Gao Chusheng's words changed: "However, our human cognition is difficult to stabilize, and it can easily fade. This is also known as three-minute heat. "

Kirisu Shinfuyu nodded: "Indeed. "

No matter how hot a hot event is, in a few days there will be no heat, no one will discuss it, as if it has been forgotten by people.

Cognition is difficult to sustain for a long time.

Gao Chusheng: "The spiritual thread generated by human cognition may not be connected to the ghosts and gods, and it will dissipate halfway."

Or connected, the ghost and god just began to float, this spiritual thread was broken.

Or maybe the number of spiritual threads is not large enough to support the ghosts and gods to rise.

The deeper the ghost, the more difficult it is to float.

The lower the depth of the ghost god, the easier it will be to float.

A ghost god with a depth of 1,000 meters and a ghost god with a depth of 100 meters, if you compare the difficulty of landing the two, the former is far more difficult than the latter ten times.

Therefore, the depth of the ghosts and gods who can go ashore is often not too high.

But in the end, the number of ghosts and gods ashore is still very small, and the probability of ordinary people encountering them is not large.

This probability is like being hit by a car on the road. "

Kirisu Jindong smiled bitterly: "Then my luck is really bad enough." "

I have never been hit by a car since I was a child, and I ended up hitting a ghost today.

After a pause, Kirisu Zhendong looked at Gao Chusheng and smiled: "But I am also lucky to have Gao classmates to help." If others encounter such a thing, they can only ..."

You can only wait for death.

Gao Chusheng said, "Because Kirisu is a good teacher, even if a good teacher encounters something unfortunate, he can eventually turn the danger into a disaster." "

Kirisu Zhendong's face was slightly red: "I, what kind of good teacher I am, Gao classmates know nonsense." "

It's just that in her heart, it's a little sweet.

After all, who doesn't like to listen to nice words.

And this is still said by Gao Chusheng.

The person who saved her said that she was a good teacher, which gave Kirisu a sense of recognition.

Gao Chusheng said seriously, "I'm telling the truth, why did I let Teacher Kirisu contact me when he encountered a ghost and god?" It is precisely because I think Kirisu-sensei is a good teacher that I don't want to see something happen to Kirisu-sensei.

When a ghost contacted me, I only said this to Kirisu-sensei. "

Of course, it may be said to more people later.

But now, I really only said it to Kirisu Mafuyu.

When Kirisu Zhendong heard this, it was difficult to calm down.

In this way, the lethality of Kirisu Jindong is a little great, and the heartbeat is accelerated.

"Gao, Gao, you, can you think that I am a good teacher, I am tall, happy... Thank you, thank you..."

Kirisu Shinfuyu didn't speak very sharply.

"You saved the teacher's life, the teacher really doesn't know how to repay you..."

Kirisu Zhendong wanted to repay Gao Chusheng at this time.

But how to repay it?

Gao Chusheng shook his head slightly: "Teacher Kirisu doesn't have to repay, for me, it's just a trivial matter." "

"No, you need to repay!" Kirisu Mafuyu looked more serious, "It's a small thing for Gao, but for me, it's a very big thing, and I want to do something for Gao." "

Gao Chusheng said slightly helplessly: "Teacher Kirisu, no need." And I don't need much from you. "

Kirisu Mafuyu is just an ordinary person, what can he do?

Kirisu Shinfuyu: "Yes." "

After a pause, Kirisu Mafuyu looked to the side and whispered: "Wait for you, after you graduate from high school, I, I will..."

Gao Chusheng said with some doubt: "After graduating from high school, what will happen to you Tongsu-sensei?" "

Also, why do you have to graduate from high school?

What does this teacher want to do?

"Senior Gao, don't ask."

"Okay, don't ask."

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while, and neither of them spoke.

Gao Chusheng felt that this could not be the case.

So Gao Chusheng said: "Teacher Kirisu, I basically said everything about ghosts and gods, do you have anything else you want to ask?" "

Kirisu Mafuyu: "No. Listening to what Gao said, my world view was subverted. "

The worldview has been reshaped.

Originally, the world was thought to be scientific and materialistic.

I didn't expect the world to be idealistic in nature.

Gao Chusheng: "Actually, I shouldn't say this to Kirisu-sensei, for ordinary people, they don't need to know ghosts and gods." "

Kirisu Shinfuyu: "You just told me the truth about this world." Moreover, the more you don't tell me, the more I want to know, after all, I have already been exposed to ghosts and gods. "

"That's true, too. Okay Kirisu-sensei, it's not early, I should leave too, so I won't disturb you to rest, you have a good rest tonight, it will help your emotional health. "

Mafuyu Kirisu has a big mood ups and downs tonight, and taking a good rest helps her emotional stability.

Hearing that Gao Chusheng was leaving, Tongxu Zhendong's expression changed: "Classmate Gao, are you leaving?" "

"yes, it's not early."


Kirisu Shinfuyu's expression was a little hesitant.

Gao Chusheng said, "Teacher Kirisu, you don't need to be afraid or anything, there are no ghosts and gods in this building." Rest in peace. "

Having said that, Kirisu Mafuyu is still very insecure.

But Gao Chusheng wants to go, and she has no reason not to let people go.

Can she, a single female teacher, still let her students spend the night here?

Kirisu Shinfuyu had to say, "Well, I see. Gao, go back, pay attention to safety on the road, thank you really much tonight! "

Gao Chusheng: "Teacher Kirisu, goodbye." "


Gao Chusheng left Kirisu Jindong's apartment.


Gao Chusheng returned home, and after washing, Gao Chusheng played with his mobile phone for a while and began to sleep.

Deep sea translucent layer.

Gao Chusheng floats in the sea water at a depth of 190 meters.

A blue-white deep crystal slowly flew out of his pocket.

That's right, Gao Chusheng wants to use this deep crystal.

As long as you kill the ghosts and gods, you can obtain deep crystals.

Then using this deep crystallization, you can increase the depth yourself.

Of course, the added depth cannot be equal to the depth of the ghost god being killed.

Only one-fifth of the depth of the ghosts and gods who have been killed.

The depth of that elevator ghost god is 120 meters, so its depth crystallization can increase Gao Chusheng's depth by 24 meters.

"Depth +24 meters!"

As the depth suddenly increased by 24 meters, Gao Chusheng began to sink slowly.

195 meters!

199 meters!

As long as it sinks another meter, it is no longer a transparent layer.

It's a weak light layer!

Can it sink into a weak light layer?

That's for sure!

Gao Chusheng's body passed through the boundary between the light transmission layer and the weak light layer.

Sinking into the weak light layer, the surrounding sea water suddenly darkened a lot.

200 meters!

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