108: Those who are not from our tribe must have different hearts. Anyone who dares to offend us will be punished even though they are far away!

The next day.

Estes led an army of 300,000 to conquer in person.

Go south to purge the remnants of the revolutionary army.

Generalissimo of the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

The first time he learned that the thousand-year-old rule of the imperial capital had fallen, but Estes took the lead, changed the dynasty, and became the master of the new country.

was so angry that he was furious on the spot.

Seems very unwilling.

Ren Lao is full of ambition!

He began to continue to brainwash countless soldiers and civilians.

Tell them.

Only the revolutionary army can truly guide the people and build a truly peaceful and happy country.

and even secretly began to arrange people.

all over the country.

Hype about Estes.

The brutal atrocities that buried 500,000 people alive in the North.

and exposing Estes’s various cruel methods.

I want the people everywhere to understand.

This kind of woman being the emperor will only plunge more people into misery and nightmares.

With the spread of more and more people later.

It’s just a few days.

Estes, the supreme empress.

was directly crowned with the title of the Demon Queen.

Countless people began to panic.

“Ninety-seven-seven” felt that an even more terrible tyranny was coming.

There are more and more anti-Estes people across the country.

Even the people of the night raid organization were successfully brainwashed again by the upper echelons of the revolutionary army.

Night raiders.

Begin to think more firmly.

Even if the original ruler of the empire falls.

Nor can Estes be made the new ruler.

Otherwise, the people of this world.

will still survive in dire straits.

Therefore, the revolutionary task is still over, and the fighting needs to continue.

Of course.

I think it would be almost the same if the kind-hearted Bai Lin became the empress.


The night attack was ordered by the top figures of the revolutionary army.

Since Estes is coming to destroy the revolutionary army, then he has to guard against it, after all, Estes’s force is well known.

Strong, very strong.

It is certainly unwise to be rigid.

You have to be prepared.

So he ordered the night raiders to rush to the imperial capital to arrest the most important person in Estes and use it to threaten Estes when the time comes.

Even the top brass is still gambling, is it possible for Estes to voluntarily abdicate for the sake of Bai Lin and support the revolutionary army to become the real master of the country?

This side of the imperial capital.

The second day of Estes’ expedition.

Bai Lin took charge of the new state on behalf of Estes.

Inside the court.

Civil and military officials, seeing Bai Lin is like seeing the empress Estes.

Immediately they knelt down respectfully and worshipped.

“Long live Your Highness, long live, long live!”

Bai Lin’s face was calm and kind, which made the civil and military officials all calm down.

Minister Shao’er got up and immediately reported.

“Your Highness Bai Lin, the revolutionary army is inciting people throughout the country and slandering the authority of Her Majesty the Empress, and we must take strong measures to appease people.”

Minister Jolly reported.

“Your Royal Highness Bai Lin, the minister still feels that it is still necessary to use thunderous means to get rid of the villains who maliciously slander Her Majesty the Empress as soon as possible, and then hype up the good things that Her Majesty the Empress has done for the people.”

General Ruoken reported.

“Your Royal Highness Bai Lin, the minister is willing to lead the army to go to various places to encircle and suppress the villains who spread rumors and slander Her Majesty the Empress.”


In the face of the admonitions of the civil and military officials, Bai Lin smiled slightly.

“If it is not in my clan, their hearts will be different, if it is safe, it is fine, and they are all killed by the empress’s sister when they are restless, and they are to blame.”

“Otherwise, the people of our country will be threatened with trampling and massacre.”

“However, this time, countless people were bewitched by the revolutionary army, and they were obviously blinded by their real eyes, so let’s not blame them.”

“From now on, the officials of all states, counties, and counties shall be ordered to proclaim that those who are not in our country will have different hearts and will offend our country. The spirit of being punished even if it is far away. ”

“Focus on propaganda that the new country pursues the concept that the people are the masters of the country and the people are the real masters of the country, rather than the king of a country being the master of the country.”

“Re-propagandize, the revolutionary army wants to overthrow the new rule, it wants to become the master of the country and the people, and it is still the same as the previous imperial rule, changing the soup but not the medicine.”

“In this way, the people are truly unable to get rid of suffering and be happy.”


Bai Lin seriously replaced Estes at the imperial court and promulgated a series of strategies against the revolutionary fishing boats.

The civil and military officials felt incredible.

Especially those who are loyalists.

Those who want the people to really be fed.

