Lin Xingye: “It’s very simple, just eat it directly”!

Hearing that Hojo Kaede successfully obtained the poison immunity, he also looked quite happy in the starry night of the Ghost Annihilation World.

At this point, basically the acquisition of those skills by the character of Meplu is already a matter of certainty.

Kaede Honjo: “So it is, I know”!

After hearing Starry Night’s words, Meplu also opened her mouth, and then ran to the poisonous dragon and gnawed it.

And in the chat group, Yotsuya Yusuke and Killua and others were also at a loss.

Yusuke, who has a good understanding of the game, can’t imagine that the game character can eat monsters by eating them.

Although people such as Killua and Megumi do not know much about the game, they also feel very strange.

I don’t know how many hours passed, and after the poisonous dragon was eaten by Meplu to only have a skeleton left, the poisonous dragon also ~ completely dissipated.

Just leave a treasure chest to lie quietly – in place.

“Great, I won”!

Seeing the disappearance of the poisonous dragon, Meplu also cheered.

Then he heard a reminder from the game system, and his level was directly increased to level 18, and the poison was ineffective and directly evolved into a poisonous dragon devourer.

After adding all the attributes obtained after the upgrade to the defense attribute, he happily went to open the box.

As the box was opened, several messages appeared in front of Mei Pulu in an instant.

And Meplu’s eyes were also golden when she looked at the equipment in the box.

“Destroyed can also recover and become stronger, and it is unique, that is, this is only me, fantastic, so handsome”!

Looking at the cool equipment in the chest, and most importantly, the word unique, touched Meplu’s heart very much.

After the excitement, Meplu also couldn’t wait to put on the new preparations, and she instantly changed from Cinderella to a princess.

After dressing it, he couldn’t wait to take a photo and send it to the chat group.

Butterfly Kanae: “Is this Xiao Kaede, so cute and handsome”!

Lin Xingye: “It’s very suitable”!

This article maples: “Ehe, hey, thank you”!

Hearing everyone’s praise, Benjo Kaede was also a little embarrassed, but his heart was extremely useful

Yusuke Yotsutani: “Is this the equipment that the poisonous dragon burst out”!

Motojo Kaede: “Well, this is unique, after defeating the poisonous dragon, I also got the skill of the poisonous dragon devourer, and in addition, the level has also been increased to level 18”!

Seeing Yusuke’s inquiry, Mei Pulu also said with joy.

And after talking for a while, Mei Pulu also reacted, just indulged in fighting the poisonous dragon without paying attention, and now found that nearly four hours had passed.

Later, he didn’t care about anything else, sat directly in place, and began to meditate.

It was a few more hours before he quit the game, and then he saw a lot of information from the sofa.

Looking at the time, Meplu also replied with a few messages and quickly wrote her homework.


After returning to Starry Night’s side, after seeing Meplu say that he had obtained the Poisonous Dragon Devourer.

Starry Night also didn’t think much about extraction, and soon felt that his body had changed a lot.

And the ability of the Poisonous Dragon Devourer also clearly appeared in the attribute panel of Starry Night.

“Poisonous dragon”!

With the idea of trying, Starry Night also directly released the newly acquired poisonous dragon skill.

The next moment, the three dark purple poisonous dragons were also fast above the starry night.

Of course, because Starry Night was not ready to attack the surrounding area, the poisonous dragon also stayed quietly after it appeared, without much movement.

After checking the poisonous dragon he used, Starry Night also carefully looked at it before letting the poisonous dragon disperse.

Compared with the attack power brought by the poisonous dragon, Starry Night is more interested in its poisonous immunity to a high level.

Although Starry Night is not immune to some powerful toxins in some high-level worlds, at least the current Starry Night should be completely poisonous in some low-level worlds.

And with poison resistance, let the starry night greatly avoid the probability of the gutter capsizing.

After checking the poisonous dragon a little, Starry Night also looked at the moon hanging high outside again, so he directly closed his eyes and meditated.

Because the concentration of mana in the Ghost Destroying World is higher than the concentration of his own world, the speed of cultivation in Starry Night has also increased significantly.

And as the time came to the next morning, Starry Night also felt that the magic in his body had increased a lot again.

In one fell swoop, the upper limit of mana increased by more than 23,000.

Maybe it won’t be long, even if you don’t have to wait for Meplu’s evil eating skill, Starry Night can rely on himself to make mana points inexhaustible.

Of course, all this is thanks to its many super-god master systems, as well as the many gifted disciple bonuses he has collected.

Thinking of this, Starry Night is also more and more motivated.

After a simple stretch, Starry Night quickly took out something from the storage area and washed up.

After that, I went straight to the backyard.

“Good morning, Lord Starry Night”!

