Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 26 The Emperor's Tongue

One left, and another.

Liu Ming used to be a writer, even as a copyist, he knows how rare it is for a writer to have a burst of inspiration.

Not to mention that Natsuno Kirihime is a real original writer,

So he didn't bother the other party.

Having nothing to do, he came to the yard.

Except for part of the cultivated land, there are still many vacancies, "How about building a pavilion in the yard while there is still time?

Anyway, with Thor here, aren't you afraid of any difficulties? This is a Chinese restaurant, and it must be built with those magnificent pavilions in ancient China. "

Liu Ming decided to do it when he thought of it, and went online to look for patterns. After a while, he found a pavilion that looked quite beautiful.

It's just that Thor is in a dilemma. It's okay for you to go to her to destroy it, but she is asked to build a house. She has such skills.

It's good that she is strong, but it doesn't mean she can build a pavilion. You know, in the past, she was also a quilt from the sky and a mat from the ground, and she flew and slept there.

"Should I go to another world and grab one directly?" Thor finally came up with such a solution.

Liu Ming's eyes lit up, was he planning to build a building with a different world style, but after thinking about it carefully, he probably gave up this tempting idea.

He still remembered that Thor was injured in another world, and was almost killed. He didn't want Thor to take such a big risk.

"Since the complicated one is troublesome to make, let's choose a simple one. It's just a place for guests to eat anyway, as long as it can shelter from the wind and rain is enough."

Liu Ming never thought of finding professional people to build it, it would be too unfulfilling,

Looking at his own home, being transformed by himself bit by bit, only the client can experience the satisfaction. He continued to go back to the Internet, searched for a long time, and finally found a suitable one.

Although the price is a bit expensive, it is more convenient, as long as you buy all the parts, you can quickly assemble them yourself.

Easy, fast, and pretty.

You can also replace some small parts and change the style later.

"Since this is the case, is there any need to think about it?"

Liu Ming placed the order directly and it will be delivered tomorrow.

Country R is such a big place.


Another day passed.

Tian Suohui got up early.

Because she kept thinking about her tongue last night, she hardly slept much.

Today her tongue finally no longer feels pain.

I originally planned to try food to see what changes happened to my tongue,

But the master was not around, and she was embarrassed to make a decision.

I had no choice but to make breakfast while waiting for the master to wake up.

In her spare time, she even went to the backyard to sort out the land.

Although Thor loosened the ground yesterday, it was just like that,

After all, Thor is not a professional, and needs to be sorted out carefully before he can grow things.

When Tian Suohui was in Yuanyue Academy, he lived in Jixingliao,

There is a large vegetable garden there,

She usually helps grow vegetables, and she is very proficient in cooking.

In less than an hour, she sorted out all the loose land.

If it wasn't because he didn't know what Liu Ming was going to plant, Tian Suohui would have planned to help plant it himself.

At around nine o'clock, Liu Ming finally woke up.

"Master, good morning," Tian Suohui said with a smile on his face.

"Morning, Xiaohui. Huh? You can talk now."

Liu Ming replied with sleepy eyes, suddenly thought of something, and fixedly looked at Tian Suohui.

"Yes, my tongue doesn't hurt anymore today," Tian Suohui replied.

"Is that so? Later, I'll check it out"

"Okay, trouble master."

"I've said it all, don't be so polite." Liu Ming waved his hand.

After a few minutes.

Liu Ming stood in front of Tian Suohui and asked her to stick out her tongue.

Tian Suohui's face was red, but she didn't refuse, and slowly stuck out her sweet tongue.

Inheriting the culinary skills of the royal chefs, Liu Ming of course also learned their knowledge of medicinal food.

He can also deal with some small problems.

Now Tian Suohui's tongue has returned to its normal color and is no longer swollen. It seems that it is really healed.

"You don't need to eat plain porridge today, you can add some vegetables or minced meat appropriately"

Liu Ming nodded and said that he did not notice Tian Suohui's shameful psychological fluctuations.

"Master, how is my tongue now?"

"It has been successful, but for the time being, you should not eat those foods that are too strong. After all, your tongue is just right, let it get used to it." Liu Ming said.

"Thank you, Master." Tian Suohui jumped up happily.

Tian Suohui happily returned to the kitchen to add some ingredients to his pot of porridge.

She ate plain porridge all day yesterday.

It is the kind of white rice porridge without any seasoning, not even salt.

It's okay if it's just like this, she can definitely bear this little thing.

The crux of the problem is that this is a restaurant, and every dish is delicious. Seeing other people eating there, but eating the extremely bland white rice porridge, she has long since starved to death.

Now the master promised to let her add some condiments, even if it was just some minced meat, she was very happy.

Not long after, she made a spinach porridge with minced meat.

Because Tian Suohui and Liu Ming eat different things, Tian Suohui doesn't have to wait for them.

Spoon lightly, gently cool the porridge and put it in the mouth. It was not as delicious as she expected.

On the contrary, it feels unpalatable.

"It's impossible. Could it be that my cooking skills have regressed?"

"It's also impossible"

Although she has been practicing knife skills for the past two days, her cooking skills will not be pulled down like this,

Instead, under Liu Ming's guidance, he got a huge improvement.

If it's not about cooking, then what's the matter?

It is obviously made exactly the same as before, why the taste is so different.

Suddenly she woke up and her eyes lit up.

It's not that the taste has changed, but his sense of taste has changed.

Become sharper and deeper.

Problems that were not discovered before are now noticed one by one.

"It turns out that the taste buds have been developed as the master said. But the improvement is too great." She couldn't believe it.

After just one bite, she felt seven or eight flaws. Even came up with several flavor combinations.

She ran out of the kitchen excitedly, and before Liu Ming could react, she hugged him. "Master, you are really amazing, I admire you so much."

But she quickly realized that her behavior was too intimate. She immediately let go of Liu Ming and quickly ran back to the kitchen.

Liu Ming was left standing there alone in a daze.

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