Immediately, it seemed that Bai Lin had embarked on a new path for the country.

Although this path is not so easy to change and there are many obstacles, at least in a short period of time, it can quickly have a huge impact on the people.

And in fact.

And it is.

After Bai Lin’s strategic ordinance was issued. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

It’s just a matter of days.

Let the masses of the people throughout the country erect patriotic feelings.

Even the unwilling emotions that have been suppressed by the original empire for a long time have directly ignited the general.

“When Her Majesty the Empress was a great general, she buried alive the alien race that had repeatedly invaded our country! Damn it! ”

“That’s right! If it is not within our clan, its heart will be different, and those who dare to come will be punished even if they are far away. “[]

“That’s true. People of different races have done all kinds of evil, and have invaded and trampled on many towns and villages on the border of our country, and have not all men, women, and children been killed? ”

“Your Majesty the Empress, I killed them, but it’s just a good reincarnation in heaven, and they deserve it.”


“We want to be the masters of the country, we must be protected by the law, and we must hold our hearts up.”

“We support Her Majesty’s country and oppose any country that wants to be our master.”

“And Your Majesty the Empress, after the establishment of a new country, our agriculture, commerce, and military have obviously taken on a new look, and the future is promising.”



The new wave of support for the empress directly suppressed all the slanderous fishing boats of the revolutionary army.

The despicable methods of the revolutionary army appear to be self-defeating.

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army entrenched in the South.

The tall and mighty marshal slapped the table angrily, his eyes red with anger.

“In the imperial capital, who is making suggestions?”

“How could we have such an immediate means to defeat our plan with such ease?”

“Lord Marshal, according to the latest news, is the sister of the woman Estes, named Bai Lin, the first beauty in the former empire……….”

“Hmph, it’s a woman again!”

“Let the night raiders catch this person as soon as possible, otherwise we will completely lose ground before that woman from Estes comes to crusade.”

“Your Excellency Marshal, rest assured, the people who attacked during the night have already rushed to the imperial capital overnight, and it will take less than a day or two before there will be news.”


The other side.

The night raid group of people came to the gate of the imperial capital in makeup, preparing to enter the imperial capital.

“Listen up, now all force is strictly prohibited in the imperial capital, and all those who enter the imperial capital must not make trouble.”

“Otherwise, you will be expelled from the imperial capital, and your qualification to enter the imperial capital will be canceled forever, and you will be imprisoned in prison and never see the light of day.”

Iaias himself proclaimed it at the gates.

At the same time, notices of the rules of the city were posted everywhere inside and outside the imperial capital.

There were people around who were talking.

“This was done a few days ago.”

“I heard that it is His Royal Highness Bai Lin who wants to make the imperial capital the most peaceful city, a place where there is no force, no disputes, and no hatred.”

“Yes, I feel quite serious, a few days ago, there were many nobles who did not believe in evil and did all kinds of evil in the imperial capital, and they were uprooted by an organization called Guardian on the same day.”

“And all the money from the house was used by the guardian organization to build the imperial capital.”

“I also know this, I heard that the first to be built in the imperial capital was the poorest and most chaotic Slam Street.”

“The people who live there now are living a good life.”

“yes, I can’t help but be envious.”

A lot of people are talking about it.

In the midst of the crowd.

A disguised night raider.

I couldn’t believe it for a while.

I haven’t seen it for a while, and the people of the imperial capital have not panicked because of the imperial capital war.

On the contrary, life is happier and happier than before?

Especially Leonay couldn’t help but think of Bai Lin for the first time.

She remembers.

White 1.1 Lin once said to her.

One day, I will definitely help her fulfill her wish, so that everyone on Slam Street can eat, sleep and live well.

And Bai Lin also reminded her in particular.

Be sure to remember your promises.

Bai Lin’s innocent smile at that time was like yesterday, which she couldn’t forget.

As for this convention.

Leonay couldn’t help but blush when she thought about it at this moment.

“Boss, are we really going to kidnap Miss Bai Lin?”

Leona asked in a somewhat wavering whisper, Boss Najeta.

“Leonay, don’t be fooled by all the superficial disguises, there are some things that you need to see with your own eyes.”

Najeta was unmoved.

Ren Ran felt that only the revolutionary army could bring real peace to the country.


Readers who are reading, can you all support this book, as long as someone supports it, I have the motivation to write it down, and I will work hard to update it, you can rest assured, no eunuch, thank you.


Người mua: MochiZuki

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