As soon as he arrived in the backyard, Aoi Kanzaki noticed the moment of Starry Night, and quickly came to Starry Night to ask for peace.

For the starry night, Aoi Kanzaki is also full of worship and gratitude.

After all, Starry Night was able to teach her that precious and magical meditation method yesterday, and she deserved her immense gratitude.

And although he had only been practicing for less than a day, Kanzaki Aoi obviously felt that his strength had improved significantly.

“Early, just go and get busy, don’t call me”!

Noticing the adoring gaze on Aoi Kanzaki’s delicate face, Starry Night also felt happy, and then rubbed her head and smiled.

“Yes, Lord Starry Night”!

Feeling the intimate behavior of the starry night, Aoi Kanzaki’s face also blushed, but his heart was extremely happy and enjoyed.

Then he left Starry Night’s side with some reluctance and continued to be busy.

After greeting Aoi Kanzaki, Starry Night also began to do morning exercises in the backyard.

Because its own strength and ability are too strong, the so-called morning exercise of Starry Night is a relatively simple push-up and squat exercise.

Of course, there will also be some weights on the body.

As for the other exercises, Starry Night was worried that if one did not pay attention, it would cause irreparable damage to the butterfly house and even the position within a radius of several miles.

And because of the qualification blessings of many disciples, Starry Night can improve his various attribute points even if he just does these simple trainings.

Unconsciously, Starry Night passed more than two hours in training, and after feeling a slight fever, Starry Night ended his morning exercise.

“Master, good morning, please drink water”!

After seeing Starry Night stop moving, Kanae, who had been waiting on the side, also walked up with water with a smile on her face.

Then said with a well-behaved and sweet smile.

“Well, thanks”!

Looking at Kanae, who has a superb beauty in front of her and is full of wife’s attributes, the corners of Starry Night’s mouth are also slightly hanging a good-looking arc.

Starry Night himself had to admit that he had a lot of ideas about Kanae himself.

In addition to fancying her qualifications, the rest was to like her.

In addition to Kanae’s appearance, this kind of liking is more of her character, gentle and considerate and well-behaved, and is definitely the most perfect other half in the minds of many men.

Although Starry Night has extraordinary strength and anti-heavenly appearance, his preferences are the same as normal men.

“Master, when will I be able to learn the magic you said”!

At this time, Butterfly Shinobu also came to Starry Night’s side with a look of anticipation and asked.

With learning meditation with the starry night, Butterfly Shinobu’s current mentality has also changed a lot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One is the goodwill and gratitude for the starry night, which can be seen from the master system.

As for gratitude, it is because Butterfly Shinobu sees his own possibilities through the meditation method taught by the starry night.

Maybe it won’t be long before her strength is no longer a drag bottle for her sister, and she will be able to always fight side by side with her sister to protect humanity.

“Don’t worry, you’re still far behind, at least let your mana reach a thousand points first!”

And the one thousand points mentioned by Starry Night, through calculation, is about thirty times that a powerful normal flame staff can be used.

“I’ll try”! Hearing Starry Night say this, Butterfly Shinobu also showed a determined look.

Compared with the previous kind of hard work, it is difficult to improve, but now with the meditation method, it allows it to see the ladder to the strong.

As long as she works hard, she can get a noticeable improvement, and she will naturally not slack.

“Haha, don’t force yourself too much, we will have time later”!

Seeing the appearance of butterfly Shinobu, Starry Night also smiled and soothed.

After all, other people will worry about whether the other party will be lazy in the starry night, but if the butterfly endures, this does not have to worry too much.

After all, from the original work, it can be seen that it becomes a column.

You must know that the talent of butterfly ninja is not very strong, but it has relied on its own efforts and other ways to make itself a real pillar, which is very telling.

Of course, in the original book, Butterfly Shinobu is likely to have been stimulated by Kanae’s death, but this does not deny the efforts of Butterfly Shinobu in ordinary times.

After talking to the two, Starry Night looked at Xiangnahu, who looked obviously a little uneasy on the side.

“Chanel, good morning”!

Without thinking much, Starry Night also greeted Xiannehu gently, and at the same time rubbed her head dotingly.

And Xiannehu’s side also felt the action of spoiling the starry night, and her heart also produced violent mood swings.


After a while, a subtle voice came out of Chanelhu’s mouth, which was so small that it might have been ignored if it weren’t for the sensitivity of hearing.

But such a single word also surprised Kanae and Butterfly.

You must know that Kanae and Shinobu Butterfly have taken care of Kannahu for several years, but Kanahu has spoken less than ten words to them.

And now Chanai will take the initiative to answer the starry night that only gets along for a day, which is still without tossing a coin to make a decision, which is not difficult to shock the two.

However, through this, Kanae is also more sure that the starry night can completely change Chanelhu, so that she does not have to live in the shadow of childhood all the time.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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