Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 60 Fishing And Encounters

Near the evening, the four of Liu Ming also returned to the shop.

Others have come back a long time ago, and the whole shop is very lively.

When Yuta saw Liu Ming, it was as if he had seen a savior. He hurriedly broke free from the entanglement of Xinzhi and the two, ran over, and said, "Senior, help, stop them quickly."

Liu Ming stopped in his tracks and looked Yuta up and down.

He is really embarrassed now, who made him be targeted by Shinji and Jiro.

Liu Ming shrugged, patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and walked away without saying a word, he didn't want to get involved.

A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

Yuta's face turned pale immediately, and he wanted to say something more, but was pulled away by the two of them.

His screams were heard all the way.

"You're really mean-spirited." Qian Sha cast a glance at Liu Ming, then dragged Kang Na into the store.

Liu Ming shrugged, but did not refute.

Soon, he found Tian Suohui and the others in the store.

They are talking about today's experience, laughing happily from time to time.

Thor sniffed his nose, and suddenly her eyes lit up. She stood up and looked in the direction where Liu Ming was, "You're back, Xiao Ming."

"I'm back, how are you doing today, are you not lazy?" Liu Ming walked over directly and found an empty seat to sit down.

"No, you think we are you, Brother Xiaoming." The most lively Meiyu was the first to speak. She made a face at Liu Ming, and then hid behind her sister Xiaokong.

Liu Ming glared at her angrily.

Xiao Chi happily followed her sister and told them how happy she was today.

"Xiao Ming, are you going out tomorrow too?" Thor suddenly asked.

Xiao Kong and the others also looked at Liu Ming.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ming asked strangely.

"Master, but you brought us here for vacation, how could you run away by yourself, it's too irresponsible" Tian Suohui also said.

Although I had some amazing experiences today, without Liu Ming by my side, I always feel that something is missing.

The two sisters Xiaokong also nodded in agreement.

"We are going to try diving in the shallow water area of ​​the sea tomorrow. As a guardian, shouldn't you be watching?" Meiyu's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Liu Ming looked at the girls, and found that they had discussed it as if they had discussed it, and they all looked at him steadily.

He scratched his head, then nodded helplessly.

Xiaokong and the girls suddenly cheered.

"But I have to say it first, although I have also learned to swim, but I have to watch the chicks on the shore, and I will not go into the water with you."

"I know~~~"

Amidst the people's playfulness, time flew by, and soon came the next day.

After eating the dishes made by Liu Ming and Tian Suohui, the Furutegawa family directly handed over the task of cooking to the two of them.

Liu Ming acted as the hands-off shopkeeper and handed over this task to his apprentice Tian Suohui.

Thor will also go in to help when he is free.

Elma became a food hunter, and went to sea on time the next day, hunting everywhere.

As a foodie, she doesn't hate this job at all, and even likes it a little bit.

Because she goes hunting, she can choose her favorite food.

However, once there are too many prey, her difficulty in choosing will appear, and it is always difficult to choose which prey to choose.

After everyone had breakfast, they chatted for a while,

Xiao Kong and the girls also took this time to review what they learned yesterday.

At about 10 o'clock, the sun was already high, and the temperature of the sea water was not so cold at this time.

The people just started to set off.

Liu Ming borrowed two fishing rods from the store manager. Anyway, he just stayed there, so he might as well take the opportunity to fish.

Under the leadership of Nanahua, everyone soon arrived at the destination.

This is not the beach side, but a small pier, and there are several small boats parked beside the pier.

Nai Naihua led a few people towards one of the small boats.

Liu Ming didn't follow, and after saying hello to them, he pulled Xiao Chi and Kang Na to sit down by the pier.

He stretched out the parasol, opened the small chair, took out snacks and drinks, and after finishing all these, he officially started fishing.

"Cousin, will you be able to catch fish?" Xiao Chi poked her head curiously.

"Of course, Uncle is a good fisherman. After Uncle catches the fish, he will cook something delicious for Xiao Chi."

Xiao Chi was immediately happy and urged Liu Ming to catch the fish quickly.

"Hehe, Xiao Ming, do you want to try it out?" Kang Na also took a fishing rod, imitating Liu Ming's operation.

"Oh~~, don't cry when you lose." Liu Ming glanced at Kang Na, then flung the fish hook handsomely into the sea.

"Hmph, Kang Na has grown up, she is an older sister, so she won't cry." Kang Na said seriously.

"Xiao Chi also wants it, cousin, Xiao Chi wants it too" Seeing that sister Kang Na can fish, Xiao Chi was also curious and pestered Liu Ming resolutely.

"Okay, then Xiao Chi goes in front of my cousin. Xiao Chi is still too young, so my cousin will hold the fishing rod together with Xiao Chi." Liu Ming hugged Xiao Chi and sat in front of her, so that her little hands could also hold the fishing rod. Hold the fishing rod.

Perhaps it was the first time to do such a thing, Xiao Chi's expression was very excited, humming a little song from time to time.

"Xiao Chi, don't make any noise, or you will scare the little fish away." Liu Ming said softly.

"Xiao Chi knows." Xiao Chi nodded her head, then turned to look at Kang Na.

"Sister Kangna, don't speak too loudly, or Xiao Yuyu will run away." Xiao Chi lowered her tone in a dignified manner.

That cute appearance made Liu Ming couldn't help rubbing her little head.

Connor rolled her eyes, but she nodded to show that she knew.

Xiao Chi seemed to have done something big, with a big smile on her face.

It's just that the reality is cruel, Liu Ming's title of little fishing expert is obviously self-proclaimed.

As for Kang Na, even if it was a giant dragon, she might not necessarily know how to fish.

More than half an hour passed, and the water wells of the two were still empty.

Xiao Chi was already bored and sleepy.

"Hey, aren't you the handsome Uncle who cooked delicious food yesterday?" At this moment, a familiar surprise voice came over.

Liu Ming looked in the direction of the voice, and a cute little girl wearing several patches appeared in front of his eyes.

At this time, the little girl is holding a simple fishing rod in her right hand and a small bucket in her left hand.

"Aren't you the little store manager yesterday? Are you also here to fish? Also, don't call me Uncle, call me Xiaoming big brother."

Liu Ming obviously didn't like the title Uncle, so he corrected it directly.

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