61: Tiamat, I love you very much, please stay with me

Next tick.

Six pillars of light of different colors descended from above.

In each pillar of light there is a powerful, good-looking and beautiful girl.

They are Elquite, Artoria, Two Rituals, . Aoko Aosaki, Rin Tosaka, Sakura Makiri.

Bai Lin was pulled by these six forces at the same time, out of Anna’s palm.

Anna, Ishtar, and Quetzalcoatl felt something was wrong for the first time.

When he came back to his senses, he was ready to chase after him immediately, wanting to catch Bai Lin.

But it was strongly rejected by the six forces.


The three goddesses panicked directly.

Anna: “Sister Bai Lin, what’s the matter with you?” ”

Ishtar: “Bailin, you, what are you going to do?” Don’t scare me! ”

Quetzalcoatl: “Oh no, Sister Bai Lin is leaving us!” ”


Bai Lin was helpless about this.

He himself was about to be teleported back to the Overworld.

In this world and they can only end there.

However, Bai Lin did not show sadness on his face, but faced them as pure and lovely as possible.

“Anna, Sister Tár, Big Sister, and Sister Elle, thank you for always protecting me, I really like you.”

“But…… I’m sorry I had to leave! ”

“But don’t worry, I won’t put you in any danger, and I’ll get rid of Tiamat.”

After all that’s said.

Bai Lin reluctantly turned around.

Surrounded by six pillars of light, Tiamat kept getting closer.

“Elquit, cast your enchanting eye on Tiamat to make her more likely to accept my existence, I want to talk to her.”

Bai Lin said unusually calmly.

“Okay, master!”

As the heroic spirits summoned by Bai Lin, they are absolutely obedient to Bai Lin.

There may be petty willfulness in life sometimes, but there will never be ambiguity when performing tasks.

Elquit then looked at Tiamat’s scarlet eyes, which were marked by the cross-marking of the reticle lines, and soon caught Tiamat’s attention, and he took advantage of this to cast his enchanting eye on him.

The so-called Enchanting Demon Eye has the ability to imprison, brainwash, and memorize operations.

“Master, it’s all right, but I’ll hold on for a minute at most.”

“I see, thanks!”

After Bai Lin thanked him, he picked up the conch in his hand and blew the rhythm, which touched Tiamat’s inner emotions.

As Bai Lin was able to feel Tiamat’s heart directly.

At this moment.

Tiamat was aggrieved, sad, sad, and had a lot of things that he couldn’t figure out.

She kept talking in her heart.

“I have given birth to many lives.”

“I was also loved by all beings.”

“But the kids used me as a jumping platform and walked away from me.”

“I want to love them all the time.”

“I want them to stay with me forever.”

“Is my love …… Is it all wrong? ”

After Bai Lin felt it, he passed it through his spirit.

“Tiamat, we are all in love with you deeply, for example, I, Bai Lin, like you very much and want to be with you forever.”

“If I could, I’d like to give you a hug right now, or even have all of you.”

“But, alas, I’m leaving!”

Bai Lin said from the bottom of his heart.

After all, LSP’s liking for beautiful women will never be ambiguous, and it is all about the true emotions in his heart.

At the moment, Tiamat is a sign of lack of love, as if he is an empty nester.

Of course.

Tiamat is a very cute girl.

Although there is a pair of horns on his head, it is very innovative.

This moment.

Tiamat felt Bai Lin’s voice and asked.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Bai Lin.”

“And you really like me?”

“Well, I love it.”

“Then don’t go, don’t leave me, okay?”

Tiamat’s heart.

At this moment, it seems to be very sad, as if I can’t help but cry.

Bai Lin couldn’t help but feel very touched and pity Tiamat.

However, Bai Lin did not decide whether to leave or not, it was completely out of his own hands.

“Sister Tiamat, I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

“Sister? So why are you leaving? Don’t you love me anymore? ”

Tiamat asked more sadly.

Bai Lin: “No, if I could, I would love you deeply.” ”

“Then you’ll stay with me, okay? Let me do whatever I want! ”

Tiamat said longingly, humbly.

“Sister Tiamat, do you want to be with me forever?”

“I promise that I won’t let you be lonely, and I will even come to see you often, chat with you, laugh with you, and have fun with you, do you think this is okay?”

“Really? Are you cheating on me? ”

Tiamat couldn’t help but ask with some emotion.

“No, trust me.”

Bai Lin said very sincerely and gently.

“Okay, then I believe you!”

Tiamat is like a simple little girl, and it is very easy to trust someone who is very good to her.

“Thank you, then no matter what happens, Sister Tiamat won’t resist, okay?”

Bai Lin asked as gently as he could.

“Well, I won’t resist, you’re the only one who understands my grievances, and you’re the one who wants to be with me, and I like you very much.”

Tiamat’s tone at this moment seemed innocent and happy.

“Well, I like you too.”

Bai Lin was also very happy about this.

I didn’t expect to finally communicate with Tiamat.

Next tick.

Bai Lin withdrew from the spiritual world.

Start using your natural skills.

Devouring Tiamat’s massive body like never before.

After all, as a slime.

His stomach pouch was large enough to hold dozens of Tiamat’s Beast God forms.

But if you swallow it, it’s hard to let it out.

Bai Lin himself had to be at least level 120 above Tiamat’s level before he could release her freely.

A minute later.

Bai Lin managed to devour Tiamat and put it in the stomach pouch space.

Then the three minutes came and went.

Bai Lin was instantly teleported back to the Overworld.


Readers who are reading, can you all support this book, the data is really poor, I will try to update, you can rest assured, no eunuch, thank you.


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