It didn't take long for Liu Ming to find his target.

Long golden hair, a single ponytail tied on the side, and a white cloak on his body, with the word "evil dragon" written on the back of the cloak.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a bad girl's dress.

Hearing the sound, the blond girl immediately turned around and looked at Liu Ming with vigilant eyes, "Who are you? Are you with them?"

Liu Ming scratched his head, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"If it's okay, please leave, otherwise I won't be polite." The blond girl said angrily.

"Wait, I have something to say."

The blonde girl wrinkled her face and seemed a little impatient.

In the end, Liu Ming decided that it would be better to go directly to the topic, there was no need to procrastinate, and he asked, "Would you like to work in my shop.

"What do you mean?" The blond girl didn't understand what Liu Ming said for a while.

"The thing in your hand was stolen, right? Do you know that it's against the law? If you are caught, you will go to jail. You may not need to go to jail when you are young, but criticism and education are indispensable. This should not be what you want. See it."1

"If you don't get caught, it's 213." The blond girl said coldly.

"Do you want to live like this forever, where you will be chased wherever you go like now? Do you know that your behavior is quite annoying, and you don't want to be such a person yourself. "

The blond girl was silent, and put down her outstretched hand.

"There is no free lunch in the world. Since you want to get it, you should give something. My restaurant is recruiting people, including food and lodging, 10,000 a day, are you interested?"

"What you said is true?" The blond girl was a little moved, and her eyes flickered.

Liu Ming stretched out his hand, "You'll know if you come with me."

The blond girl stared at the palm in front of her, hesitated for a moment before slowly stretching out her little hand.

Liu Ming smiled softly, pulled the blond girl and walked towards his restaurant.

"My name is Liu Ming, you can call me the store manager, and you, what's your name?"

"My name is Xingzi," the golden girl replied.

"Xingzi, what a cute name." Liu Ming praised.

Kyoko's face suddenly became unnatural, and she hastily retorted, "It's cute, don't joke."

"Well, I was lying to you just now, the name Xingzi is not cute at all." Liu Ming said.

"What did you say?" Kyoko's tone was a little sharp.

"Haha~~" Liu Ming burst out laughing immediately.

After Liu Ming made such a fuss, Xingzi's nervous mood relaxed a lot.

"If you really plan to work with me, then you have to apologize to the people in those stores who stole things before, and return the corresponding amount to them."

"Why?" Kyoko was puzzled.

"If you do something wrong, of course you have to apologize. But you can rest assured that I will save the money for you first, and then slowly deduct it from your salary." Liu Ming said comfortingly.

Xingzi curled her lips, and turned her head to the other side in dissatisfaction.

On the way back, the two ran into one of those people who had been chasing Kyoko before.

Xingzi had a nervous reflex and wanted to escape, but was pulled by Liu Ming.

"Don't worry, Liu Ming Wen]'s words calmed Kyoko's restless heart, and the super power that surged up in her body slowly dissipated.

That person obviously knew Liu Ming, and when he saw Liu Ming pulling Xingzi, he was very generous and just explained the situation.

"Go back and tell them, let them calculate the losses, and then go to my restaurant to collect the money. Xingzi, you have caused such a lot of trouble to others, why don't you hurry up and apologize to them?"

Liu Ming gently pulled Xingzi to the front. After all, she will live in this (aceb) in the future, and the relationship with her neighbors should not be too rigid, otherwise it will only be embarrassing when everyone meets

"I'm so sorry," Kyoko said to the visitor.

Along the way, Liu Ming has briefly explained some social common sense to her, making Kyoko understand how wrong what she did before.

So when Liu Ming asked her to apologize, she didn't resist too much.

Seeing that she had a good attitude and was only a child, that person didn't bother to investigate further, and left after talking to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming returned to the restaurant with Xingzi.

Kyoko raised her head and looked around, looking around curiously, there was a lot of anticipation in her eyes now.

"Is this where I will work in the future? It feels very good."

"Hehe, needless to say, this is my shop! After you get used to it, I'm afraid you won't even want to leave."

"Okay, don't look at it, I'll take you to your room first. You have to change out of your current clothes, and you are not allowed to rob like this in my shop"

Seeing Xingzi's bad attire now, Liu Ming had the illusion of looking at himself in the past, and always felt it was an eyesore.

That's a solid black history, he doesn't want to mention it at all.

Xingzi's room is not too big, but it is enough for her to sleep alone.

There are beds, tables, chairs and other daily necessities, but you need to go to the shared bathroom when taking a shower.

Xingzi was very satisfied with this, if Liu Ming didn't stop her, she would even jump on the bed and roll around twice.

You must know that these days, she sleeps under the bridge every day, letting the wind and rain blow, where she can enjoy such good treatment.

"You go to take a shower now, and then change the clothes on your body. As for the changed clothes, I will put them outside"

"Well, I see." Kyoko nodded.

After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Liu Ming, "Thank you, store manager.

Liu Ming waved his hands, but did not speak.

I just made a promise casually, but when I want to do it now, I find it very difficult.

From the point of view of body shape, the clothes of Miha and Suzune should be suitable for Kyoko.

It's just that the two of them are in school now, so it's impossible for him to go to their room and rummage through their clothes. Even if he knew that the two of them wouldn't mind, he couldn't do it.

As for Thor and Erma's clothes.

Forget it anyway.

The figures of the two of them are as good as Kyoko's airport.

After much deliberation, he finally chose those custom-made clothes. Although they were a bit big, they could still be used.

When Meiyu and the others come back in the evening, there will be suitable clothes. .

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