"So, what is that seawater?"

"Deep sea!" Gao Chusheng replied, "Your depth is 50 meters, so you also sank 50 meters in the deep sea." "

"Whew, huh... Is that the deep sea, phew..."

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was still breathing, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

After about a minute, Kasumigaoka Shiyu slowly calmed down.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka said, "It's like a dream, but the feeling of suffocation covered by the sea is so real. "

Gao Chusheng: "Of course, you are not dreaming, but you have indeed sunk into the deep sea." "

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: "But I'm obviously just sitting in a café, how did I get into that sea water?" What exactly is the deep sea? "

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was desperate to know what the deep sea was at this time.

Gao Chusheng: "I said, you have depth, and if you have depth, you can enter the deep sea." The average person has a depth of 0 and cannot enter the deep sea, while your depth is 50 meters. "

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: "But I've never been in the deep sea before. "

"Because you never wanted to go into the deep sea. The door to the deep sea is right in front of you, and you have the key to open it, but you never thought of using the key to open the door. "

That key is depth.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka shook his head: "I didn't even have a concept of what the deep sea was before, where would I think about entering the deep sea." "

Gao Chusheng: "That's true, too." Our world is an invisible deep sea, and we humans live on an island in this deep sea. "

"The invisible deep sea."

Gao Chusheng continued: "In this invisible deep sea, there are countless ghosts and gods. Ordinary people cannot see ghosts and gods because ordinary people have no depth, and they can only see ghosts and gods if their own depth is greater than or equal to the depth of ghosts and gods.

Kasumigaoka-san, your depth is 50, so you can see ghosts and gods with a depth of 50 and below.

From this, it can also be inferred that the ghost god in your house has a depth of up to 50, and it is not a powerful ghost and god. "

Kasumi Hills Shiyu did not speak, trying to digest what Gao Chusheng said.

Although Gao Chusheng didn't say much, the amount of information contained was enormous.

For a while, the world view of Shiyu Kasumigaoka was a little subverted.

The world is an invisible deep sea, there are ghosts and gods in the deep sea, ghosts and gods have depth....

Is the world like this.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka found this strange and unbelievable.


She had to believe it again.

Because what she just did sink into the deep sea.

The deep sea exists.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka asked, "The depth of ordinary people is 0, right?" "

Gao Chusheng nodded slightly: "Yes." "

"Then why am I 50 meters deep? All this time, I had nothing special. "

How come the depth is 50 meters?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt strange.

Gao Chusheng spread his hands: "I don't know about this, it can only be attributed to the fact that you are born with depth, but your depth has not been activated for a long time, and it has been activated recently, which also allows you to see ghosts and gods." "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled bitterly: "Born, why didn't God give me depth without asking my opinion?" "

Frankly speaking, Shiha Kasumigaoka doesn't want this depth.

With depth, you will see ghosts and gods.

Ghosts and gods are so terrifying, who wants to see it.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said again: "Actually, as long as you can't see the ghosts and gods, you won't be hurt by the ghosts and gods, right." "

This is deduced by Kasumigaoka Shiwa based on actual experience.

As long as she and her mother pretended not to see, the ghost could not hurt them.

It's actually invisible, and it's even less harmful.

Gao Chusheng nodded: "For ordinary people, not seeing is a kind of happiness. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu deeply agreed with Gao Chusheng's words.

In the past, when she couldn't see ghosts, she and her mother lived happily.

Since seeing it, the happy life is gone.

Forget it, it won't help to think about this now.

The most urgent task is to destroy the ghost in the house.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said: "Senior Gao, you just said that the ghost god in my family is not a powerful ghost and god, so to speak, you can destroy it. "

Since you dare to say that the ghost and god are not powerful, then your own strength must be stronger than that ghost god.

Otherwise, there is no reason to say that.

"It should be able to be eliminated, Kasumigaoka-san can take me to your house first."

"Okay, then let's go."

The two stood up and left the café and headed to Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka's house.

On the road.

As Shiyu Kasumigaoka walked, he asked, "Senior Gao, can you tell me how the strength of ghosts and gods is divided?" "

Shiyu Kasumigaoka is afraid of ghosts and gods, and hates ghosts and gods, but there is no way, since she has depth, she will most likely see other ghosts and gods in the future.

Then learn a little more about ghosts and gods now.

Gao Chusheng: "No problem. In fact, the deeper the depth of the ghost god, the more powerful it is. "

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that what Gao Chusheng said was a little general and not refined enough, so he said: "Then how deep is it to be deep?" "

Gao Chusheng: "According to the depth division, the deep sea is currently known to have six layers.

Light transmission layer, 1 to 199 meters.

Weak light layer, 200 to 999 meters.

Lightless layer, 1000 to 3999 meters.

Dead light layer, 4000 to 9999 meters.

Abyssal layer, 10,000 to 99,999 meters.

Ultra-abyssal layer, above 100,000 meters, has no specific range.

So Kasumigaoka-san, how deep do you think is deep? "

Kasumi Hills Shiyu thought for a moment and said, "I think it is at least deep until the lightless layer." "

Gao Chusheng was noncommittal, how deep is deep, everyone has everyone's opinion, there is no standard answer.

"I thought I was very deep, but I didn't expect that my 50-meter depth was a small slag of the light transmission layer."

Shiwa Kasumigaoka shook his head and made a joke.

However, it cannot be said that it is a joke, it is indeed a small slag of the light transmission layer.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's gaze looked at Gao Chusheng: "Senior Gao, can I ask, which layer is your depth on?" "

"I'm in the weak light layer now."

"Awesome! Suddenly, I had a lot of confidence in Gao. "


Five or six minutes later, the two arrived at the door of Kasumigaokaoka's house.

"Classmate Gao, this is my home, please come in."

Shiha Kasumigaoka opened the door.

"Excuse me."

Gao Chusheng walked in.

"Shiyu, who did you bring here? Is this your classmate? "

A nice soft voice came from the position of the living room.

Gao Chusheng's gaze looked at the living room.

What did he see?

A full-fledged version of Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

This should be Kasumigaoka Shiwa's mother.

Madam, my black pineapple!

"Aunt Kasumigaoka, hello!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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