Erno and the others looked at Ichika in front of them, noticed Ernai’s eyes, Ichika raised his hand and scratched his head, and said softly: “That… Ernai, Sanjiu, Shiba, May, you may not believe me when I say it! Hearing

this, Erno and the others looked at each other, and to this, Erno stood up from the chair, crossed his hands at his waist, and said softly: “What is going on?” A flower?

Yotsuba raised his hand and scratched his head, a puzzled expression appeared on his face, Sanjiu and May were the same, in this regard, Ichika crossed his waist with both hands, turned his head to look at Erno and the others, and said softly: “I… Just saw Luo Yaojun! ”

Hey!?” X4

Erno and the others let out a surprised sound at the same time, to which Yotsuba said happily: “Yihua, Luo Yao-kun, is he also here?”

Hearing this, Yihua nodded and said softly: “Well, moreover, beside Luo Yaojun, there seems to be a beautiful girl Oh~”

Hearing this, Shiba was surprised again, and Sanjiu turned his head and said softly: “Yihua, where is Luoyaojun frivolous?”

“That is, where did he go?” Erno crossed his hands at his waist and said softly.

In this regard, Yihua raised his hand and pointed to his left hand side and said softly: “Luo Yaojun, he and that beautiful girl seem to have gone in that direction!”

“In that case, Ichika, let’s hurry up and follow!” After speaking, May clasped her hands and showed an excited look on her face.

“Okay, let’s go find Luo Yaojun now!”

“Oh!” X4

At this time, Luo Yao was chatting with Sha You, and the two were heading in the direction of the haunted house, and at this moment, Luo Yao suddenly sneezed.


Seeing this, Sha You smiled and said: “Ah shh~ It seems that someone is thinking about Luo Yaojun ah

~” Hearing this, Luo Yao raised his hand and rubbed his nose, and said: “It is estimated that it is~ Why, Sha You, are you really going to play a haunted house adventure?”

As soon as these words came out, Sha You nodded affirmatively and said softly: “Hmm! Luo Yaojun, I’m going to play this! ”

Hmm… But, Shayou, aren’t you afraid?

“I’m not afraid! Hmph~”

Oh? Yes~ Who was that just now, shouting when riding the roller coaster~

” “Hmm! Luo Yaojun! Please don’t mention it!

After that, Sha You raised his fist and hit Luo Yao beside him, seeing this, Luo Yao moved to avoid Sha You’s fist, and said with a smile while running: “Hahaha, Sha You, don’t you dare to admit it!” Omittedly… I’m going to say it!

“Hmm! Luo Yaojun!! Hearing

this, Sha You stomped his foot angrily, and immediately, Sha You raised his fist and hit Luo Yao not far away, seeing this, Luo Yao quickly ran away, so, in the amusement park, he came out, a tea-haired girl slammed her fist and chased the teenager in front of her, and the teenager was running while turning back to mock the girl.

After a while, Sha You clenched his fist and punched Luo Yao’s chest, and Sha You huffed: “Hmph! Bad Luo Yaojun, you actually dare to laugh at me, I will wash you! ”

Luo Yao in front of Sha You, is with his hands crossed at the waist, straightened his chest, and let Sha You beat himself, anyway, Sha You’s strength, for Luo Yao, is like a massage….

After a while, Luo Yao calmed Sha You at the cost of an ice cream, Sha You ate the ice cream in his mouth, turned his head to look at Luo Yao, and said softly: “Hmph ~ count Luo Yaojun you still know each other

” Hearing this, Luo Yao smiled, held the back of his head with both hands, and said: “Hehe, okay, don’t be angry

, Sha You~” “Hmph~ I’m not angry~” After speaking, Sha You took a heavy bite of ice cream.

Seeing this, Luo Yao smiled slightly, not far from Luo Yao, the five Nakano sisters at this time were looking for Luo Yao’s figure, Shitaba’s left hand, placed on his forehead, Shiba turned his head, and looked around.

Just when Yotsuba turned his gaze, the figures of Luo Yao and Sha You appeared in Yotsuba’s gaze, and seeing this, Yotsuba turned around and called Ichika and the others.

“Yihua, Ernai, Sanjiu, May, I found Luo Yaojun!”

“Huh!?” X4

heard Yotsuba’s words, Yihua and the others, immediately ran to Yotsuba’s side, Yihana looked at Yotsuba in front of him, and said softly: “Yotsuba, where is Luoyao-kun?”

Hearing this, Yotsuba raised his finger and pointed ahead, turned his head to look at Yihua, and said with a smile: “Hee-hee, Luo Yaojun, he is in front!”

As soon as these words came out, Yihua and the others looked up ahead, and saw that Luo Yao at this time, with his hands in his pockets, seemed to be chatting with the beautiful girl next to him.

Seeing this, Yihua raised her hand and touched her chin, and said lightly on Zhu’s lips: “Ernai, Sanjiu, Shiba, May, let’s follow and take a look!”

“Huh? Yihua, do we really want to follow Luo Yaojun? Sanjiu tilted his head and said suspiciously.

“Hmm~” Ichika nodded in response to Sanjiu.

In this regard, Er Nai raised his hand to hold the broken hair next to his ear and said softly: “Okay, let’s hurry up!”

“Hee-hee! All of a sudden, I was kind of looking forward to it! May said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, Luo Yaojun is going away, let’s hurry up!”

“Oh!” X4’s

words fell, and the five Nakano sisters began to follow Luo Yao, the pedestrians of the amusement park, looking at the Nakano five sisters in front of them, with a puzzled look on their faces.

Luo Yao, who was chatting with Sha You, noticed that the expression of the passerby was a little strange, seeing this, Luo Yao turned his head to look behind him, Yihua noticed that Luo Yao had seen it, and quickly said: “Not good!” Luo Yaojun, he is going to see us! Let’s hurry up and hide! Immediately

, Luo Yao turned his head to look behind him, Luo Yao noticed that under a big tree not far behind him, there was a red dull hair, which was moving with the wind, seeing this, Luo Yao muttered in his heart: “This… It seems that the dull hair of May, is it possible, the five Nakano sisters, they are also here?

Sha You saw Luo Yao looking behind him, turned his head to look at Luo Yao, and said softly: “What’s wrong?” Luo Yaojun? Hearing

Sha You’s voice, Luo Yao turned his head to look at Sha You, smiled and said, “It’s nothing, Sha You, let’s hurry up and go to the haunted house!”


The five Nakano sisters hiding under the big tree, Yihua poked her head out slightly, and Yihua saw that Luo Yao and the girl beside her had already walked away, and quickly said to Erno and the others: “Not good!” Luo Yao is going far! Let’s hurry up! ”

Hmm!” X4

Immediately, the five Nakano sisters quickly kept up with the pace of Luo Yao and Sha You, Luo Yao squinted his eyes, looked at the Nakano five sisters who followed behind, and muttered in his heart: “Good guys, this can run into them!”

When he came to a corner, Luo Yao took Sha You’s hand and quickly ran inside, and Sha You, who had not yet reacted, was pulled by Luo Yao to run like this.

The five Nakano sisters saw Luo Yao holding the girl’s hand and ran, and the five Nakano sisters quickly followed….

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