Gao Chusheng's heart jumped violently.

"Aunt Yubihama, didn't your manager call you?"

"It's really not, okay Chu Shengjun, don't tease Aunt Me."

Mrs. Yubihama gave Gao Chusheng a roll of her eyes a little coquettishly.

Gao Chusheng walked up to Mrs. Yubihama and looked at the mobile phone in her hand.

The word "manager" was displayed on the screen, and the other party was still typing.

But in Mrs. Yubihama's eyes, no one called on the screen.

After a few seconds, the "manager" did not continue to play.

Mrs. Yubihama said, "Auntie went to cook, don't tease Auntie anymore, otherwise Auntie will be angry." "

Having said that, Mrs. Yubihama's face did not look unhappy.

Gao Chusheng asked, "Aunt Yubihama, what is your remark to your manager?" "

"Why are you asking this? My note is the manager of Sakurajima. "

"May I see it?"


Although it is a little unclear what Gao Chusheng wants to do.

But Mrs. Hihama still opened her phone's address book contacts.

Gao Chusheng's gaze swept over all the contacts.

Saw "Manager Sakurajima".

And did not see the "manager"

So, Mrs. Hihama's manager called me.

Only Sakurajima Manager will be displayed on caller ID.

It will not just show the word "manager".

Mrs. Yubihama asked, "Chu Shengjun, do you see something?" "

"Just take a look, Aunt Bihama, you go and get busy."

Mrs. Yubihama went to the kitchen.

Gao Chusheng sat on the sofa and fell into thought.

Nan Qi asked, "Gao, what's wrong with you?" "

Gao Chusheng shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, don't worry about me." "

Gao Chusheng didn't want Qiqi to be his heart.

Gao Chusheng felt that he was more unlucky.

Today I was still talking to Miura Yuko during the day that I should be careful with ghost fishing.

As a result, he was caught at night.

Although the other party wants to catch by Mrs. Hihama.

But Mrs. Yuhihama couldn't see it at all.

Gao Chusheng could see it.

"This Nima fishing method is also too clever, even showing the manager."

If it is a number without a note, Gao Chusheng will not easily call Mrs. Bibin to answer the phone.

In fact, if the other party directly calls Gao Chusheng.

Gao Chusheng will not be hit.

Unfamiliar numbers he would not see.

Even if it shows "Manager", he will not see it because he does not have a manager.

Even if it shows "teacher" and "classmate", he will not be recruited.

Because Gao Chusheng will only directly note the name, and will not note what teachers, classmates or whatever.

"The combination of many factors made me hit the trick."

However, whether there is a trick or not, it is difficult to say now.

The other party called Mrs. Yubihama, not Gao Chusheng's mobile phone.

Moreover, Gao Chusheng just picked up Mrs. Yubihama's mobile phone and did not answer it.

"It's a matter of luck."

Although it depends on luck, Gao Chusheng will definitely plan ahead and be prepared.

Luck is unknown.

If it depends on luck, it is to put one's life in the hands of others.


After dinner at Yubihama's house, Gao Chusheng and Yuki returned to their home.

After washing, Gao Chusheng returned to his room.

Sink into the deep sea.

Low light layer, depth 926 meters!

A dark blue deep crystal floated out from Gao Chusheng's pocket.

This is the deep crystallization that I got today.

Deep crystallization decomposition, absorbed by Gao Chusheng.

"Depth +69m!"

Gao Chusheng began to sink.

The sinking stopped after sinking to 995 meters.

At this time, only 5 meters remained from the lightless layer.

The pale black matte layer can already be clearly seen.


The next morning.

Gao Chusheng was not ready to go to school, he planned to take a day off.

Outside the door.

Gao Chusheng said to Yubihama Yui: "Yui, you and Xiaoqi go to school, I won't go today, you ask the teacher for a leave on my behalf." "

Yubihama Yui was stunned for a moment: "Xiao Chu, what's wrong?" Is there something going on with you? "

Gao Chusheng said: "Yui, don't ask about this, anyway, I have something to do." "


After Yuhihama Yui and Kakuki went to school.

Gao Chusheng also set off.

He plans to find the ghosts and gods and destroy them.

Plan ahead for the crisis that may come next.

After Gao Chusheng left home, he went to those dark alleys.

But not so lucky.

After drilling a few small alleys, I didn't see a single ghost.

Ghosts are wandering around.

If you're unlucky, you really won't be able to touch any of them.

Just as Gao Chusheng was about to walk into an alley again, his mobile phone vibrate.

Take it out and take a look.

The words "Miss Mary" were displayed on the call.

Gao Chusheng said to himself: "This is not pretending." "

When he called Mrs. Yubihama, he also disguised it and showed it as "manager".

It's just that Mrs. Hihama can't see it.

If you don't install it now, then it can only illustrate one point.

The other party has judged that Gao Chusheng can see it.

"It seems that I still got a trick."

When Mrs. Yubihama answered the phone, he was judged to be visible.

It's just that the other party didn't rush to call him.

But only now to fight.

Since it has been judged by the other party to be visible, it is useless not to answer the phone.

Gao Chusheng swiped his phone and connected it.

Gao Chusheng said, "Hello, Chusheng!" "

In Gao Chusheng's opinion, this ghost god is really newborn.

Too cunning!

Cheap! It's so cheap!

Cheap and cunning.

The other party's gloomy voice came from the mobile phone.

"I'm Miss Mary, and I'm going to your house tonight."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Gao Chusheng said to himself: "Huan Ting is polite and knows to make an appointment in advance. "

It seems that I can't get a good night's sleep tonight.

Gao Chusheng walked into the alley.

This time luckily, there were two ghosts in the alley.

A depth of 270.

A depth of 160.

Seeing these two ghosts and gods, Gao Chusheng was a little moved: "Finally met you, fortunately I didn't give up." "

"Can you see?"

The two ghosts asked Gao Chusheng.

"I can see it!"

Gao Chusheng waved the wood knife, and after two knives.

Two ghost heads flew into the sky.

In the next six or seven hours, Gao Chusheng found a total of three more ghosts and gods.

Their depths are 50, 410, 180 respectively.

At 5 p.m., Gao Chusheng returned home.

Sink into the deep sea.

Absorb these five deep crystals.

"Depth +10 meters!"

"Depth +32m!"

"Depth +36m!"

"Depth +54m!"

"Depth +82 meters!"

The depth has increased by a total of 214 meters.

Gao Chusheng was calm.

998 meters!

999 meters!

The body breaks through the interface between the weak light layer and the no light layer.

1000 meters!

The surrounding sea suddenly turned pale black.

A pale black membrane began to form in Gao Chusheng's body.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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