Xiaobu: "Congratulations to our Girls Guild for getting the first place in guild activities, cheers!"

"Cheers!" *N.

Asuna: "After the guild event ends, the game will be updated, and I don't know if there will be any adjustments."

Yazi: "That's right, it's really too much to even give us the time to receive the reward, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Xiao Bu: "I'm afraid they are thinking about how to target our guild. After all, we have made a big face this time."

Yapuliko: "Then brother Ming is going to be in trouble, I don't know if it will weaken his defense."

Asuna: "It should be impossible. If it was only adjusted for one person, I'm afraid I would have contacted Brother Ming long ago.

After a period of running-in, Yazi et al. 02 quickly returned to the noise in the game.

Especially when the food comes first, so much to take care of.

The topic also changed from games to daily life.

Liu Ming didn't stay long, because he was called away by Lukya halfway.

And the appearance of Lukya scares Gabriel quite a lot.

Compared with the underage Thor, Lukya, who is at the peak of the dragon clan, is unfathomable.

She is a little intern angel, maybe not enough for someone else's little finger.

Suddenly being called to the top of the building, Liu Ming couldn't guess what Lukya wanted to do for a while.

However, before he could think about it, Lukya's next sentence broke his defense.

"Did Thor have your child?"

"You, you, how do you know?" Liu Ming laughed dryly, feeling like being caught by his natal family and hurting his feet.

"Hmph, who do you think I am? Thor hangs around in front of me all day, I can't see it.

But you are also powerful enough to impregnate dragons with your human body, yay. "

Rukoa's words are true.

As high-level life forms, their dragon race is notoriously low in reproductive ability.

In particular, Thor is still the daughter of Emperor Yan Yan, and his bloodline is the tip of the pyramid among the Dragon Clan.

And such a No. 1 person, after marrying Liu Ming, a human being, became pregnant, wouldn't it surprise her.

Liu Ming laughed dryly.

Otherwise, we can't tell Lukya that he is actually very strong, and that Thor can't get out of bed if he goes all out?

He's not so big-hearted yet.

Lukoya giggled for a while before getting to the point: "Do you know that children of the Dragon Race need a huge amount of magic power for nutrition if they want to be born healthy, but the current world doesn't have that."

Liu Ming was dumbfounded, "How come Thor never told me these things?"

Lukya rolled her eyes angrily, "How old is Thor, if you are a human being, he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, so you understand this.

Tens of thousands of years are called not growing up, and there is no one anymore.

Of course, Liu Ming wouldn't be stupid to refute, but licked his face and asked, "Then what should we do now, can't we send Thor home?"

"You can try it if you are not afraid of death." Lukya covered her mouth and snickered.

If Thor really wants to go back to her world, then don't even try to hide it from Emperor Yan's detection.

At that time, Liu Ming, the pig who stole other people's cabbage, will suffer.

Liu Ming: "Lukya, you probably didn't come to me just to make fun of me. If there is any way, just say it."

Lukya: "Actually, it is very difficult to say, but it is also very simple to say simple.

Either let it go. With Thor's strength, it is barely enough to support the birth of a child.

That is, after the child is born, not only Thor's strength will drop greatly, but even the child will be weak and sick, and the upper limit is 970. "

Liu Ming rolled her eyes angrily, "You know it's impossible, why are you saying these things?"

Lukya didn't take it seriously, "Ah, I'm trying to test you as Thor's elder.

Very well, I'm hiding it. "

Liu Ming: "If you talk nonsense again, I will leave."

Lukya: "Okay, I'll tell you right now, what's the hurry.

If you can't go back to the original world, then find another world with plenty of magic power. Anyway, Thor has the ability to open the portal, and he will always find it. "

"It's that simple?" Liu Ming wondered.

Lukya blinked, "Otherwise. However, after you go to other worlds, you'd better proceed with caution.

Especially in a world full of magic power, it means that the upper limit of the world is high, and there may be some monsters, so don't lose your life. ".

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