Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 80 Hanamaru Kindergarten

'Hanamaru Kindergarten'

This is the kindergarten introduced by Granny Doma. I heard that the principal here is an old friend of hers. Xiao Hina should be very happy to go to school here.

Liu Ming took Xiao Chi and walked in.

At this time, many parents had already gathered in the kindergarten, one by one bringing their own children, preparing to attend the entrance ceremony.

Xiao Chi looked around curiously, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Xiao Chi, let's take a look at it later, and report to the teacher now." Liu Ming said softly to Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi nodded her head lightly, took Liu Ming's hand, and followed him.

Liu Ming followed the directions of the road signs and came to a line, and was at the end of the line.

There were not many people in front, and it was his turn after a few minutes.

The person in charge of the reception was a very beautiful and gentle "183" female teacher. The name Nanako Yamamoto was written on her badge.

After Liu Ming reported Xiao Chi's name, she quickly found the corresponding name in the notebook.

"You are Hina, you are really cute, you are in the Sakura class. Here are the badges and souvenirs, please take them well.

Nanako Yamamoto's voice is very gentle, and it feels like she has activated the aura of motherhood, making people around her feel at peace involuntarily.

Xiao Hina took it happily, and said to Nanako Yamamoto, "Thank you, teacher."

"Hey, what a polite child." Nanako Yamamoto smiled gently.

Liu Ming nodded to Nanako Yamamoto, and was about to take Xiaotui to the kindergarten.

At this time, a man came out from the school.

Looking at the familiar person in front of him, Liu Ming couldn't help but stop.

The man walked towards Nanako Yamamoto, and said awkwardly, "Well, I am Naosumi Doma who started working here today, please give me your advice in the future.

Nanako Yamamoto looked back at him, and then said with a smile, "You are Mr. Doma, I've heard people talk about you, so please give me your advice in the future."

"Oh, teacher, are you referring to me? Hehe, it's the first time someone called me that, and I'm really a little embarrassed." Mr. Tuma scratched his head in embarrassment, and waved his hands repeatedly at Mr. Yamamoto.

"Zhichun~" Liu Ming suddenly called out.

Doma Naosumi heard someone calling him, so he didn't care about being shy, and raised his head to look in the direction of the voice.

Seeing the appearance of the person who spoke, his eyes lit up immediately, and at the same time he shouted happily, "Isn't this Brother Liu Ming? Why are you here?"

"Hehe, I should ask you this question, I didn't expect you to be a teacher here, I really didn't expect it.

Does Granny Tujian know about this? She should have known about it a long time ago. After all, she and the principal here are old friends.

Liu Ming pulled Xiao Chi and walked over.

Doma Naosumi scratched his head again, "A lot of things happened, anyway, now I am an honorable teacher."

"Do you know each other?" Mr. Yamamoto looked at the two curiously.

"Hehe." Liu Ming smiled, but did not speak.

Naosumi Doma had to explain by himself, "His name is Liu Ming. He is my senior in high school and also my neighbor. Brother Liu Ming is very kind."

"Hello, I'm Teacher Yamamoto, in charge of Tao Class." Teacher Yamamoto smiled gently at Liu Ming.

Hello, my name is Liu Ming, and I run a Chinese restaurant. If you have time, you can come and have a taste. said Liu Ming.

"How about Chinese food? I'm looking forward to it." Mr. Yamamoto clasped his hands together, his eyes brightened.

Liu Ming is very familiar with this kind of gaze, because many people in his family flash this kind of gaze from time to time,

This is the eyes of foodies.

Doma Naosumi looked at Liu Ming, then at Xiao Hina next to him, and asked strangely, "I remember Brother Liu Ming should not be married yet, so who is this child?"

"You said Xiao Chi, she is my cousin. For some reason, she is staying at my house, and today I brought her here to attend the entrance ceremony." Liu Ming gently rubbed Xiao Chi's head to relieve her pain. She's nervous.

"Since she is brother Liu Ming's nephew, then she is my cousin, and I will take good care of her." Tuma Naozu promised, patted his chest.

"By the way, what class is she in?"

"If I remember correctly, Xiao Chi should be in Louban." Liu Ming thought for a while and said.

Doma Naosumi's spirit was shocked immediately, and he said happily, "I am the class teacher of Sakura Class, Brother Liu Ming, you can rest assured to leave her to me..."

Liu Ming's eyes twitched, I turned my head to look at Mr. Yamamoto, and asked, "Mr. Yamamoto, can Xiao Hina be transferred to your class."

"Ah?" Mr. Yamamoto was confused, what kind of operation is this, aren't the two good friends.

"Hey, brother Liu Ming, you're going too far, don't you believe me?" Tuma Naozu immediately retorted.

"You are still a child yourself, how can I trust you."

Doma Naosumi was immediately defeated, and lowered his head, as if he was being hit.

"Okay, I'm just joking with you. Xiao Hina, quickly say hello to Mr. Tuma, he will be the one who will teach you lessons from now on."

Xiao Chi poked her head out from behind Liu Ming, looked at Naozu Tuma, and said "Hello, Teacher Tuma" in a childish voice.

"Hey" Doma Naosumi immediately revived on the spot, he squatted down, "You are also welcome, Xiao Hina, please point out more in the future.".

Liu Ming raised his forehead helplessly, Zhi Chun actually argued with a child, who is the teacher.

"You brothers and sisters are good enough, you go out to live one by one, and you don't stay to accompany Granny Tujian.

"It's not that Liu Ming is here, we are very relieved."

Of course, Naosumi Doma doesn't plan to move back to live, otherwise how can he play games in the future.

"You don't pretend to be here, but I also know what you think. You want some private space. But, if you have time, you still have to go back and see Granny Tujian often. After all, she is not too young.

After being silent for a while, Naozu Doma nodded and said, "I see, I will tell big brother and sister about them".

"What about you?" Liu Ming wouldn't let him get away with it like this.

"I also know, this is fine. Brother Liu Ming, do you know how you look now, you really look like an old lady?"

Tsunade nodded helplessly.

Liu Ming was about to say something else, but the sound of the campus radio interrupted his thoughts.

"Next, the entrance ceremony officially begins, and the children are divided into classes according to the class and skip class.

After Liu Ming led Xiao Chi to the designated location, she asked her to line up like other children.

After doing all this, he retreated to the crowd of parents behind. .

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