“Ha!” Seeing Jingyu rushing towards him again, Yang Haiwang did not sit still this time! He only heard him shouting, and his right hand made a fist, accompanied by a twist of the waist and abdomen. He hit him in the face with all his strength! The terrifying force and muscles looked like an iron pillar hitting him. He could not take it head-on! Even with the force elimination, he would definitely get hurt after taking this punch! Jingyu made a judgment in his heart instantly. After all, the force elimination was not omnipotent. So, Jingyu used Jeet Kune Do! Snap! He only heard the crisp sound of flesh colliding with flesh. King Yang Hai felt a soft but extremely hard force!

Jingyu’s arm bounced his fist like a bowstring!

Not only that,

at the moment of bouncing his arm,

Jingyu’s right leg kicked towards his abdomen.

Seeing this, King Yang Hai’s eyes condensed.

Forced the stagnant body to move again.

Hit Jingyu’s temple with his left hand!


just when he was about to attack,

his left hand was blocked.


Seeing this, King Yang Hai looked horrified.

He couldn’t believe that

someone could actually block his attack with his hands while using a whip kick.

This is not in line with common sense!

This way the body is not coordinated at all and can’t exert force!

It has violated the principles of the human body!

But it is this seemingly impossible thing.

Jingyu can do it easily!

Because his body was transformed by the system after birth!

Every strand of his hair, every muscle, every inch of his skin, and even every drop of his blood.

He could feel it clearly!

And he could control it as if it were his own arm!

While Yang Haiwang was shocked,

Jingyu’s attack was about to touch his abdomen!

There was no escape!

Yang Haiwang let out a muffled groan from his throat.

The muscles in his abdomen hardened!


With a deafening sound,

his huge body was kicked back again!


The terrifying recoil force made Jingyu gasp.

The part of his right calf that was attacked immediately became red and swollen.

“Fuck, it’s so exciting!”

“That boy is so powerful, now I believe he is the Sea King.”

“Master is completely suppressed!”

A dazzling battle.

It made everyone present excited and their adrenaline soared.

He wished he could take off his clothes and compete with the person next to him.

“Ha, ha…”

Kneeling on the ground, Yang Haiwang gasped for air.

Even with his physical fitness, it was too much for him to take the opponent’s attack with his abdomen.

Fortunately, his internal organs were not injured.

He stood up again soon.

“It’s really amazing. You are worthy of being a genius boy who defeated two sea kings.”

Yang Haiwang praised.

At this moment, sweat was oozing from his whole body.

His abdomen was even more painful.

He still couldn’t figure out how the other party made that weird posture.

Can that posture really exert force?

Forget it, since I can’t figure it out, I won’t think about it.

Yang Haiwang abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind.

You must be focused in the battle.


Now he has the advantage!

Although he was hit by the opponent twice,

In fact, he was not injured at all.

On the contrary, Jingyu’s legs are a little inconvenient to move now.

“Still not working?”

Two consecutive attacks did not work.

Especially Jingyu also applied the effect of the collapse fist in the whip kick just now.

But it still did not penetrate Yang Haiwang’s defense.

Now he had to face the reality.

Yang Haiwang’s defense is indeed very strong.

If he risked breaking his arm and used all his strength.

Maybe he could penetrate, but that would be meaningless.

He had to rely on skills to win easily!

What are you going to do next?

The two consecutive attacks brought great shock to Yang Haiwang.

He admired the unparalleled superb skills.

So he was looking forward to it,

Looking forward to what kind of moves the boy in front of him would use next!

Let him wait and see!

Just when Yang Haiwang was so excited.

He was stunned.


Yang Haiwang made a puzzled sound.

The other party disappeared? !

When? !

In just a blink of an eye, the other party seemed to disappear.

Yang Haiwang was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what was happening.

The situation before.

Until a breeze came from behind him.

“Is it here!”

Yang Haiwang roared,

using all his strength to hit behind him.

But it was too late!


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Yang Haiwang’s brain made a roaring sound!

His consciousness also fell into a stagnation!

Instant step plus double peaks piercing the ears!

This is the move Jingyu just used!

Even Yang Haiwang didn’t react before he was hit!

“No matter how strong your body is, your eardrum is still fragile.”

Jingyu stood in place, looking down at Yang Haiwang who had fallen to the ground.

He said calmly.

He evolved again!

Just because he couldn’t penetrate the opponent’s body,

Jingyu thought about the opponent’s weakness in his heart.


He used the move of double peaks piercing the ears!

Although the eyes are also a weakness, it is a competition after all.

So Jingyu didn’t need to go to that extent.


After falling to the ground, Yang Haiwang could no longer hear what the other party was saying.

He felt dizzy and his vision was spinning.

The roaring sound that kept echoing made it difficult for him to regain consciousness.

“Is it over?”

Seeing this,

The others swallowed hard.

They couldn’t believe that their own Haiwang was defeated so easily!

He didn’t even touch the boy once during the whole process.

It was a complete crushing situation!

Can the gap really be so big?

Obviously, the gap between the two is very obvious in terms of training and age.

The result of the battle is completely opposite.

Maybe there are really geniuses in this world!

They didn’t believe it before,

But now that kind of person has appeared in front of them!

The boy in front of them is a real martial arts genius that is one in a million!

Just when everyone thought the battle was over.

Yang Haiwang stood up again.

But his body was shaking at this time.

He was breathing heavily.

He looked like he would fall down at any time.

“It’s not over yet!”

Blood was constantly flowing out of his ears.

But he still gritted his teeth and endured the pain and fainting.

“I haven’t fallen down yet, the competition is not over yet!”

His eyes were firm, and his white pupils were full of bloodshot.

As a martial artist, he didn’t fall down completely and lose the ability to resist.

Then the competition is not over!

Jingyu read this meaning from his firm eyes.


In this case, Jingyu is willing to give him the greatest respect!

“Didn’t you ask me yesterday what the weakness of the Vajra Fist is?”

“Next, I will let you experience it yourself.”

As soon as the voice fell,

Jingyu walked in front of Yang Haiwang.


Without any hesitation,

Yang Haiwang punched!

But the speed and strength were far inferior to before!


The left hand gently flicked the opponent’s arm.


Jingyu punched the intersection of Yang Haiwang’s arm and shoulder.


Everyone only heard a crisp sound.

Yang Haiwang’s arm was removed!

“That’s the thing. Although your body is hard, your flexibility is too poor!”

That’s why you were pressed into a ball by Oliva’s palm!

Yang Haiwang couldn’t hear these words at this moment.

But it doesn’t matter.

Jingyu said that he would let him experience his shortcomings firsthand!


Next, it was a cruel and unsuspenseful crushing!

In the eyes of all the disciples of the Vajra Gate who were reluctant and shocked.

All of Yang Haiwang’s limbs were removed!

The whole person lost his support and fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

Since then,

The competition is completely over!

Jingyu defeated the third sea king without any suspense!

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