“It’s back, right my stuff, it’s all there”!

“Ah, by the way, Mimi, nothing should have happened in my house during my absence”!

Thinking so, Megumi also quickly ran towards the house.

Perhaps due to the influence of high-level magic, Megumi’s physical fitness has been much stronger than before.

“Well, the body is so light, try the blessing of magic first”!

Thinking about it, Megumi also began to gather magic power under her feet, and in an instant, her running speed also increased several times, and the speed that burst out was something Megumi did not dare to think about before.

“So fast, I’m so good now”!

Megumi herself was shocked by her speed, followed by great excitement.

Since simple magic blessings can reach this level, then the magic used to release magic will definitely only become more powerful.

“When you go back and watch Mimi, you will learn the burst magic directly, and then find a remote place to see the power”!

Thinking excitedly, Megumi also quickly returned home.

And almost from school to home, originally it was tens of minutes away, Megumi only returned in a few minutes.

“Mimi, I’m back”!

Back at the familiar home, Megumi also shouted loudly.

“Sister, you’re back”!

Hearing Megumi’s voice, from the shabby room, a cute young girl with a star ornament on her head and two small pigtails, with an innocent face, also ran out excitedly.

“Mimi, it’s okay these two days, hey, why are you covered in mud, didn’t you obediently watch the house, and ran out to play again”?

Noticing that Mimi’s body was stained with mud in many places, Megumi couldn’t help but slightly blame.

However, noticing that Mimi had no signs of injury on her body, Megumi was also completely relieved.

“Well, I beat off the big brother who sells newspapers, and then I went to play nearby”!

Hearing Megumi’s words, Mimi also nodded cutely.

“Oh, I beat him again in my absence, worthy of being my sister”!

Hearing Mimi’s words, Megumi also said with a look of appreciation.

“Then I found the toy to play with, sister, do you want to play together”!

Receiving Megumi’s praise, Mimi also looked proud, and then continued to ask in a childish and soft voice.

“Toy”? Hearing Mimi’s words, Megumi was also a little surprised.

“My sister smells so fragrant”! Suddenly, Mimi’s little Qiong moved her nose, and then looked at Megumi with an excited face.

“Oh, it’s really my sister, come, this is a souvenir, a curry rice bento made for the lamb of the demon god”!

Seeing that Mimi smelled the delicious smell on her body, Megumi also took out an oversized bento box from her arms (actually a chat group storage area) with a smile on her face.

“Come on, you can eat as much as you want, eat until your stomach bursts”!

Returning to the center of the hall with Mimi, Megumi also handed the bento box to Mimi on the only low table in the house.

And Mimi also can’t wait to open it, and the aroma of curry directly fills the entire living room in an instant.

Although I have never eaten curry, I can only smell the curry with the color and aroma.

Mimi’s eyes were also full of surprise, and he couldn’t take his eyes off in an instant.

“It’s so good, it feels like I’ve become a demon king, so let’s treat the dinner I caught as tomorrow’s breakfast!”

Looking at the curry in front of him, Mimi also said decisively.

“Oh, did you catch anything back”? Hearing Mimi’s words, Megumi also said with some surprise.

“Caught the big prey”! Hearing Megumi’s inquiry, Mimi also said proudly.

“You really think about your family, Mimi, you did a great job”!

Although I don’t know what Mimi caught, Megumi also affirmed Mimi’s filial piety.

“You wait for me”!

Mimi, who was praised by Megumi, was also more and more happy, and then said a word to Megumi, and couldn’t wait to run towards a room.

“What did she catch back, did she catch cicadas or crickets, the unicorn fairy will have an earthy smell, and it doesn’t taste very good”!

“But after the unicorn fairy is fried, it should be able to barely eat it!”

“No, I bought so much food from the master, plus my strength has been so greatly improved, I don’t need to eat these things in the future”!

As Mimi left, Megumi was also curious to think about what the big prey Mimi had captured.

Then I suddenly remembered that there was still a large number of various canned meat, rice, flour, eggs, instant noodles and so on in the storage area of my chat group.

At least for some time to come, her family should not be short of food.

The most important thing is that her strength has improved so much, and she can support herself after learning the burst magic.

The most important thing is that Hui Hui is now behind him with a local tyrant master, so he should be able to say goodbye to the days of eating insects completely.

Thinking so, Mimi also brought the big prey he captured.

“That is…”! Looking at the big prey held by Mimi in her hand, Megumi was also completely stunned, because what Mimi captured this time was completely beyond Megumi’s imagination.

“Sister, look, this is the fierce dark monster that I finally defeated after a death match”!

Holding the black kitten that had always looked harmless to humans and animals, Mimi also said with an extremely proud expression.

“Meow”! As Mimi’s voice fell, the kitten looked at Megumi even more pitifully and barked.

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