Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 409 Don't Beat People Back

With 'The Libertine's Tea Party' added, the campaign map quickly involutes itself.

They are all playing games, and no one wants to be the second.

Especially those high-ranking guilds want to prove that their guilds are the strongest.

Ever since, what was originally a sporadic battle immediately turned into a war of annihilation.

It's still kind of endless.

As a result, the entire activity map suddenly became lively, and gunpowder smoke filled everywhere.

On Liu Ming's side, he also encountered every two hard stubbles, and the top three Yandi Kingdom guilds.

After some players' deliberate publicity, what the Girls' Guild did has already spread in the game.

Therefore, when the players from the Kingdom of Yandi saw the title of the Girls Guild on Xiaobu's head, they immediately became vigilant.

140 "I heard that they cleared out several guilds, but I don't know if it's true."

"That's all they have. It's fake, I guess."

"It's hard to say. Be vigilant and be careful when sailing for ten thousand years."

At the same time, Xiao Bu and the others were also looking at them from the Kingdom of Emperor Yan.

After all, it is also one of the top three guilds, so it deserves the respect it deserves.

"It seems to be the Kingdom of Emperor Yan, which ranks in the top three in the guild list, do we still want to go?" Xiu Fan swallowed, feeling both excited and apprehensive.

"We have even killed the number one, so are we still afraid of the (acda) leader? Lizi waved his staff arrogantly.

"Idiot!" Gabriel said.

"It's the one who says people are stupid." Yazi retorted immediately.

"Okay, you two don't be funny at this time. Although the opponent is the third largest guild, but their strongest is defeated by our brother Ming Tian, ​​it is difficult for us to lose. Asuna blocked Between the two.

"That's right, their president, Mi Yi, is a fire mage just like me and Erina.

Although he has superb fire skills, Xiao Ming is completely immune to fire damage, so he is not afraid at all.

Yapuliko clapped his hands and immediately came to his senses.

Erina's face darkened, but that was her dark history, and she really didn't want to recall it.

"Haha, I really want to see their shock soon." Yazi said darkly.

"Hey, it's rare for you to talk to one person." Gabriel nodded, also looking forward to it.

"You guys are too bad." Xiu Fan said so, but the corners of her mouth were already raised.

Looking at the blackened companions one by one, the newcomer Maple trembled.

"You guys..." Xiao Bu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and in the end he could only ask Liu Ming to be gentle, so as not to knock Mi Yi back.

As soon as she said this, the faces of all the girls changed, and they all looked at Xiao Bu with strange expressions.

The little brother of love is the big devil, and he actually wants to beat the president back.

"No, don't think about it, I have no such plan." Xiao Bu hurriedly explained.

"It's okay, I understand, once everything is done, I will die for the sake of our beautiful girl guild, I will do this villain."

Liu Ming pretended to be murderous, and walked out first, without giving Xiao Bu any time to react.

Xiao Bu was really stunned at this moment, and the whole person was stunned.

By the time she realized it, Liu Ming had already engaged in a fight with members of the Yandi Kingdom Guild.

Seeing Liu Ming who is fully open, one man is one man and one man is off, and ten thousand is not open, she can only chat with Liu Ming frantically and warn him not to mess around.

Otherwise, Mi Yi would be beaten into tears and retire, and she, the president, would probably be raped by everyone. .

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