101: Teasing Tatsumi, the most beautiful woman in the capital, you must see her whole body through

Come to the street in the dead of night.

Bai Lin used his body as bait.

Confident that with his own stature and appearance, he will definitely be able to become a new target for the crime of decapitating Zonker.

But not for a while.

Met the guard Tazmi, who was still patrolling around alone.

“Miss Bai Lin, why are you walking on the street alone?”

“Recently, there has been no peace in the imperial capital, and there are perverts who specialize in killing beautiful women, especially girls who are ranked in beauty contests, and several have died and disappeared.”

“Shall I send you back first?”

When Tazmi saw that it was Bai Lin, he said very respectfully and caringly.

Bai Lin listened.

Several died.

How many are missing?

Suddenly something felt wrong.

The modus operandi of decapitating Zank is to kill the girl directly, decapitate her and throw her body in the streets and alleys.

It’s impossible to hide the whole girl and kill her.

Bai Lin began to feel.

The recent victimization and disappearance of the girls in the imperial capital must be two things.

Apparently not beheading Zank to blame.

There must be someone secretly attacking a beautiful girl!

However, at this time, Bai Lin did not directly refuse Tazmi’s enthusiasm.

“However, I still have some things to do, and I can’t go home yet.”

“Huh? Well, then I can follow you, and I will protect you wherever you go. ”

Tazmi said seriously.

A person like him who is simple and kind in his heart, seeing Bai Lin San Watchman alone on the street in the middle of the night, he can’t rest assured that he will definitely stay with 953.

“Okay, then you can go to some places with me!”

Bai Lin didn’t think much about it.

I only think that the secret decapitation of Zanke and the killing are because of the influence of demons.

If you don’t kill people for a day, you don’t kill enough people are like those drug addicts.

So as long as you find that you have a goal, you will not give up easily.

Not to mention, he is the number one beauty in the imperial capital like Bai Lin.

Even if there is Estes protection behind him, it is estimated that he can’t help but kill Zank by beheading.

Instead, they will be even more excited to kill him!

Bai Lin took Tazmi with him and deliberately came to a place where the enemy could easily attack.

In a park away from the street.

There are woods on both sides.

Very conducive to committing crimes.

Bai Lin sat on a wooden chair.

Faint street lamps illuminate the park.

Under the lights.

Bai Lin, who was sitting quietly, looked even more beautiful and moving at this moment.

After Tazmi on the side subconsciously saw it, he couldn’t help but have a faster heartbeat, his heart was extremely excited, and he blushed slightly.

Why did Miss Bai Lin come to the park to sit?

Those who don’t know, I’m afraid they think that he Tazmi is dating Miss Bai Lin, right?

Come to think of it.

Tazmi was a little extra excited.

Bai Lin raised his head slightly at this time and looked at Tazmi, who was standing on the side.

“Tazmi, sit next to me, you’re tired after walking for so long, aren’t you?”

(CIDD) feels like it’s just the right time to secretly decapitate Zank and stage a semblance of a date between himself and Tazmi.

Thus reducing the suspicion of decapitating Zanker.

After all.

No matter how you say that you have Estes behind you.

Even if he beheaded Zanke and wanted to kill him, the first beauty of the empire.

But there must still be some irrepressible hesitation and entanglement.

Tazmi immediately blushed and said nervously.

“Miss Bai Lin, I, I’m not tired, I still don’t sit down.”

Bai Lin smiled slightly.

“Are you going to refuse my kindness?”

“Well, that’s not really.”

“I just think that Miss Bai Lin is so beautiful and has such a noble identity, and I feel unworthy of being a country boy.”

Tazmi said without confidence.

“Hmph, then do you think I’m the kind of girl who tends to be inflammatory, and looks down on the poor?”

Bai Lin snorted deliberately and said.

Tazmi immediately shook his head.

“No, Miss Bai Lin wouldn’t look down on us countrymen, otherwise Iyeas and I wouldn’t have found suitable jobs in the imperial capital so quickly.”

