the soundtrack.

After Huang Meixing read the lyrics, she also had a deeper understanding of Liu Ming, a man.

No matter what, she is also a teacher, and she must have a deeper understanding of the beauty of these words than Meiyu and the others.

She never thought that Liu Ming, the person she hated, would have so many talents, and now she knows several aspects.

He is handsome, he can play basketball well, he can cook well, and now he can write songs, which feels a bit perfect.

No, he still has a lot of shortcomings, especially the sloppy mouth.

Talking can make people mad.

Thinking of this, she secretly felt grief and indignation.

Because, she could feel that with so many people here, Liu Ming was only targeting her.

If Liu Ming knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say to her, "My child, you think too much."

"Sister, hurry up and sing!" Meiyu was very curious about what the song written by Liu Ming would be like, and urged her repeatedly.

Xiaokong was also a little moved, and began to hum the score in a low voice.

Seeing this, Liu Ming quickly interrupted, "You can study the music score later, and now let's take a look at the special dance of this song. Lukya, I will leave it to you next."

After Liu Ming finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone, and then found the soundtrack he specially asked to make on it.

"There's still dancing." Xiao Kong's eyes lit up again, but then darkened.

She worriedly asked, "Cousin, we are a band, even if there is dancing, there is no way to perform. Little Mio and the others need to play instruments non-stop, and there is no time to dance at all.

"What's the problem with this? You can get the soundtrack done first, and then perform dancing and singing directly. Besides, you can dance with a guitar, you just need to make certain improvements to the dance." Liu Ming said indifferently.

"Brother Xiao Ming, let's watch the dance first," Mei Yu said.

"Okay." Liu Ming didn't say any more.

He believed that as long as they saw that kind of magical dance, everyone would definitely like it. .

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