The street lamps emit a soft and bright light, illuminating the dim streets of the residential area, and also giving the environment a unique atmosphere and beauty.

The cherry-haired female teacher, who had just recovered a little, was once again in a state of confusion after hearing the other party personally admit the incident on the rooftop of the teaching building.

Just like Su Muzhe when he first met Yotsuya Miko, if no one comforted and guided him, he would probably have to find a place to sit quietly for a while before he could return to normal.

However, at this time, Su Muzhe was by the side of Kirisu Madoka.

Having experienced such a worldview creation, he opened his mouth to help his teacher with psychological counseling.

“As you can see, Mr. Kirisu,”

“There is another side to this world.”

“However, for most ordinary people, they are often out of reach.”

“Tonight is just a special case.”

“Teacher Kirisu, your future life will not be affected too much.”

Listening to Su Muzhe’s gentle words of comfort,

Kirisu Madoka, who was originally at a loss, seemed to relax, but then she was puzzled and curious about the unreasonable thing just now, which made her look at the boy again.

She gently reached out and touched the other’s face, and then her eyes couldn’t help but look at the boy’s Adam’s apple.

Somehow she reached out and touched it, which made Kirisu Madoka feel a little ashamed. She hurriedly said that she was rude.

Fortunately, as her fingertips covered the boy’s neck, the blood surged clearly, which made her have new doubts:

“Su, you….Are you still human?”

“Although my physique has indeed evolved once, my race is still human.”

After saying this, the young man seemed to have noticed the teacher’s little thoughts just now.

When he lowered his head to look at her, his lips curled up, not hiding his evil intentions:

“Kirisu-sensei, if you don’t believe me,”

“Maybe touch my abdominal muscles.”

“Who knows, it might make you, Teacher Kirisu, feel more at ease.”

Su Muzhe’s teasing words made Kirisu Madoka blush, especially the shame of being caught by a student.

This made the female teacher try to restore her dignity as a teacher:

“Rejected! Student Su, please be careful with your words and don’t tease the teacher!”


A scumbag with evil intentions pretended to be serious and asked:

“Then can students carry their teachers in a princess-carrying manner?”

“Um! Teacher, I……I…….”

After Su Muzhe’s reminder,

Kirisu Manfuyu, who had returned to normal, naturally realized the overly intimate behavior of the two.

But she was so frightened before that her legs were so weak.

Even though she wanted to maintain the image of a”perfect teacher” in the eyes of her students, she knew very well that if she was really put down, she would probably fall flat on the spot.

At that time, her dignity and face as a teacher would be truly lost!

So this icy beauty teacher in the eyes of everyone at Shuchiin Academy chose to escape from reality after stumbling for a while, buried her little head in her plump chest, and whispered,”What a mistake! What a shame!”…..”These words, however, made him unwilling to raise his head to face reality.

After seeing the cute and soft side of this teacher,

Su Muzhe decisively suggested:

“So let’s make a pact:”

“From now on, we will have a normal teacher-student relationship in school.”

“But outside of school, we are equal friends. What do you think, Miss Madoka?” If Su Muzhe had proposed such a condition and such an intimate name at the beginning, it would have been rejected nine times out of ten. But now that he had revealed his true face, Madoka Kirisu, who was almost ashamed and escaping from reality in his arms, naturally chose to agree.


“If I am outside of school,”

“old….I will call you Su Jun.”

Not knowing the real meaning, Kirisu Madoka changed Su Muzhe’s name to ‘Su Jun’.

The female teacher herself did not realize that after she said this name, her heart naturally changed the original serious teacher-student relationship into a more easy-to-get-along-with friend relationship.

This kind of psychological suggestion of the vague relationship in the name will gradually be subtle until both parties get used to it subconsciously.

At that time, as long as it is outside the school environment, even if Su Muzhe does something beyond the limit and bold, as long as the atmosphere and emotions are in place, there will be no obstacles.

“So, Su Jun, are you actually a person with super powers?”

“Or is it like those Onmyoji in the comics of Shonen Jump?”

After the relationship between the two of them naturally became closer,

Kirisu Madoka couldn’t help but ask Su Muzhe curiously.

Until now, she still couldn’t forget that terrible monster lurking on the school rooftop was just like a poor chicken in front of Su Muzhe, and was crushed to death by the giant blue hand in an instant.

The impact of that scene was extremely huge for Kirisu Madoka.

“Neither. To be precise, I am a practitioner from the big country next door.”

“Oh oh……”

Kirisu Madoka nodded, not quite understanding.

“So, Su Jun, your sudden disappearance in the afternoon was also due to something similar?”

“Well, that’s about right.”

Since his class teacher had given him a reason,

Su Muzhe naturally chose to agree.

“Because of the emergency to save a girl, so did not ask for leave”

“I see. However, I have no problem here.”

“But you have to deal with Xiaojing. She is doing���”When I was in the room, I was very angry.”

Kirisu Madoka reminded Su Muzhe, and the two chatted casually until Su Muzhe crossed the streets and walked into the DK apartment building in Roppongi.

Following Kirisu Madoka’s instructions, she took the elevator to her door.

“The Sumuzhezha has arrived at its destination. Ms. Kirisu, it’s time to get off.”


It was not until she looked up and saw the familiar house number that the teacher, who had almost gotten used to being held by the boy’s strong arms and hiding in his safe embrace, woke up from a dream.

Of course, the teacher, who always maintained her dignified image, would never admit this.

“What a mistake. I didn’t notice this.”


A certain evil-minded boy said:

“I thought Miss Manfuyu was reluctant to come down.”

“He started poking and touching me from the moment I woke up.”

“Oh~~ Could it be that you didn’t touch my abdominal muscles so you didn’t come down?”

Listening to Su Muzhe’s undisguised malicious words,

Kirisu Mando wanted to refute him like she did at the beginning, but she recalled her performance along the way and suddenly felt that her dignity as a teacher had been destroyed by this bad guy.

“What a shame! I didn’t have any idea about Su Jun’s abdominal muscles!”

With red ears, Kirisu Madoka quickly got down from his arms, took out the key from his pocket, and then shrank back behind the door in the blink of an eye like a soft noodle, revealing only a small head with cherry-colored hair looking at the boy opposite.

“However, no matter what…….Take me back tonight, thank you for your hard work”

“How many people dream of hugging a beauty like Miss Mando?”

Su Muzhe couldn’t help but reach out and touch the other’s hair.

Kirisu Mando pursed her red lips subconsciously, but still acquiesced to the boy’s behavior.

After all, she also touched many parts of the other party, so it was even.

“Miss Madoka knows my cell phone number, right? It’s the same as my Line number.”

“If you encounter any danger in the future, please contact me immediately.”

After hearing this, Kirisu Mafuyu nodded and said softly:

“So….Good night, Su Jun,”

“Good night, Miss Mafuyu.”

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