Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 195 Staying And Checking Out

Liu Ming couldn't help looking at Tian Suohui, he wondered if he heard it wrong.

He asked, "Xiaohui wasn't selected? What jokes are you kidding? The shady scene is not like this. With Xiaohui's strength, how could it be possible that she wasn't selected?"

Erina gave him a blank look, can she just open her mouth to tell the truth, Yuanyue is a school, so it's not so dark.

She said helplessly, "It is because of her strength that she was not selected."

Seeing that Liu Ming still didn't believe it, Erina had no choice but to continue explaining that "the selection in autumn is to dig out rough stones among the many grains of sand."

"Although it is said to be searched in the first grade, those who are recognized as strong are not required to participate, just like me who is already a top ten, and there are all the middle and heavy seniors who have defeated the middle and heavy seniors."

"If people like us participate in "Zero Zero Zero", it will make the autumn selection lose its original role."

"So, you get the idea."

"But you can still participate." Liu Ming asked curiously.

"The culinary skills are already so strong, what's the point of participating in such a competition? Is it fun to abuse food?" Erina couldn't bear it anymore, her tone was tingling.

"Shouldn't it be said that it's good for a while, and it's always good for straight food." Liu Ming said as a matter of course.

"It's really the common people's idea, not aristocratic at all." Erina said contemptuously. .

"Of course it can't compare to a murderer like you." Liu Ming choked back directly.

"Don't you get tired of mentioning this all the time?" Erina said bitterly.

"As long as it works, you won't get bored!" Liu Ming said with a smile.

An expression that as long as you are unhappy, I will be happy.

"Master, what's the matter today? Why is the restaurant closed?" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Tian Suohui hurriedly changed the subject.

"It's not a big deal, but Meiyu and the others had a basketball game today, and all of us went to cheer them on. Anyway, the restaurant hasn't closed for a long time, so it's a day off for everyone." Liu Ming said.

"If I had known, I would have come here earlier, so that I could go there with you to cheer up Meiyu." Tian Suohui said regretfully.

"It's not too late now. In order to celebrate their victory, I plan to cook a big meal to reward them. Now that you are here, you can help cook the food."

Liu Ming is really happy, but Tian Suohui can also cook special dishes, so he can save a lot of effort.

"No problem, just leave it to me. I haven't cooked for you for a long time." Tian Suohui didn't mind at all, and even missed it a little.

"Let me help too." Erina said suddenly.

Liu Ming couldn't help but looked at her suspiciously, what kind of wind was blowing today, she would be so kind.

Erina smiled unnaturally, "Take it as my accommodation fee here."

"Accommodation fee?" Liu Ming couldn't help but look at Tian Suohui.

"Miss Erina seems to be planning to stay here until the autumn selection begins." Tian Suohui said awkwardly.

Although she is Liu Ming's apprentice, she would be a little embarrassed to bring Erina here without authorization.

Liu Ming looked at Tian Suohui who was unnatural, and then at Erina who turned his head away.

He didn't embarrass Tian Suohui, and said calmly, "It's not a problem. You also treated me well during the last stay and training. This time, let's take it as my return gift."

"However, it's best for you to help out when you're opening the store. You know that Thor and the others don't like you very much because of something that happened last time. You'd better work hard and save your image."

Erina was almost mad because she was not the one who was bullied that time before, but she still had the face to say it.

It's a pity that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, even the proud Erina has no privileges here.

"Now that you understand, what are you doing here? Why don't you go to the kitchen to make preparations? There are many guests tonight." Liu Ming called her as if she were an employee.

"It's too much to ask her to work even before the room is arranged." Erina glared at Liu Ming bitterly, followed Tian Suohui unwillingly, and walked towards the kitchen.

After dismissing the two of them, Liu Ming was also free.

He looked around, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something wrong with Zhihua's side.

"What's the matter with you guys, all listless 0... You guys won the game today, be happy." Liu Ming walked over and looked at them strangely.

Zhihua raised her head to look at Liu Ming, then lowered her head in a low voice.

"Zhen Fan, you are the captain, come and tell me" Liu Ming saw that several people were silent for a long time, so he had to call names directly.

Masamo scratched his head, and asked distressedly, "Big brother, after the basketball game is over, are you going to stop being our coach? Are we going to move back home too?"

"I thought something serious happened, but it turned out to be just these things." Liu Ming couldn't help laughing out loud.

Maho immediately became dissatisfied, pouted and said, "Big brother, we are serious."

Liu Ming rubbed her head, and said calmly, "You're right, all the lessons have been taught, and the rest is just practice, it's the same with me or without me."

"How can it be the same? With the big brother around, we will be more motivated." Zhihua couldn't help retorting.

"Yeah, big brother, can't you continue to be our coach?" Sha said.

Ellie looked at Liu Ming expectantly as well.

"Big brother, Hinata misses you." Hinata grabbed Liu Ming's arm and looked at Liu Ming pitifully.

Just like an abandoned kitten.

Liu Ming found an empty seat and sat down, then hugged Hinata on his lap. 2.7

He looked at Zhihua and the others, and said calmly, "Don't forget, you are only here for training. Now that the time is up, of course you have to go back to your home, otherwise I will become a kidnapper. This is going to prison Oh.

"Besides, you can come and play when you have time. I didn't say that you are not allowed to come. The school is not far from my place."

"Why do they all look like the end of the world." Liu Ming looked at them with a smile.

Zhihua scratched her head in embarrassment, "The position of coach."

"That's really not good. You have lived here for a long time, and you know the situation of the restaurant. I am the store manager, so I can't be away all the time. Liu Ming shook his head.

This excuse is really invaluable.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Zhihua and the others fell silent. .

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