Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 416 Surrounded By People

"Hey, why is there no one here?"

At this time, Xiao Bu and the others found another small guild.

However, when they approached, they found that there was no one inside.

"Could it be that someone has already been cleared out. Isn't the 'Liquid's Tea Party' also cleared people, but could it be that they did it?"

"But their guild orb is still there."

"It really is."

Xiao Bu looked around and found no trap, so he walked up to "073" and picked up the orb.

【Guild Orb】

Affiliation: Green Dragonfly Guild

Countdown: 2:59:55

Tip: Only active works.

Seeing the prompt, Xiao Bu confirmed even more that the guild named Green Dragonfly in front of him must still be there.

"Then why is there no one there? Could it be that we were scared and hid?" Yazi's eyes widened.

"Cut, it's really boring." The corners of Gabriel's mouth rose, and he clasped his hands behind his head.

"Then what should we do now, continue to find the next one?" Asuna frowned and asked.


After throwing the orb to Liu Ming for safekeeping, Xiao Bu led everyone to the next goal.

It's just that to everyone's surprise, they encountered an empty base again.

"One or two, can't they all hide, this is too timid." Erina's tone became disdainful.

She hates this kind of person the most, she has no pursuit at all, simply wasting her life.

"Will there be a conspiracy?" Shino asked with a frown.

"Is hiding and playing hide-and-seek with us a conspiracy?" Yapric spread his hands.

"But it's useless to do this, and they can't take Baozhu away. If people from other guilds run into them at this time, they will only benefit them in vain." Asuna shook her head.

"Without the orb, you can't add points. Then hiding is useless except for self-comfort.

"Then what if it's not hiding?" Yazi asked curiously.

"Then there might be a conspiracy, otherwise it wouldn't be disgusting us." Asuna spread her hands.

"President?" Yazi could only look at Xiaobu.

"Brother Xiao Ming, what do you think?" Xiao Bu blinked and turned to look at Liu Ming.

Don't tell me when things happen, Brother Xiaoming.

This has almost become her habit.

Facing Xiao Bu's inquiry, even Liu Ming couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

However, it doesn't matter if he can't figure it out, he can find someone to ask.

His game friends basically all transferred to this game. Ask one by one, I don't believe no one knows..

However, before he started looking for someone, a group of people suddenly appeared behind him.

"President, there is a situation." Asuna, who was on guard, reminded everyone immediately.

Yazi looked back, was taken aback, and exclaimed, "Oh my god, why are there so many people suddenly appearing, are they here to trouble us?"

"Let me see."

Gabriel trotted over, stood on tiptoe, and looked at it curiously.

"Green Dragonfly Guild, Angel Wings Guild? Hey, isn't this the two uninhabited guilds we met before? They got together?"

"They're not the only ones. Look at other locations, we're probably surrounded by people." Asuna said, pointing to the surroundings.

Yes, in addition to the back, the front and the left and right sides also came out.

It was densely packed, probably three to four hundred people in 3.1.

"I'm going to go, this is a gang to deal with us together, it's too foul." Xiu Fan gritted his teeth and said indignantly.

"Ahem, maybe it's because we went too far and caused public outrage."

Xiao Bu swallowed his throat, feeling a little uneasy, but more excited.

It is really enough to be proud of playing the game to this point. .

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