Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 193 An Alternative Way To Refuel

On the other side, among the audience who remained behind.

"Thump, thud, guess what I found out?" Naye asked proudly.

"Where did you go just now?" Alisa asked curiously.

Suzuka also looked at Nanoha curiously.

"Hey." Naye first smiled mysteriously, then pointed to Liu Ming in the distance, and whispered, "That handsome big brother is the coach of the seniors."

Elizabeth gave her a white look, and said angrily, "You don't need to say that, as long as you have eyes, you can know that he is the coach of the women's basketball team after watching the game just now.",

"Of course I know. What I want to say is, do you know how long he has been a coach? It's only been a week. It's really amazing to let the seniors beat the men's basketball team in just one week." Folded together, eyes twinkling with adoring stars.

"Since you admire him so much, why don't you join the women's basketball club, so that you can see him every day." Suzuka said jokingly.

Naye's face turned red immediately, and she threw herself on Suzuka's body resolutely, scratching her itch non-stop.

"Hee hee, you think I don't want to, but it's not like you don't know that I'm not good at sports at all," Naye said helplessly.

Liu Ming didn't expect that just one basketball game would give him another fan. Of course, his tall and handsome image played a very important role.

Because I had just sweated - 110 bodies, Zhihua and the others needed to wash their bodies, so it took a long time.

At this time, a familiar person came over.

The corners of Liu Ming's eyes twitched, and he asked teasingly, "Zanzi, you didn't come to cheer Meiyu up, it's a pity that she will think of you two sisters every time she has something delicious.

Zong Zi gave Liu Ming a dissatisfied look, and she pointed to the auditorium not far away, and said, "Stupid Liu Ming, who said I didn't come, I've been watching from above.

Liu Ming gave her a hand knife angrily, "It's not shameful, why don't you just come to our side, you are not shy."

Zongzi covered his head, gave Liu Ming a hard look, and then said nervously, "I am not a child, how can I be so nervous.

"Haha, stuffed stuffing is really cute" Liu Ming looked at her with a funny face.

His face was obviously red, but he dared to say that he was not shy.

And it won't come down when there is no one else.

But Liu Ming didn't intend to continue teasing her, otherwise she might be embarrassed to stay here any longer.

At this time, he couldn't help looking at Sagiri who had been sitting quietly on the other side.

Seeing that she was still drawing something with a tablet, she walked over curiously.

"Little Sagiri, what are you drawing? I didn't seem to hear your voice at all during the competition. Now that you're here, why don't you cheer for Meiyu and the others?" Liu Ming asked.

Sagiri raised her head and glanced at him, then lowered her head and continued with the movements in her hands.

This time, Liu Ming became even more curious.

Can't help but put his head in the past.

"Hey, isn't this Zhihua and the others? Did you draw the situation just now?" Liu Ming said in surprise.

Sagiri didn't know if she was still angry, and completely ignored Liu Ming.

Mako, who has been by Sagiri's side all the time, spoke for her, "Sagiri may not be used to crowded places, so don't blame her, store manager, and she has followed her way to help Miha and the others.

"How could I blame Xiao Sagiri? I'm just a little curious about what she's doing." Liu Ming explained.

Sagiri stopped suddenly and handed the tablet in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming glanced at her suspiciously before taking her over.

next to him directly.

Sagiri's body trembled, but she didn't make a sound.

Makoto smiled softly.

It's such a good feeling.

Liu Ming didn't care about this, after all, he got along so casually with his family, even Zhihua and the others.

He cast his eyes on the tablet.

One page, two pages....

Just as he thought just now, what was painted on it was a certain moment that happened when Zhihua and the others played just now.

Although the quantity is not much (acad), it is very exquisite.

However, this does not seem to be a normal situation, but has been slightly modified by Sagiri.

A little exaggeration is added, but the overall performance is very eye-catching, and people will be addicted to it at a glance.

One of them is a scene where Chihwa changes direction continuously after being double-teamed and shoots long shots rapidly.

At this time, Zhihua's eyes were drawn sharper, the sweat beads on her face and the water droplets scattered in the air perfectly mobilized the tension at that time [so that the people who saw it couldn't help but worry.

Or the scene when Kang Na surpassed others, unexpectedly added a shadow behind, expressing that fast atmosphere to the fullest.

Although it has not been painted yet, Liu Ming knows that the finished product in the future will definitely be quite good.

"As expected of Xiao Sagiri, she is really amazing. If Zhihua and the others see it, they will definitely be very touched." Liu Ming rubbed Sagiri's hair gently, not hiding his praise in his heart.

"Hmph! I didn't draw for them." Sagiri turned her head dissatisfied, but there was a joyful expression on her face.

About half an hour later, Zhihua and the others finally came back, with big smiles on their faces.

Not only did they win the game today, but they were also able to eat a big meal. They must be very happy.

Liu Ming glared at them angrily, "It's just a shower, do you need to spend so much time.

"Brother Xiao Ming really doesn't understand girls' thoughts." Mei Yu shook her head helplessly.

"You're just a kid, don't pretend to be mature." Liu Ming retorted.

Mei Yu was choked up immediately, feeling ashamed, she threw herself on Liu Ming, wanting Liu Ming again.

Liu Ming had no choice but to stretch out his hand to stop her, and at the same time said dissatisfied, "You are a dog, you know how to bite people.

"Who told you to say that about me?" Mei Yu huffed, puffing her face.

Liu Ming continued to kill, "I'm just telling the truth, you're just a ten-year-old brat."

"Ah, I'll bite you bastard to death!" Meiyu exerted her strength again.

It's just that she couldn't compare to Liu Ming, and she was easily suppressed.

Hinata saw it, and immediately happily climbed onto Liu Ming's back.

Liu Ming turned his head speechlessly, "Hinata, why are you making trouble too?"

"Oh, big brother, carry me home, Hinata is tired." Hinata grabbed Liu Ming's clothes tightly, and put his face on it with a smile.

"Ahem, please pay attention to the occasion, this is a school. Especially you bastard store manager, Lolicon, hurry up and let him go." Huang Meixing said dissatisfied.

"I'm not a lolicon." Liu Ming immediately retorted.

He will not take this blame. .

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