In the morning, Gao Chusheng opened his eyes.

"Another night of diving in the deep sea."

Gao Chusheng said to himself.

I got up, went to wash my face and brush my teeth, and ate a slice of bread casually.

Gao Chusheng left the house and walked in the direction of the subway station to go to school.

Students, naturally, have to go to school.

Sitting in the subway, Gao Chusheng took out his mobile phone and saw that someone had applied to add his Line.

Click on it, the other party's account name: Shi and Yu.

"The screen name of Hao Wenqing."

The other party has a note message: weird forum, ask for help.

"Weird forum, is it the landlord of that help post?"

Since this time, Gao Chusheng has often gone to various forums and posts related to weirdness, wanting to see if anyone has encountered ghosts and gods.

The reason for this is related to Gao Chusheng's system.

Gao Chusheng's system is called the "Helping People and Removing Spirits System".

The word "spirit" in spirits refers to ghosts and gods.

Help others get rid of ghosts and gods to get the reward of the system.

It's just that Gao Chusheng not only wants to get the reward of the system, he also wants to get the reward of the helped.

I'll help you get rid of the ghosts, and out of gratitude, it's reasonable for you to pay some money.

This is called eating at both ends, eating the system, and then eating someone else's.

This is much cooler than eating only one side.

For Gao Chusheng's commotion operation, the system has nothing to say.

Although Gao Chusheng destroyed the ghosts and gods, the system gave a reward, but others have to give Gao Chusheng money again, what can the system do? Don't let others give it?

It can only be said that although Gao Chusheng's operation is tumultuous, it is in line with the regulations.

"I remember the post for help sent by the landlord, it was very real, and generally only people who have actually met ghosts and gods can write such posts."

This is also why Gao Chusheng will leave his Line number and let the other party contact him.

Because the other party has a high probability of encountering ghosts and gods.

"Since you took the initiative to add me, then I will make a move."

No way, Gao Chusheng is such a good person who is helpful.

It is not for the reward of the system, and the 200,000 yen.

Really, believe him.

Gao Chusheng clicked his mobile phone and agreed to the other party's friend application.

About six or seven minutes later, this "poem and feather" sent a message.

【Hello! 】

Gao Chusheng replied: [Hello! 】

Shi and Yu: [I wonder, can you really solve my troubles?] 】

Gao Chusheng: [I have learned about your situation through your post, I think I can solve it, of course, I actually have to go to your house to know.] 】

Shi and Yu: [As long as you can solve it, money is not a problem. 】

Gao Chusheng: [Don't worry, if it can't be solved, I won't collect money.] Since you can see that ghost, you can naturally see if I have solved it. 】

This point came to the heart of Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the other end of the phone.

Whether the other party can solve the monster, she can see it.

Gao Chusheng continued to send messages: [So for you, this is an attempt, I eliminated the ghosts and gods, naturally everyone was happy, there was no elimination, and you had no losses in other aspects. ] 】

Shi and Yu: [Well, I see. Excuse me, when do you have time? 】

Gao Chusheng: [Then tomorrow afternoon.] 】

Tomorrow is Saturday, no need to go to school.

As for why it was the afternoon, because Gao Chusheng had to sleep in the morning.

Shi Kazuha: [Is it okay tomorrow at 2pm?] 】

Gao Chusheng: [Yes.] Where is the location of your home, if it is convenient, send me a location. 】

[Okay. 】

Poem and Yu sent a position.

Gao Chusheng: [Received.] Then say this first, see you then. 】

Shi and Yu: [Uh-huh, bye.] 】

After ending the conversation with Shi and Yu, Gao Chusheng was almost at the station.

After getting out of the subway, I walked about five or six hundred meters to the school.


Around noon.

Gao Chusheng sat in the corner of the flower platform behind the teaching building, eating a piece of bread alone.

No way, he has few friends, his harem is very ... No, he doesn't have a harem.

So, it can only be one person.

Gao Chusheng ate bread while swiping a video on his mobile phone.

"This video..."

Gao Chusheng looked at the video on the screen and frowned slightly.

The content of this video is relatively simple, but a little weird.

The content is this:

[An urban white-collar woman returned to her apartment building after work in the evening and waited for the elevator alone on the first floor.

A moment later, the elevator came.

The female white-collar worker walked into the elevator and pressed the 9th floor.

The elevator starts to go up.

After going up for a few seconds, the button on the 8th floor lit up.

After the female white-collar worker saw the button on the 8th floor light up, she didn't care, she thought that someone on the 8th floor was waiting for the elevator.

But soon, the female white-collar worker realized that something was wrong.

Even if someone waits for the elevator on the eighth floor, the floor button in the elevator will not light up.

No matter which floor is pressed outside, the buttons inside the elevator will not light up.

If the floor button inside the elevator lights up, it can only be pressed by the person inside the elevator.

But now, she was alone in the elevator.

Who pressed this 8th floor?

The female white-collar worker looked nervous, and she looked beside and behind her.

No one, just her.

Is the elevator malfunctioning?

In the uneasy mood of the female white-collar worker, the elevator slowly stopped on the 8th floor.

The elevator doors slowly open.

It was dark outside the elevator.

The dark atmosphere made the female white-collar worker panic, and she kept pressing the door closing button with her hand, wanting the elevator door to close.

However, the elevator doors were so open that they could not be closed.

It was as if something intangible was blocking the door.



Eerily and chaotic whispers sounded outside the elevator.

I saw a distorted and chaotic black shadow slowly walking into the elevator.


With a scream from the female white-collar worker, the entire elevator fell into darkness. 】

This is where the video comes to an abrupt end.

Gao Chusheng said to himself: "Why is this kind of video that makes people know about ghosts and gods recently, Tingduo?" "

Is anyone spreading it on purpose.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it.

Ordinary people's cognition, fear, awe of ghosts and gods... It will turn into an invisible spiritual silk thread and connect with the ghosts and gods in the deep sea.

Those ghosts and gods in the deep sea will follow these silk threads and continue to float until they are completely ashore and appear in the human world.

In this way, the ghosts and gods that could not be seen by ordinary people can be seen by anyone next.

Therefore, ghosts and gods are idealistic, as long as you have a perception of it, then it can float.

Those ghosts and gods that no one knows will be lost in the deep sea forever and will not float.

"Senior, why are you eating bread alone again?"

A female voice sounded next to Gao Chusheng.

Gao Chusheng looked at the other party and said with a smile: "So Senior Sister Rong, do you want to eat with me?" "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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