Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 4 Abnormal Cooking

When Liu Ming equipped the kitchen knife on the secondary weapon,

His current property panel is

Character Name: Liu Ming

Grade 1

Strength: 7+100

Wisdom: 7+30

Agility: 5+50

Physique: 8+100

Vitality: 59+1180

Attack Power: 20+5030

Physical Defense: 7+2.1

Magic Defense: 2

Life Recovery: 5

Skills: Advanced Swordsmanship.

Skill: Holy Shock (gray)

Ability: Holy Light (gray)

Ability: Emperor Tongue

Sichuan Cuisine - Master Class

Cantonese Cuisine - Master Class

Lu Cuisine - Master Class

Su Cuisine - Master Class

Zhejiang Cuisine - Premium

Hokkien Cuisine - Premium

Hunan Cuisine - Premium

Anhui Cuisine - Premium

Knife Kung Fu - Master

Heat - Master

Seasoning - Master Class

Who does this kitchen knife belong to? Could it be the head chef of the imperial kitchen?

No, it shouldn't be possible, even if it's the chief chef, it's impossible for him to be good at so many cuisines.

Or is this knife not exclusive to a certain person, but just a kitchen knife in the imperial dining room,

It's just that it has existed for a long time, and there are many people who have used it,

So gathered the strengths of several people?

"I am proficient in the eight major cuisines of China, and it feels really unreal."

Liu Ming doesn't know what realm these levels represent,

However, just from the literal meaning, it can be guessed that it will not be so bad.

Recalling that I worked so hard to learn cooking skills in the past, but I couldn't learn it well.

Now, he has reached the level of imperial chef in an instant.

It's kind of ironic when you think about it.

It's just that now I'm twenty-two years old, so old.

Do you still go to Yuanyue Academy to pretend in front of a group of high school students?

I feel so ashamed!

Of course, this is just casual talk,

After all, he has already graduated from university, so it is definitely impossible for him to become a high school student at Totsuki Academy.

As for the teacher, forget it,

He has nothing to show for it.

You can't be cheeky and let others try your craft.

Speaking of craftsmanship, how strong is my cooking skill now?

"What's the use of thinking about it, if you just cook a dish, it will be clear."

Liu Ming went straight to the kitchen on the first floor,

After opening the refrigerator, take out a few ingredients from inside,

A potato, a carrot, and a piece of frozen pork.

After thinking about it, he put the carrots back, took out a few peppers, and put together the remaining ingredients.

After cooking starts,

There is no need for him to think about what to do.

His physical instinct has already acted,

The pork is thawed, the potatoes are peeled,

Take out a kitchen knife on one side of the knife,


After a few breaths,

Potatoes become potato shreds,

Looking at the chopping board, those potato shreds that are almost the same size,

Liu Ming didn't know what to say anymore,

"Is this master-level sword skill? It's really good,

He used to do it with a shredder, and he couldn't do it like this."

The next thing is to cook,

One hot and sour potato shreds, one farmhouse fried pork,

Both dishes are relatively quick to prepare.

Heat the pan, add oil,

Then add the ingredients onion, ginger, garlic and sauté until fragrant.

A set of movements, smooth and flowing,

It seems that cooking has become the instinct of the body,

When he came back to his senses,

The hot and sour potato shreds are ready.

Smell the fresh scent of potatoes wafting in the air.

Liu Ming's saliva dripped down,

"This is really my dish, it's too fragrant, it feels a bit foul.

What will the taste be like?

No, there is one more dish left,

Come back and taste it when it’s done.”

He couldn't help swallowing again.

Farm fried pork is difficult to say, but it is not easy to say,

Because it was already very late, I could only make do with the frozen pork,

Although there is some difference in taste, it doesn't matter.

A good sauce can make it several times more delicious,

And now Liu Ming uses the ancient sauce,

If what grandpa said is true, then it is really a good food for the emperor.

After a fierce operation like a tiger,

A plate of farmhouse fried pork with delicious flavor and color is out of the pan.

This time, Liu Ming couldn't bear it anymore,

I took a pair of chopsticks and picked up a piece of pork belly with full color,

"Yeah" this taste is too amazing,

Not old at all, too tender,

One bite, the gravy is full of juice, tender and refreshing,

And the spicy and hemp,

It's like a wild boar is using its fangs to poke the wall of its mouth,

It seems to be saying, let you fire me, now I will fire you too.

"It's so cool." After Liu Ming woke up, he didn't care about his image.

Picking up the dish, I put it in my mouth with a la la la,

"It's delicious, it's delicious,

How can there be such delicious pork belly?

Oh my god, this hot pepper too,

Put it in your mouth, chew slowly,

Immediately felt a strange and compelling smell like a raging fire,

Straight to the throat, stimulating the root of his tongue.

With the tenderness of pork belly,

Simply delicious.

"Why is it gone?" Liu Ming looked at the bare plate with regret on his face.

Such a delicacy, you will never dislike it after eating it for a lifetime.

He shifted his gaze to the hot and sour potato shreds,

Crystal clear, shining with stars,

Clear, tender and crisp,

Take a sip and enjoy it to the full,

It's a pity that a bowl of rice is missing,

If these dishes are not cooked by yourself,

He would doubt whether he had been drugged,

It's really addictive.

poured a cup of water,

Liu Ming slumped on the chair,

He is not tired,

But the body wants to lie down comfortably,

This is the expression of enjoyment,

Now he is convinced that his current cooking skills are really good.

I just used no high-end ingredients,

All are some ordinary ingredients that can no longer be ordinary,

just passing through his hands,

To be able to exert such power,

It's scary to think about it.

What should I do in the future, just guard this Chinese restaurant,

One day is one day?

Are you too unmotivated?

Anyway, I also have a golden finger,

Should there be a grand ideal?

It's just that he has been salted for more than twenty years, and it's really hard for him to have any impulses.

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