“In that case, let’s sit down.”

Bai Lin continued to smile slightly.

“Well, okay, okay.”

“By the way, what is Miss Bai Lin doing in the park? Why don’t you go home? Is it awkward to have a falling out with your sister, General Estes? ”

Tazmi sat down with a flushed face.

But in order not to think about those damn temptations, I changed the subject.

“I’m not telling you.”

Bai Lin didn’t want to say more.

“Well, then, then I won’t ask.”

Tazmi replied a little overwhelmed.

And in his opinion.

It’s the first time I’ve sat with such a beautiful girl, and it feels so unreal. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

If I had to go back and tell Iyeas about this tonight, he would have thought I was bragging, right?

followed Bai Lin and took the initiative to ask about Tazmi, Sha Wei, and Iaias.

Are you used to living in the imperial capital?

Is the work going well?

Anyway, we just chatted casually. []

was secretly beheading Zanke, and early in the morning he was eyeing Bai Lin who was walking on the street.

Even has a very obsessive obsession with a beautiful woman like Bai Lin, and can’t help but want to destroy it with his own hands.

But there was a hint of reason in his heart to tell him.

This Tamad is the woman’s sister.

The woman went crazy, more terrible than herself.

But beheading Zank didn’t want to give up the idea of killing easily.

So he kept watching Bai Lin in secret.

Until I saw this phenomenon in front of me.

It turned out that he came out on a cheating date?

It was immediately viewed through the emperor’s farsighted ability with five visions.

It was found that there were no enemies lurking in the vicinity.

Decapitating Zank felt it was a good opportunity to kill someone.

So illusions were used.

Directly disguised as Estes and walked out.

“Bai Lin, go, it’s time to go back with me.”


Bai Lin immediately looked up.


No, it’s not Estes.

Bai Lin immediately denied his first judgment.

This must be the decapitation of Zanke who finally couldn’t hold it back in the dark, and used illusion to disguise himself as Estes, and wanted to kill himself easily, right?


Bai Lin didn’t act rashly, and pretended to be at a loss for what to do.

Tazmi, on the other hand, didn’t know what to say.

And at this moment.

Beheading Zank is extremely proud in his heart, and it feels so easy to get it.


The first beauty in the imperial capital took a closer look, and she was really a superb beauty.

Tsk, it makes people want to look at the whole body.

So he secretly launched a perspective on Bai Lin.

But in my heart, I was stunned.


Why can’t you see through?

Could it be that the emperor is not suitable for me to perform this trick?

Decapitating Zank gives Tazmi a perspective view of the side.

Good guys, isn’t this being able to see through?

So in his heart, he doubted and launched a perspective on Bai Lin again.

But I still can’t see through.

As everyone knows.

Bai Lin’s clothes are Valkyrie transformations.

How can equipment equivalent to artifact-level equipment be so easy to see?

He beheaded Zank but didn’t know why, but he felt very angry in his heart.

Made, this woman doesn’t want Lao Tzu to see through?

Hmph, I’m going to have to tear your clothes to see enough!

“Bai Lin, hurry up.”

Beheading Zanke stretched out his hand to Bai Lin and urged.


Bai Lin pretended to be reluctant and walked up.

But the moment he reached out and grabbed it, he released a terrifying death force in his hand.


Beheading Zank followed with a scream.

Burst back.


It’s a pity that his palms have begun to corrupt and melt like crazy.

Even the bones are gradually melting and disappearing, and gradually extending towards the wrists and arms.


Seeing this, the beheading Zanke was also decisive, and immediately cut off the arm that was bubbling with black gas.


I couldn’t help but scream again, and the blood splashed in the air.


Readers who are reading, can you all support this book, as long as someone supports it, I have the motivation to write it down, and I will work hard to update it, you can rest assured, no eunuch, thank you.


Người mua: MochiZuki

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