Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 92: Chief Of The Top Ten Targets

"Xiaohui, why did you come in? I haven't finished yet." Granny Wenxu looked at Tian Suohui suspiciously.

"I'm going to make a dish for everyone to try," Tian Suohui said with a smile.

"Really, you children are really worrying."

"Hurry up and go out, you still have to eat the halberd later, don't waste your energy here, leave the lunch to the mother-in-law.

Granny Wenxu gave Tian Suohui a reproachful look.

"Don't worry, Granny Wenxu, I'm fine. And it's the master's confession, my apprentice can't refuse it.

Tian Suohui explained with a smile that she did not let go of her movements and began to look for the corresponding ingredients in the kitchen.

Since it is necessary to rectify the name of the master, of course he must do the best, so as to show Liu Ming's strength even more.

"Master? What master? Xiaohui, when did you have a master? Why didn't I know?"

Granny Wenxu was also quite surprised like those people outside.

After all, Tian Suohui has been boarding here since junior high school, and she has never heard of her having a master.

"Hey, Granny Wenxu, haven't you met my master yet? No, master is clearly in the dormitory. If you didn't open the door, how did he come in?"

Tian Suohui paused, and looked at Granny Wenxu in surprise.

Granny Wenxu also realized that Tian Suohui was referring to those three people.

Not long ago, she did receive three guests. They were friends who claimed to be Tian Suohui, but she did not expect that one of them was her master.

"You're not talking about a man and two women in the hall, are you?"

"Well, it's them, that man is my master."

"During the summer vacation, I was very lucky to meet him. After seeing his chef, I decided to worship him as my teacher. Fortunately, the master is very kind and took me in."

"Because I was a little embarrassed, I didn't mention it to you." Tian Suohui smiled awkwardly.

Granny Wenxu didn't blame her, but instead became curious about Liu Ming.

"Is he good at cooking? You actually worship him as your teacher. I think he is quite young."

"Well, Master is the most skilled cook I have ever seen. I think Master's cooking skills have already reached world class."

Tian Suohui's eyes are full of longing, she doesn't know when she will reach that height.

Granny Wenxu smiled slightly, she did not believe Tian Suohui's words.

That's world-class, it's simply impossible at his age. However, she didn't have the fantasy to expose Tian Suohui.

Just for the sake of Xiaohui's future, she felt that she had to find a chance to test Liu Ming.

If Liu Ming really has that kind of strength, then there is nothing to say, she will be happy for Tian Suohui.

But if Liu Ming obviously has no strength but is misleading his younger brother, she can't just ignore him.

At that time, Liu Ming must know that Maria, the star of her life, is not easy to mess with.

Tian Suohui didn't know what Granny Wenxu was thinking, at this time she was concentrating on cooking.

the other side.

It was much worse for Liu Ming.

The Jixingliao and his team, who were completely relaxed, were quite enthusiastic.

Especially Yoshino Yuki, who looks familiar.

She came to Liu Ming's side and opened her mouth to ask questions.

As long as the questions are not too sensitive, Liu Ming will answer them one by one.

"Aren't your cooking skills very good? You can make a shy person like Xiaohui take the initiative to worship you as a teacher"~.

Not only her, but other people were also quite curious and looked over one by one.

"Because I've never lost before," Liu Ming said softly.

Yoshino Yuuhime's eyes lit up suddenly, and his pupils flickered with admiration.

"Are you so good? I really can't see it!"

Xing Ping Chuangzhen showed a fiery fighting spirit, wishing to compete with Liu Ming immediately.

"Hehe" Liu Ming smiled, and then changed his voice, "Because I have never competed with others, so I have never lost, and of course I have never won.

Everyone was speechless.

What is this.

Why do they feel that Tian Suohui's master is a bit out of tune?

At this time, a person walked in from the door.

It is the only second-year student in Jixing Liao, who is currently the seventh seat of Yuanyue Shijie Council, Yisehui.

"Hey, you're all here. I see, you plan to cheer on Xiaohui together later, aren't you?

"You guys can be so united, I'm really touched, senior."

"Senior Isshiki, you are back."

"Well, I'm the same as you, and I'll go to cheer for Xiaohui later. Hey, there are three strange friends here, why don't you introduce them to me?"

Yisehui didn't care if there were other people here, so she started to change her clothes.

Thor and Elma didn't react at all, it felt like they were looking at a piece of meat.

Liu Ming had black lines appearing on his forehead.

He thought to himself, is it possible to take Yishihui to the 'Grand Blue' to play with Shinji and Jiro, who should have a common interest.

"Hey, I think you will not be able to guess their identities, Senior Isshiki." Yoshino Yuki winked at everyone funny.

Sakaki Ryoko and the others understood what she meant, and shut up one by one, preparing to watch Isshihui's joke.

Yisehui was not angry, but smiled gently. He twisted his buttocks and scolded with a smile, "Is it really okay for you to come together to bully me as a senior?"

"Hahaha" Yoshino Yuki smiled cheerfully, but of course she didn't continue to hide it.

Pointing at Liu Ming, she said loudly, "Now let me introduce this guest to Senior Yise, he is Xiaohui's master."

"`"Oh~" Yisehui's complexion changed, but it soon returned to normal.

He looked at Liu Ming with a smile, and stretched out his palm, "Hi, I'm Yishihui from the second grade, nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Liu Ming, and I'm Xiaohui's master. Xiaohui is always grateful for your care. The two people beside me are Yituo and Ailoma. Today we came here to cheer for Xiaohui."

"Is that so? That's really great. With your support, Xiaohui will definitely be able to perform normally. By the way, Xiaohui, why don't you see her?"

Only then did Yisehui realize that Tian Suohui was not in the hall.

"Xiaohui is cooking in the kitchen right now." Ryoko Sakaki replied.

"Are you preparing for the next food halberd?" Yi Sehui nodded, expressing that she understood.

"No, it's for us to eat."

"Ah?" Yisehui was stunned, and he asked worriedly, "Is this okay? Xiaohui will eat a halberd later."

It was Liu Ming who replied "no problem".

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in Xiaohui." Yishihui suddenly became curious. He knows that Xiaohui's cooking skills are not bad (good Zhao), but there is a prerequisite, that is, Xiaohui can perform normally.

It's just that this time Shiji made a big fuss, and he was worried that Tian Suohui would be nervous, which would be troublesome.

"Of course, she is my apprentice. This time we came here, not so much to cheer her up, but to witness her beginning. After all, Xiaohui's goal is to be one of the top ten.

The people present were shocked by Liu Ming's words.

They really wanted to say that Liu Ming was imaginative, how could Tian Suohui be better than Ganjie.

Just looking at Liu Ming's serious and serious expression at the moment, they felt for a moment that it was really possible for Tian Suohui to do it.

Although Yisehui was also shocked by Liu Ming's words, he was someone who had seen big scenes after all, so he recovered quickly.

Not only was he not angry, but he asked expectantly, "You mean, Xiao Hui's target is me?"

"No~~" Liu Ming shook his head slightly, he stretched out a finger, pointed to the top, and said word by word, "Xiaohui's goal is the one at the top."

"Ten outstanding chief machine".

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