Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 2 There Is An Extra Equipment Bar

At the foot of the mountain, Liu Ming finally calmed down his excitement.

His family ran a Chinese restaurant, but it closed after the death of his parents.

It's not that he has never thought about being a chef, especially after learning that this is the world of the spirit of the halberd eater, he became more interested.

There are quite a few cute girls in that school, but unfortunately, he really doesn't have that talent, and after studying for two years, he can only make it so that it is not unpalatable.

With such cooking skills, he really didn't have the confidence to go to that cruel school in Yuanyue.

It must be very interesting to get slapped in the face, and it is definitely not good to be slapped in the face. As a time traveler, he still needs face.

It's better to copy novels, entertain yourself, and live a carefree life.

He went to his grandfather's funeral these few days, and because he came back late, he planned to take the path and cross the hill to go home. Who would have thought that he would encounter a giant dragon on the mountain.

At the beginning, it really scared him to death, but fortunately, he was lucky, survived smoothly, and even activated the golden finger.

According to memory, Liu Ming soon came to his home, a two-and-a-half-story shop with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

And at the back, there is a small yard, the total area may be 200 square meters.

The first floor is used as a restaurant, and the second floor is used as a living room.

He took out the key, opened the small door at the rear side, and walked in. At this moment, Liu Ming was filled with emotions.

After more than twenty years of life, he has already gotten used to it, and now he suddenly has a golden finger, which always feels weird.

However, something is better than nothing. When it comes to Goldfinger, he suddenly becomes excited.

He locked the door behind his back, rushed directly to the lobby on the second floor, turned on the lights, and drew the curtains.

After finishing all the preparations, Liu Ming began to study the cheat.

After trying many methods, he finally found the knack.

After concentrating, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It felt like super technology. Looking carefully at the content on the light curtain, he found that it was very similar to the window he opened the character template in the game he played.

On the left is the backpack column with 20 grids, and on the right is the character's attribute and equipment column.

It says,

Character Name: Liu Ming

Grade 1

Strength: 7

Wisdom: 7

Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 8

Vitality: 90

Attack power: 20

Physical Defense: 7

Magic Defense: 2

Life Recovery: 5

What these data represent, because there is no comparison, he does not know very well.

The equipment bar is empty, and there is only one thing in the backpack, which is the God's Sword that I just got.

He took it out silently in his heart, and suddenly there was a huge sharp sword in his hand, the hilt was simple and majestic.

The length is even higher than his height, you know, he is 1.85 meters.

Looking at the huge sword in front of him, he didn't know what to do.

Looking intently at the Sword of God, he thought he could see its attributes like a game, but it turned out to be completely useless.

"It seems that I am not gamified. Hey, is there anyone? Can you call me back? What kind of system are you? Can you talk? Do you want me to find out by myself?"

"It's been more than 20 years, and you just showed up now. It's too aloof when you show up and don't say a word."

He suddenly looked curiously at the equipment bar in the light curtain, and tried to say 'equip weapons' silently in his heart.

The God Sword in his hand disappeared immediately, and at the same time, Liu Ming also felt a change in his body.

It seemed to grow stronger and more powerful.

He looked at the light curtain again. In the main weapon column of the character equipment column, a weapon was already equipped.

It was the sword of God just now, and not only that, even the attributes of the characters had undergone astonishing changes.

Character Name: Liu Ming

Grade 1

Strength: 7+100

Wisdom: 7+30

Agility: 5+50

Physique: 8+100

Vitality: 59+1180

Attack power: 20+5000

Physical Defense: 7

Magic Defense: 2

Life Recovery: 5

Skills: Advanced Swordsmanship

Skill: Holy Shock (gray)

Ability: Holy Light (gray)

There are three more skills, two of which are gray, are they unusable?

Liu Ming couldn't help punching the air, and there was a loud bang. The swift wind of the fist even created a sound barrier. The speed of this punch probably exceeded the speed of sound.

Liu Ming suddenly became excited.

You know, there are a total of 11 on the equipment bar.

Main Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Head, Shoulders, Clothes, Hands, Pants, Earrings, Rings, Necklace, Feet,

Just a weapon can turn him into a superman,

If all 11 positions are equipped,

That's okay, will he become a god directly?

"Hey" Liu Ming scratched the back of his head, he also knew that he was thinking too much, not to mention anything else, just a weapon like the Sword of God is not easy to find.

Moreover, even if it does appear, it is impossible for him to snatch it with his strength.

But it doesn't prevent him from flirting.

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