Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 58 The Strong Little Girl

Under the introduction of an uncle, several people found a small restaurant.

The name is 'Lingyin Canteen'.

Standing outside the door, the cafeteria seems a bit old, except for a hanging strip with the name of the shop on the top, there is no other decoration.

There was a 'open' sign above the gate, and the cafeteria should be open.

Qiansha stood in the aisle and looked at the cafeteria for a while, then asked, "Are we really going to eat here? I don't think there will be anything good to eat here."

"Don't judge people by their appearance, maybe this is an old store. Since we are here, let's go in and have a look."

Liu Ming did not agree with Qian Sha's idea, this restaurant is so old, but still exists, there must be a reason for it, it may be unexpectedly delicious.

At this time, the store door was suddenly opened, and a little girl about ten years old came out from inside.

The little girl's clothes are a bit worn out, and there are still patches sewn in many places.

It's hard to imagine that in this day and age, there are still children willing to wear such shabby clothes.

Aren't you afraid of being teased by your classmates and friends?

Just looking at the expression of the little girl herself, it seems that she really doesn't care at all, and there is an innocent smile on her face.

After Ling Yinlin opened the door, she happened to see Liu Ming and the others, and she was pleasantly surprised.

She smiled and asked expectantly, "Welcome, some guests, do you want to come in for dinner?"

"This" Qian Sha hesitated.

It's just that facing the little girl in front of her, she couldn't say no at all, so she could only look at Liu Ming for help.

Liu Ming didn't think much, looked at Suzune Rin, and then nodded.

Suzune Rin's smile became wider, and she quickly opened the door further, and at the same time happily said "Welcome~~~"

Liu Ming dragged Xiao Chi and Kang Na into the cafeteria together.

Chisa also followed closely behind.

The canteen is a bit small, probably only about ten square meters.

There is only one long dining table, and the chef's operating table is on the opposite side, separated by a counter about 20 centimeters high in the middle.

Although the dining table and chairs are a bit old, they are scrubbed clean and not dirty at all.

Lingyin Lin came to the back of the dining cabinet and asked with a smile, "How many guests would like to eat?"

"It's really amazing to help the family at such a young age," Qian Sha said.

"No, this is my shop," Suzune Rin said with a smile.

"Hey" Qiansha opened her mouth, and asked curiously, "How old are you now?"

"My name is Suzune Rin, and I'm 10 years old this year." Suzune Rin didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

"Then what about your parents, where are they now?" Qian Sha was surprised, they had been in for so long, yet no one came out yet.

"They're up there." Suzune Rin pointed at the top with her finger.

"Oh, so it's on the second floor, then you should call them down quickly. It's too dangerous for you, a little girl, to stay here alone."

"It can't be helped, because they are in heaven" Suzune Rin scratched his head and said.

"Tiantian Tianguo?" Qiansha was stunned, also dumbfounded.

"Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven." Suzune Rin's expression was not depressed, and she even showed a smile.

"Then who else is in this store?" Qian Sha couldn't help asking again.

"No more, I'm the only one." Suzune Rin wondered why this beautiful big sister kept asking her questions.

Qian Sha couldn't describe her mood at this moment, why she could still laugh.

She is still so young, and she has lived so hard, why is she not sad at all, and even her smile is so cheerful and warm.

"Make four dishes that you are good at." Liu Ming spoke at this moment, breaking the atmosphere of silence.

"Okay, a few guests, please wait a moment." Ling Yinlin also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. There are not many ingredients in the store now.

If the customer orders food that she doesn't have, she can only give up the hard-won order.

She happily prepared the ingredients.

Thirty minutes later, four plates of colorful vegetable fried noodles were served in front of everyone.

"Dinner is ready!" Xiao Chi clapped her palms happily, but when she took a sip, her mouth suddenly became flattened.

She put down the spoon and looked at Liu Ming pitifully.

Seeing this, Qiansha couldn't help but also tasted it. The vegetable fried noodles tasted really weird.

Ling Yinlin kept looking at everyone, but when she saw Xiao Hina, a cute little girl, who had the urge to cry after eating the food she made, she was a little flustered.

Liu Ming rubbed Xiao Chi's hair comfortingly, and then he took a sip himself.

The taste, how to put it, is hard to describe.

Sweet, bitter, greasy, astringent.

He looked at Suzune Rin who was at a loss, and asked strangely, "Why did you put chocolate in it?"

"Because it's delicious, I like it the most. Don't you guys like it? I'm really sorry, or this meal won't cost you."

Suzune Rin said nervously, her eyes were a little pity, a little heartache.

It's a pity that I didn't make any money, and the heartache is not only that I didn't make any money, but also a lot of food materials. You must know that her savings are running out.

What a sad story.

Liu Ming thought for a while and came to the counter.

Suzune Rin thought Liu Ming was going to scold her, so she was a little nervous.

It's just that she thought too much, Liu Ming took over the position where Ling Yinlin was, and began to look at the console.

He looked at the seasoning inside, although the variety was a bit small, it was enough for him.

He took back the four plates of fried noodles with vegetables and started cooking again.

Ten minutes later, five dishes modified by Liu Ming appeared in front of everyone.

Smelling the scent emanating from it, Suzune Rin couldn't help sniffing her nose, her throat throbbing non-stop.

It smells so good.

Why is it so fragrant.

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