Although the probability of ordinary people encountering ghosts and gods floating up is very small, what if they encounter them?

So Gao Chusheng felt the need to remind Kirisu Zhendong.

After listening to what Gao Chusheng said, Kirisu Zhendong shook his head slightly: "Classmate Gao, how do you say that it is like an urban legend."

Urban legends are false, we must believe in science, science is the truth. "

Gao Chusheng didn't bother to explain anything, this kind of thing, in addition to personal experience, it is difficult to believe.

Gao Chusheng only needs to let Kirisu Zhendong know to contact him when he is in danger.

Gao Chusheng said seriously, "Teacher Kirisu, whether you believe it or not.

I just hope that if you do encounter something bizarre and terrible, you must call me immediately.

I can fix it.

Well, don't bother Kirisu-sensei, goodbye! "

After speaking, Gao Chusheng walked outside.

Kirisu Zhendong looked at Gao Chusheng's departing back and said, "Classmate Gao, I know, and thank you for caring about the teacher." "



Night, half past eight.

Kirisu Mafuyu dragged his somewhat tired body to the apartment building he rented.

As a class teacher, there are more things than ordinary teachers, and it is normal to work extra classes at school.

And today is Friday, take advantage of Friday to get things done, Saturday and Sunday can have a good rest.

On weekdays, if you don't work overtime, you can go downstairs after six o'clock.

Kirisu Shinfuyu walked to the elevator on the first floor and pressed the button.

The elevator runs down from the 11th floor.

About 20 seconds later, the elevator reached the first floor and the elevator doors opened.

Kirisu Shinfuyu walked into the elevator and pressed the 13th floor.

The house she rented was on the 13th floor.

"I'm going to be home soon, so it's time to take a bath and drink a glass of milk, which will definitely be very comfortable."

Kirisu thought to himself.

Although I was a little tired, the thought of relaxing in the bath immediately made my mood feel a little refreshing.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who was thinking about this, did not notice that the button on the 11th floor lit up.

By the time Kirisu noticed it, the elevator had already passed the 8th floor.

"Strange, I didn't press the 11th floor, how can the button on the 11th floor light up?" Is the elevator out of order? "

Kirisu Mafuyu looked puzzled.

She thought about it.

It's terrifying to think about.

She was the only one in the elevator, and if she didn't press the 11th floor, who pressed this 11th floor?

Or is it just a glitch in the elevator?

What if it wasn't an elevator glitch?

A chill grew from Kirisu Shinfuyu's back, and a fine cold sweat oozed from her forehead.

Knock knock,

knock knock....

Kirisu could even hear his soaring heartbeat.

Unease, and fear.


In the midst of anxiety, Kirisu Shinfuyu thought of Gao Chusheng.

I thought of what Gao Chusheng said to her in the office when school ended in the afternoon.

When taking the elevator, a certain floor button is obviously not pressed, but it lights up by itself....

When Gao Chusheng said it at that time, she didn't care too much, she only thought it was some kind of urban legend, strange talk and so on.

I didn't expect to really encounter such a thing now.

Kirisu Zhendong quickly opened his mobile phone and looked for Gao Chusheng's mobile phone number.

Gao Chusheng said at that time that if he encountered such a situation, he should contact him immediately, and he could solve it.

As a homeroom teacher, Kirisu has the mobile phone numbers of all the students in the class.

Soon, Kirisu Zhendong found Gao Chusheng's number and began to dial it.

At this time, the elevator also stopped on the 11th floor.

The elevator doors slowly opened.

The phone had not yet been connected, and Kirisu Mafuyu was anxious.

"Classmate Gao, pick it up quickly."

As the elevator doors opened, look at the pitch black outside the elevator.

Kirisu Shinfuyu was not only anxious, but fearful.

In that pitch black, there seemed to be something lurking.

Kirisu quickly pressed the door close button with his hand, trying to close the elevator door.

But the elevator door seemed to be out of order, and there was no response.

At this time, the phone went through.

"Gao, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Gao Chusheng on the other end of the mobile phone: "Tell me your current location, right away!" "

Gao Chusheng knew very well that since Kirisu Zhendong called him, it meant that Tongsu Zhendong must have encountered something.

Otherwise, will the teacher call the student?

So now she just needs to say the location, and nothing else.

Against the clock.

"I, I'm in the elevator in Building 7 of Haruyoshi Apartment..."

"Okay, wait for me."

After speaking, Gao Chusheng hung up the phone.


Kirisu Mafuyu still wanted to say something.

She thought of a question, Gao Chusheng must be far away from her.

It can't be rushed over quickly.

When Gao Chusheng came over, she was afraid that she had ...


A cluttered and eerie voice sounded from outside the elevator.

It was like something was coming towards the elevator.

Kirisu Shinfuyu retreated backwards until he retreated to the corner behind the elevator, and there was no way to retreat.

At the same time, Gao Chusheng's home.

"System, exchange me for an inner-city level teleportation coupon."

"Received! Deduct 100 points from the host, and the city-level teleportation coupon is successfully redeemed! "

Immediately, a card coupon appeared on Gao Chusheng's hand, and the card coupon was tattooed with strange and complicated patterns.

This is the city-level teleportation ticket.

Allows the holder to teleport anywhere in the city.

A teleportation ticket can only be used once and will be voided after one time.

Gao Chusheng said, "The elevator to Building 7 of Chunying Apartment." "

I saw that the city-level teleportation ticket in Gao Chusheng's hand released a white light, and the light enveloped Gao Chusheng.

With a flash of white light, Gao Chusheng disappeared in place.

In the elevator of Building 7 of Haruyoshi Apartment.

Kirisu Mafuyu huddled in the corner of the elevator, looking at the twisted black shadow walking into the elevator with a look of horror.

Its facial features are empty, its face is extremely distorted and chaotic, and its body exudes a black aura.

Just looking at each other, Kirisu Mafuyu felt all kinds of discomfort.

Extreme fear, cold sweat.

When ordinary people face ghosts and gods, only the most instinctive emotions remain, fear!

"Ate you! Ate you! Ate you! Ate you! Ate you! Ate you..."

Chaotic whispers sounded in Kirisu Shinfuyu's ears.

This ghost god approached Kirisu Shinfuyu, poked out a deformed claw, and walked towards Kirisu Shinfuyu.

Kirisu Shinfuyu could only look at the attacking paws in fear, and could not do anything.

Suddenly, a white light flickered in the elevator.

Gao Chusheng appeared in this white light and punched the ghost god.

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