Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 449: The Sudden Stop Of The Battle

The Conqueror wanted to save people, but was held back by Hercules.

Seeing that Weber was about to die under Emiya Kiritsugu's sniper rifle, a golden light flashed across.


He narrowly blocked the deadly bullet.

Emiya Kiritsugu: "Damn it!"

The golden hair, the silver armored robe, and the dusty demeanor immediately attracted everyone's attention.


It wasn't until the bullet hit the ground that the victim, Weber, reacted belatedly, and fell to the ground in fear.


The King of Conquerors also hid from the battle at this time, retreating back to Weber's side in lightning.

"This female follower, although I don't know who you are and what purpose you have.

But it is an indisputable fact that you saved my Master. 267, I, the King of Conquerors, owe you a favor. "

Arturia glanced at the King of Conquerors, and said calmly: "I just can't see someone making a conspiracy, so don't worry too much about it."

King of Conquerors: "This is not acceptable. Grace is grace, hatred is hatred, and it is not my character to conquer the king.

But for now, let me deal with the little mouse hiding in the dark first. "

Seeing that the King of Conquerors was going to attack Emiya Kiritsugu, Irisviel's expression changed, and she immediately shouted: "Berserker, stop him quickly."


Hercules stepped on the ground with both feet, flew up a knife, and chopped off the King of Conquerors.

"It seems that (acbi) you are in the same group, but I thought you were a good opponent, which is really disappointing."

Yi Skandar's eyes suddenly turned murderous.

He held up his saber and shouted: "Come out, my partner, let us continue to fight in this world together.


The sky was covered with black clouds in an instant, and then a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck in front of the King of Conquerors, and a chariot with two bulls appeared in an instant.

The two bulls are as black as ink and as strong as elephants. The body is simple and gorgeous, and there are half-moon-shaped sharp blades on both sides. It can be seen at a glance that this is a weapon of war.

"Come up."

The King of Conquerors first nodded to Artoria, then twisted up Weber's back collar, and led him to jump onto the chariot.

"Flying Hoof Thunder Cow, crush them for me."


step step step step...

Boom boom boom...

Following the order of the King of Conquerors, the two-ox chariot rushed towards Hercules with an unrivaled momentum.

"Berserker, release the magic power." Alice Viel waved her hand.


Red lines emerged from Hercules' body, and the violent breath became stronger and stronger.

Facing the oncoming chariot, not only did he not dodge or dodge, he even charged head-on.


The boulder blade and the chariot collided in an instant, and the torrential shock wave immediately spread to the surroundings.

Saber is okay, after all, where his strength lies, he can easily block it.

Lovely Lizviel was different.

Although it is an artificial human, the magic power in its body is far superior to that of ordinary people, but it is not enough to resist the violent impact of magic power, and it was blown away in an instant.

"Irisviel, the situation has changed, let's withdraw first." Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to continue the fight, and immediately informed her to leave.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to glance at Saber who suddenly appeared, and always felt that this female servant had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Irisviel: "Berserker.


Hercules stopped fighting against the King of Conquerors, and returned to Irisviel despite being injured.

The King of Conquerors wants to take advantage of the victory to pursue [but sees the other party pick up the Master and run away.

"Are we winning the battle?" Weber asked with trembling feet.

"Ah ha ha, do you need to say that?"

The Conqueror King laughed loudly, but there was a trace of solemnity in the corner of his eyes.

He dispatched an A+ rank anti-army treasure just now, but he didn't expect to only draw with the opponent.

It's really getting more and more interesting. .

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