17: I want the Valkyrie to be a part of my body


Grey pouted.

When watching Sister Brunhild feel disappointed in herself.

I couldn’t help but feel aggrieved and innocent in my heart.

At this time, Bai Lin woke up, wiped his eyes, sat up from the bed, and asked.

“Sister Valkyrie, have you checked it?”

“Confirmed. I can trust you for a moment to be all-knowing and all-powerful. ”

“So, let’s talk about what you want to trade with me, shall we?”

Valkyrie sat down on a chair beside her and shook her legs.

“Huh? Hey? ”

Gray looked at Brünnhilde and Bai Lin with a bewildered expression.

I had no idea what the two were suddenly talking about.

Can’t understand it?

“Hee-hee, then let me introduce myself first!”

“My name is Bai Lin, an omniscient and omnipotent existence in the universe, and I can predict many things for many years.”

Bai Lin stood on the bed, looking very great.

“I came to this world this time on purpose because I want you thirteen Valkyries to transform into a part of me as I ask in my heart.”

“Like what does it turn into?”

Brunhilde frowned and asked, feeling that the other party’s request was a bit excessive.

However, the other party knew that their Valkyrie could transform weapons and equipment.

Bai Lin smiled at this and said.

“Well, for example, give me the perfect fitting clothes, socks, shoes, fat, covers, scarves, jewelry, hair accessories, etc.”

“Hmph, your condition is a little too much, it is equivalent to directly making all our Valkyries your appendages.”

Brunhilde couldn’t help but snort.

For a while, it was a little difficult to accept Bai Lin’s conditions.

“Ah, it’s not too much!”

Bai Lin explained.

“Compared to the sacrifice you have to pay for saving the humanity of this world, at least you are still alive, right?”

Brunhilde asked.

“Then may I ask, if I don’t accept your trading help, how many of our Valkyries will die?”

“Eleven dead!”

Bai Lin immediately affirmed.

When Brünnhilde heard this, his heart said that it was such an exaggeration?

Could it be that only two of the thirteen humans chosen in his heart can bring two victories?

It’s equivalent to the gods winning eleven games!

In this way, humanity has also lost too badly, right? The sisters also sacrificed too much, right?

I plan to let my sisters transmogrify weapons for humans to use, so that the selected humans are enough to have powerful weapons and gods to collide.

“Tell me, I’d love to know, those two humans were able to defeat the gods?”

Brünnhilde asked, expectantly.

Bai Lin said with a smile.

“It’s Lu Bu Fengxian and Qin Shi Huang!”

“As for the other people you have chosen, they are not at the same level of force as Lu Bu Fengxian and Qin Shi Huang.”

“I see, then how many games can you guarantee that humans will win if they make a deal with you?”

“It’s sure to be a win, I’m omniscient, how can I help you find someone who can’t win?”

“Okay, I’ll think about your conditions.”

“However, I need to ask the other sisters now if they would like to be your appendages for the sake of humanity.”

Brünnhilde thought hard.

Of course, in her own opinion, it is to go down and go to a situation.

After all, he and his sisters are willing to give their lives for the sake of human existence.

Why don’t you want to be an all-knowing and all-powerful appendage?

As long as you can win the battle of Ragnarok.

Valkyries can give everything and sacrifice together!

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