"There are so many things here, let me help you." Qian Sha came to Liu Ming and said out loud.

"You! Forget it, someone will come to help you later, so you can wait and enjoy the food with peace of mind."

Liu Ming saw Qiansha cooking dinner just now, and her cooking skills are just like that.

When two people with very different cooking skills work together, that's not called helping, it's not helping.

Qian Sha didn't know this, her face turned dark suddenly, her expression instantly became ugly,

She came to help with good intentions, but she was rejected, and her tone of voice seemed to be good for you, which was so irritating.

"Hum..." she snorted heavily, and then came to sit down next to her sister Nai Naihua, staring at Liu Ming quietly.

With so many ingredients, she wanted to see how long Liu Ming would take care of them.

Liu Ming suddenly felt a chill down his spine, as if he was being targeted by some monster.

He looked around and saw nothing unusual.

When he looked at Qiansha, his expression changed again and again.

It's that look again.

What the hell is going on, why are you looking at him like this looking at trash again.

It's just that he can't help asking now, everyone is waiting for him to make dinner.

Liu Ming had no choice but to start processing the ingredients under pressure.

He first dealt with puffer fish, which are poisonous after all.

It's better to deal with it while it is still alive, so the safety will be higher.

"Liu Ming, this is fugu, right? Do you have the relevant license?" the store manager asked worriedly.

"No, what's the matter?" Liu Ming raised his head and looked at him strangely,

However, the movement of his hands did not stop, and he was still handling the puffer fish.

In just two sentences, he handled a puffer fish well.

The store manager opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say next.

Fugu is poisonous, without the relevant license, it must be very dangerous,

But Liu Ming's movements were really too fast. In just a moment, he handled a puffer fish.

I am afraid that even those who have a license can't do such a skillful work.

The store manager stopped talking and sat back obediently.

Regardless of what he thought, Liu Ming continued to quickly deal with the remaining puffer fish.

Take out half of it to make soup, and the rest is cut into thin slices,

Put it on a porcelain plate and put it on top of ice cubes to keep its umami taste.

At this time, Tian Suohui also came down, she had already put on a scarf, looking full of energy.

"Master, I'm here." Tian Suohui smiled sweetly.

"Oh, it's coming, then you can handle the lobster and grouper, and I will leave these two ingredients to you to cook. You can cook according to your own ideas, and let me see your progress during this time."

Liu Ming originally wanted to tell her directly what kind of cooking these two ingredients were going to be used for.

But thinking about it carefully, changed this idea.

It is better to let Tian Suohui decide the cooking method by himself, which will help her grow, and Liu Ming also wants to witness her growth.

"I understand, master." Tian Suohui took a deep breath, and his expression immediately became serious.

'Very nice eyes' Liu Ming glanced at her, with a gratified smile on his face. This apprentice of his has really grown a lot.

Seeing that Liu Ming asked a little girl to help her, Qian Sha became even more upset, and her eyes became even darker.

Forget about Liu Ming himself, from the way he handles the puffer fish, you can see the gap between himself and him.

But how old is Tian Suohui, she is not as good as the other party.

It's just that Tian Suohui's next actions left Qiansha dumbfounded.

Although he couldn't compare to Liu Ming in terms of speed, the crisp and neat technique and steady and steady skills all showed that the other party's cooking skills were superb.

No wonder Liu Ming didn't let her help, if she was there, I'm afraid she would just drag back.

It took the two of them half an hour to finally process all the ingredients. Then it took more than an hour to finish all the cooking.

Because some dishes need time to settle, there is no way to speed up.

However, this does not affect everyone's dining.

"Okay, we can start eating. The remaining few dishes can be simmered slowly. When we are almost done eating, they will be almost ready." Liu Ming arranged for everyone to come over and serve the dishes.

At this time, Shinji and the others also came. There were three people who came, two men and one woman, namely Shinji, Jiro, and Azusa Hamaoka.

They were not polite at all, and when they saw the busy people, they came over to help serve the dishes.

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