Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 74 Annoying Guy

When he came to the kitchen, Thor was already there.

She had to help in the kitchen now, and it was inconvenient to wear a cheongsam, so she didn't go to the second floor to change with Xiao Kong and the others.

After returning, Thor directly entered the kitchen and started the preliminary work of cooking ingredients.

"Don't steal any more food." Liu Ming came to his stove and said to Thor without looking back.

"No way." Thor immediately retorted, but his tone was a little low.

Although Thor is not as greedy as Elma, it will not be easy to go there. Every time she makes food, she can't help but keep a little bit for herself.

Since the restaurant's dishes are very generous, just a little does not matter at all. But this is a bad habit after all, Liu Ming still hopes she can change it.

If you want to eat, you can make it yourself.

While the two were chatting, Xiao Kong also came in with the order ordered by the customer.

Liu Ming and Thor officially entered work.


"Well, it's this scent, I really miss it so much."

"Yeah, the past few days when the restaurant is not open, I feel that I have no sense of taste when I eat"

"That's right, I am also like this, I always feel that something is missing"

Once again enjoying the unique delicacies of Liu's Restaurant, the guests were very moved.

At this time, Yuzi and Zongzi had already changed their clothes.

Yuzi has a warm and cheerful personality. After changing her clothes, she can't wait to come to the first floor.

Among the guests who are dining, many are people from the shopping street, and they all know Yuzi.

When they saw that Yuzi had changed into the cheongsam overalls of the restaurant, they couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, isn't this Yuzi? Are you wearing this dress, are you planning to work at Xiaoming's place, be careful that your father is sad."

"That's not true, and Dad is not so stingy." Yuzi immediately retorted.

"It's hard to say, after all, the daughter I raised didn't help out in my shop, but she went to work as a waiter in Xiao Ming's restaurant anyway, and I'm afraid she's crying now.

"Does it need to be said, Dou Da is really pitiful." The guest's tone was full of sighs.

"Hmph, I won't tell you any more." Yuzi glared at those talking nonsense, then raised her head, and waved to Zongzi not far away, "Zongzi, why don't you come down? What are you doing hiding there?"

Don't look at Zongzi who is usually very lively, but she still can't let go in front of so many people.

Especially after putting on new clothes, I value other people's opinions even more.

So I hid on the second floor and refused to come down.

Now Jing Yuzi shouted.

Many people looked over immediately.

Tang Zi's white face turned red immediately, he kicked his feet, and said angrily, "That idiot sister. y

She turned around and ran back to the room where she just changed her clothes. He jumped on the bed and covered himself with the quilt.

"Hey" Yuzi was stunned, she didn't understand what happened to Zhizi and how he ran away.

But she didn't think much about it, and walked quickly to the kitchen door, stretched out a small head to look inside.

Then she saw a scene that left her dumbstruck.

Is this still the Xiao Ming brother she knows? Cooking food is as beautiful as a performance, and people can't help but indulge in it.

The kitchen has become a stage, and the kitchen utensils have become performance props. Every movement and every detail is so beautiful and charming.

She is a member of the club dance club. Although her skills are not very good, she has seen a lot of other people's performances, and she has a little vision.

She felt the rhythm from Liu Ming, as if she was not cooking food, but performing.

"Yuzi, what's the matter with you?" Liu Ming also noticed the little head at the door, seeing that she had been silent for a long time, he had no choice but to ask.

"Uh, did I bother you?" Yuzi scratched her head and stood up.

"No, I'm just watching. You won't disturb me. Did you come to the kitchen to find me?" Liu Ming looked at Yuzi, only then did he realize that the master had changed into her cheongsam overalls.

Not to mention, after Yuzi put on the cheongsam, she looked even more playful and cute. A tall and slender person like her is really suitable for wearing a cheongsam.

"Are you going to work here? Yes, I agree." Seeing Yuzi wearing a cheongsam, Liu Ming thought she had this idea.

"Huh? Ah! That's not it, I don't have such an idea. I just saw that Xiao Kong and the others wore cute clothes, so I also wore them to see.

Moreover, my father will not agree with me to work here. "Yuzi waved her hands again and again, explaining hastily.

"You said Uncle Bean, that guy is a stubborn old man, if you really work here, I'm afraid he will come to take pictures of my restaurant.

0…ask for flowers……………

When mentioning Yuzi's father, Bei Bai Chuan Dou Da, Liu Ming couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness. When he was young, he was so fond of showing off, but he became so stubborn in middle age.

Every time Liu Ming saw him arguing with Uncle Wu Ping opposite, Liu Ming wanted to laugh a little.

No matter how old you are, you are still like children, arguing every day.

"Then what's the matter with you coming in? You don't want me to praise you for being cute. Yuzi, you're a high school student now." Liu Ming said jokingly.

"Brother Xiaoming, your words are still so annoying. I just came in to take a look out of curiosity." Yuzi rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Hehe, then you can do whatever you want. If you want to learn, just speak up. Brother Xiaoming doesn't mind teaching you."

Although Liu Ming was talking to Yuzi, his movements did not stop. During this time, he had already completed a dish.

"Forget it, although I like to eat the dishes made by Brother Xiaoming, but my favorite is my family's Daifuku." Yuzi shook her head and said nothing.

Liu Ming was not disappointed, everyone has their own story. He has watched Yuzi grow up since he was a child, and he knows what Dafu means to Yuzi.

The two chatted like this. After all, they had known each other for more than ten years, and Liu Ming didn't have much scruples about what to say, and he would be angry with Yuzi from time to time.

Miyu also came in suddenly, and she said to Liu Ming, "Brother Xiaoming, Xiaye Wuji is here."

"Come here when you come. Anyway, she regards this place as her own kitchen, and comes here to eat almost every day. She has ordered a few special dishes this time. You can take her to the cubicle and let her eat there."

The cubicles were remodeled by Liu Ming specifically for the engineering team last time. There are only two cubicles in total, and they are not very big.

Each can only accommodate four to five people at most, and it's still kind of cramped.

Liu Ming also has no way, who made his restaurant so big.

The other side of the yard has been used to build a new house. If the guests don't want to expose their clothes in public, they can only eat in the cubicle.

"She came with a friend, and that friend of hers was looking for you." Meiyu explained.

"Her friend? I don't think I know her friend." Liu Ming was puzzled.

"It's the editor Hiiragi Suzuna from last time. She said she has something important to ask you for."

"That guy, why are you bothering me again? You really don't give up." Liu Ming said helplessly.

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