Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 95: Thor’S Deterrent Power (3)

If possible, Thor really wants to cast a roar here, sending all the ants here to hell.

But, unfortunately, she couldn't do that.

She has lived with Liu Ming for so long and knows his temperament very well.

If she really dared to do this, Liu Ming would definitely drive her away.

At that time, even if she insists on not leaving, Liu Ming will not treat her as well as before. This is not what Thor wants to see.

It's not worth it for a group of ants.

That being said, it doesn't mean she will do nothing.

Tian Suohui is her cover.

Thor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then, he opened it violently, and at the same time let out a roar, "Shut up.

The voice was filled with terrifying Longwei, rushing towards Lan around.

The whole venue suddenly seemed like a "three five seven" was blowing up a storm, making noises and chaos.

In the entire venue, except where Liu Ming was staying, everyone else fell to the ground, their faces pale from fright.

The venue, which was noisy just now, suddenly became silent, and there was a burst of silence.

Everyone turned their eyes in horror to Liu Ming and the others who were still standing there, especially Thor who was standing in front of them.

No need to guess, they also knew that she was the one who uttered the roar just now.

It's too scary, just relying on the momentum to suppress everyone.

Thor didn't care what they thought, with a pair of vertical dragon pupils, he looked around coldly, and said indifferently, "Whoever dares to say one more word, I will kill him."

Longwei cast it again, and everyone who had just stood up fell to the ground again.

Now, they really confirmed that this situation is exactly what the beautiful woman in front of them did.

Don't mess with him, he doesn't dare to mess with it.

"Hum..." Seeing that no one dared to talk nonsense, Thor snorted heavily, and retreated to Liu Ming's side.

Everyone in Jixing Liao looked at Thor, and suddenly became strange, with shock, admiration, and fear.

The situation just now was really unbelievable.

They never thought that such a delicate beauty would have such a terrifying side.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

The cuisine taught by Liu Ming can shine, and Thor can intimidate everyone with his aura. Where did Tian Suohui know such a group of perverts?

Liu Ming gave a thumbs up to Thor who came back, well done."

Thor raised his head triumphantly, and gave Elma a provocative look.

"What's so great, I can do it too" Elma whispered unhappily.

"Miss Erina, how are you doing, are you okay?"

In the private room on the second floor, Fei Shazi nervously supported Erina who had fallen on the ground, and checked her physical condition from time to time.

"Fei Shazi, I'm fine." Erina stood up and walked slowly to the window.

After seeing Liu Ming and the others through the window, her expression suddenly became very ugly.

She will never forget it, not even in this life.

It was the man in front of her who brought her a shame that she had never experienced in her life not long ago.

"Finally I found you," Erina said through gritted teeth.

"Miss Erina, do you know those people, it seems that those people caused the situation just now."

Recalling the palpitation feeling just now as if being stared at by a predator, Fei Shazi couldn't help shivering.

If possible, she really didn't want to feel it again.

"Huh..." Erina glared at Liu Ming bitterly, but when she saw Thor next to Liu Ming, her heart also trembled.

"It's him, it's really him, I finally found him." On the other side, a girl looked at Liu Ming excitedly.

Kitajo Miyoko originally planned to come over to pass the time and see what happened to Tiansuo Kei, the tail of the crane.

To her surprise, she found the man she had been looking for here.

Since the last time she ate the dishes made by Liu Ming, she found herself obsessed with that taste.

She has tried it many times herself, but it doesn't work at all.

Even she has been to many Chinese restaurants, but found that it is still not the taste she needs.

She was really happy to meet someone who hadn't been able to find her in the whole summer vacation.

This is an opportunity, if lost I don't know when I will meet again.

She forcibly suppressed her fear of Thor, and walked towards Liu Ming..

"Well, the food halberd is about to start, and I'm Rei Kawashima, a freshman in high school, who will be the emcee for this commentary.

Rei Kawashima's voice was very low, even a little scared, completely lacking in her former lively and lovely state.

Just now Thor said that whoever makes a sound will be killed.

If she hadn't been forced to, she really wanted to give up this mission.

What reassured her was that Thor didn't respond to her voice.

This relieved her.

"Then, please enter the arena from their respective entrances.

According to the situation, there should be applause and cheers here.

Frightened by Thor's prestige, they didn't dare to make a sound at all, and sat there silently, the scene was very strange.

Rei Kawashima doesn't care about this, she just wants to finish the meal quickly, hold the microphone, and continue to introduce encounters.

"The first ones to play are classmate Inoue and classmate from the poor village.

The two stayed in the lounge just now, not knowing the situation outside.

Looking at the silent venue, they were a little overwhelmed, but when they thought that the other party was Tian Suohui, the tail of the crane, they felt relieved.

"The second person to play is Tian Suohui."

Everyone in Jixing Liao didn't have such scruples, and cheered for Tian Suohui loudly.

Just a few people is comparable to the power of dozens of people.

Seeing this, other people did not dare to refute.

*0.1 In this halberd-eating judgment, only when Tian Suohui wins Inoue and Kimura at the same time, can she win. "

"Conversely, as long as one of Inoue and Kimura beats Tian Suohui, they will win."

"Then the formal eating of the halberd begins."

"At the end of the crane, you asked for it yourself, get the hell out of Yuanyue later," classmate Yong Shang said with a smirk.

"That's right, cherish your last moments in Yuanyue," Kimura-san agreed.

Thor frowned, and was about to step forward to teach these two ignorant ants a lesson.

Liu Ming stopped her.

"There's no need to argue with them, anyway, they won't be proud for long, let's hand them over to Xiaohui, this is her battlefield.

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