Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 430 Celebration



The guild activities ended, and the beautiful girl guild won the first place without a doubt.

Whether it's "The Tea Party of the Libertine" or "The Gathering of the Holy Sword", facing the high-defense and high-blooded beautiful girl guild, there is really nothing to do.

Even if they are taking the elite route, all of them are gamers, but what can they do if they don't break the defense.

It's not that I didn't think about breaking them one by one.

But Xiaobu and the others are not idiots, so they are not given a chance at all.

All the girls have always kept Liu Ming's reminder in mind, even if they hit less, they can't leave the BUFF circle.

Ever since, a tormenting scene appeared.

It doesn't hurt if you hit me, but I hurt you when I hit you.

With one increase and one decrease, even if the 'Liquid's Tea Party' and the 'Holy Sword Gathering' converge, there is still nothing they can do about it.

This is probably the first time they have been playing games so depressed for so long.

All of them had expressions of relief on their faces when they were about to leave.

After winning the game, the excited girls kept cheering and even proposed an offline celebration.

As for the location, Liu Ming's restaurant was chosen at Xiao Bu's suggestion.

With Liu Ming and Erina here, there is no need to worry about the lack of delicious food.

This is not.

After stepping into the restaurant and smelling the aroma wafting in the air, Maple, Sally, and Gabriel could not help rolling their throats and swallowing saliva non-stop.

"I wondered, what kind of food is it? It's too fragrant."

"I don't know, I haven't eaten it anyway."

"Hello, I am the president, ignore it.

"I'm Asuna, welcome to visit you."

Because Liu Ming and Erina are still busy in the kitchen, Xiaobu and Asuna can only welcome the guests.

Although they haven't actually met each other, but listening to the familiar voice in the game, the three girls of Maple still relax a lot.

He introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello President, Hello Asuna, I'm Maple

"Hello President, Hello Asuna, I'm Sally."

"Hello President, Hello Asuna, I'm Gabriel.

"Haha, you're welcome, just call me Xiaobu. You are the first batch to arrive, come in and sit."

Xiao Bu beckoned and led the three of them to the long table that had been prepared earlier.

There are many exquisite snacks prepared on it, and the fields are colorful and fragrant.

Smelling the tangy fragrance, the three women couldn't help but swallowed again.

It's really delicious.

Let people involuntarily indulge in it.

"Hee hee, you don't have to be so polite, just take it for granted.

This is a restaurant, there may not be anything else, but there is absolutely enough to eat, so you can eat as much as you want. "

Xiao Bu didn't know what the three of them liked to drink, so he prepared some of each drink.

However, that being said, if we really want to let Maple and the others let go, I really can't do it for a while

Except Gabriel, the useless angel.

She is not a person born and raised on Earth, so she doesn't have that many politeness at all.

Hearing Xiaobu said that let her do whatever she wants and treat her as her own home, "she really should be treated as Yuzhong's home.

Without saying a word, he poured himself a large glass of Coke, and drank it all in one gulp.

0…ask for flowers………

Then I had a big burp.

Maple and Sally were dumbfounded by the bold gesture.

"Well, this is too delicious, I used to eat pig food.

"This is also, wow, it's so delicious that I can't stop."

Gabriel was really not polite at all, she ate the sweet cake with her left hand and the egg roll with her right, eating it happily.

"Maple and Sally, eat too, don't be polite to me." Asuna smiled and poured a glass of milk for the two of them.


"Thank you." The two women took it in a hurry.

In the end, the foodie attribute defeated the shy attribute, following in the footsteps of Gabriel.

"President, are these snacks made by yourself in your shop? They are too delicious." Maple asked curiously.

"That's right, Brother Xiaoming and Erina made it. If you like it, eat more." Xiao nodded.

"Erina is a student at Totsuki Academy, and she is known as the tongue of God. She is super good at cooking." Asuna added.

"Wow, this is too powerful, I only know how to make instant noodles." Maple said in admiration.

"Yeah, I only know how to make instant noodles." Gabriel agreed.

"Is anyone there? We're here for the celebration." At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from outside.

"It should be that Yapuliko and the others have arrived, I'll go and bring them in." Xiao Bu got up.

"Let's go together, just to meet everyone."

Sally stood up after him, and at the same time pulled up Gabriel who was forgetting to eat.

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