Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 76: Familiar Operations

At seven o'clock in the evening, the restaurant closes on time.

Liu Ming stood at the door, ready to see off the last batch of guests.

"It's really two great dishes, especially the phoenix crystal dish.

The ordinary body contains noble blood, seems to hate the injustice of the world, and is ready to spread his wings and write his own legend.

Oh, great inspiration, I won't tell you, I'm going back to writing. "

Xia Ye Wuji's expression is very excited now, and her eyes flash red light from time to time, indicating that there is a devil struggling inside.

Liu Ming nodded politely, thinking to himself, "As expected of a genius writer, Akiyama Shinobu, he is really a writing idiot.

"Ms. Liu, I'll visit you again in a while." After Hiiragi Suzuna finished speaking, she quickly followed Natsuno Kirihime.

"Okay, all the guests have left, let's have dinner too." Liu Ming's words caused cheers.

Everyone got busy all of a sudden, serving dishes and serving bowls.

"Yuzi, you two sisters are eating here, have you notified your family members, don't let them worry." Liu Ming pointed to Yuzi and the restaurant.

"Don't worry, we already told grandpa when we came here that we will have 02 dinner here." Yuzi said.

"I said you planned it long ago, and now you should say it yourself." Liu Ming looked like I could see through you.

"Brother Xiaoming, you are very long-winded. I just came here to bring gifts, and I happened to meet you guys having dinner." Yuzi was not embarrassed, and forcefully explained.

"What you said is so reasonable, I can't even refute it."

"Yes." Yuzi smiled proudly.

Looking at his idiot sister, Tangzi was a little ashamed to stay still, looking down at the floor.

Liu Ming didn't continue to tease them either, he pulled Xiao Chi over and said, "Xiao Chi, put Yike down, we're going to eat, play with it after we eat."

"I see, Uncle. Yike, be good, and Xiaochu will come play with you after eating." Xiaochu squatted in front of Yike and patted Yike's head lightly.

Ever since Yike moved in, she has become Xiao Chi's exclusive pet, and takes her with her wherever she goes.

Liu Ming is also happy to see this, after all, Xiao Chi is not Kang Na, and with Yike, the fake mountain god, by his side, he can feel at ease.

Soon, all the food was brought out.

Although there are too many people, Liu Ming does not plan to divide the table.

The crowd sat together, talking and laughing, and it was very lively.

Although Zongzi was a little shy, she held back again when she thought of the delicious food she had eaten last night, and sat down next to Yuzi.

"Hey, why are there two dishes covered by a cover? What's the point?" Yuzi was curious because she hadn't eaten special dishes yet.

It was only then that Liu Ming remembered that there was a special meal for tonight. He stood up and went to the counter to take out two custom-made clothes.

"Here, here you go, you go to the second floor and change into this clothes before coming down to eat." Liu Ming handed the clothes to Yuzi and Zongzi.

"Why, Brother Xiaoming, when did you have more rules like this here?" At this time, Yuzi noticed that Xiaokong and the others had all changed into the same clothes.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Thor, Kang Na, Erma, and the last one is Liu Ming himself.

"It must be because of me. Hurry up and replace them, otherwise we won't wait for you." Liu Ming urged.

Yuzi put on the stuffing and ran towards the second floor, and within five minutes, the two came down.

"Brother Ming, these clothes are too big, they don't fit at all," Yuzi complained.

She wears clothes in a small size, so what's the matter with suddenly giving her a plus-size dress, she is not a big fat person.

"Xiao Kong, explain it to them." The explanation is too troublesome, Liu Ming doesn't want to complain anymore, this glorious task should be handed over to Xiao Kong.

Xiaokong didn't expect Liu Ming to be so irresponsible, thinking of the answer "Her face suddenly became unnatural.

Xiaokong pulled the two sisters Yuzi aside, and then, under their strange expressions, slowly explained why they changed into loose clothes.

After listening to the explanation, Yuzi and Yuzi suddenly became like Xiaokong, full of red clouds.

"Haha, is there anything else you want to know? I can tell you loudly." Seeing that they were so easily shy, Liu Ming suddenly became interested, and looked at the two with a teasing smile.

Yuzi gave Liu Ming an annoyed look, pulled the stuffed stuffed bun that almost buried her head in her chest, and returned to her original seat.

"Everyone is hungry too, let's start." Liu Ming didn't continue to tease the two of them, and when they saw them back, he asked everyone to do it.

Two golden lights shot out, Yuzi and Tangzi looked at the golden phoenix hovering above them foolishly.

Mei Yu and the others did not laugh at the two of them, after all, they were not much better at that time.

After the golden light passed, Yuzi came to her senses first, and she looked at Liu Ming in shock.

He asked anxiously, "Brother Xiaoming, it was Phoenix just now, right? It must be Phoenix. How did you do it? It can't be magic."

"It's too troublesome to explain, just pretend you didn't see it."

Although Yuzi was dissatisfied with the answer, she didn't care about it, and focused her eyes on the white phoenix in the middle of the table.

It's so beautiful, I don't want to desecrate it.

Suddenly seeing Liu Ming sticking out her chopsticks to it, she hastily stopped it, "Wait, give me some time."

Liu Ming looked at Yuzi suspiciously, and saw her running back to take out the 750 on her mobile phone.

Liu Ming couldn't help but touch his forehead, this is such a familiar picture.

Xiao Kong and the others were also a little embarrassed, they seemed to have done the same thing.

"Hey, everyone, I'm really sorry, let me take a picture first." Yuzi kept taking pictures of Phoenix, and took selfies from time to time.

Seeing that Zongzi seemed to be a little moved, she pulled her along, and the two sisters took a lot of beautiful photos.

I plan to show them when I get home.

After twists and turns, everyone can finally eat normally.

After a while, Liu suddenly remembered, he looked at Fangzi, and asked, "Dongzi, you seem to be studying in Huixin Academy, right?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Zongzi nodded slightly.

Liu Ming pointed to Meiyu, Xiaolingyin and Kangna.

"The three of them will transfer to Huixin Academy after school starts, one will be in the fifth grade, one will be in the fourth grade, and one will be in the second grade.

At that time, you help me take care of them so that they can integrate into the new school faster.

Zongzi raised his head and looked at the few people, then nodded, "Yes, I will".

PS: Changing a setting, special cooking, does not work on those clothes that are too loose, it will only bulge (like a balloon is inflated) without bursting. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome for the protagonist to eat, with so many girls at home. .

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