The two of them were so shocked that they were unable to resist.

“How, how is it possible?!”


“He actually took Liu Haiwang’s attack without any injury!”

Everyone present was shocked.

They all widened their eyes and showed an expression of disbelief.

In their eyes, Jingyu was just a lazy waste.

But now this waste took Liu Haiwang’s attack and was unharmed? !

“Is this a dream?”

A monk stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh.


After hearing the person next to him gasp in pain,

he was sure that this was not a dream!

“Dissipate, dissipate force?!”

Except for Lie Hai Wang and Liu Hai Wang, there were only a few elderly elders who recognized the move Jing Yu had just used.

“And it’s an extremely advanced dissipation of force!”

He couldn’t tell to what extent Jing Yu had practiced dissipation of force.

Because his understanding and control of dissipation of force was very shallow.

Cold sweat began to seep from Lie Hai Wang’s forehead.

When did he learn it? !

He obviously rested every day and never exercised!


A terrifying idea even to himself popped up in Lie Hai Wang’s mind.

He noticed.

It seemed that Jing Yu was present every time he practiced or exchanged martial arts with others!

Without exception!

“Did he learn it just by watching?”

Lie Hai Wang thought to himself.

If it was true,

then the talent of his junior brother was too terrifying!

“Eliminating force?”

Liu Haiwang was also shocked.

Eliminating force, which can completely remove his attack power, is not something that a beginner can do.

“When did you learn it?”

“Hmm… let me think.”

Hearing the other party’s question, Jingyu fell into deep thought.

He tried hard to recall when he learned to eliminate force.

Because he learned it so quickly, he could learn it by just glancing at it unintentionally.

So it was difficult to remember when he learned it.


Jingyu’s eyes lit up.

He remembered!

It seems that he learned to eliminate force the first time he saw Lie Haiwang perform it?

That time was eight years ago!

So Jingyu answered honestly.

“I learned it eight years ago.”

“What, eight years ago?!”

Isn’t he only five years old?

He learned to eliminate force at the age of five?

How is it possible? !

The first reaction of the others to Jingyu’s answer was suspicion.


Liu Haiwang firmly believed it.

There was no other reason, there was no need to lie!

Even if he had only learned it yesterday, Jingyu was a genius who had learned advanced power dissipation at the age of thirteen!

“So that’s how it is. I didn’t expect that there was a genius hidden in our temple.”

Liu Haiwang sighed out loud, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared.

After all, in his eyes, the other party had changed from an ignorant and fearless fool to a proud genius.

Talented people will always be favored and loved.


“You can’t get the name of the Sea King just by dissipating power!”

After the voice fell,

Liu Haiwang took a deep breath.


The muscles of his whole body began to tighten together,

The thick blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible.

The air around him became sticky and twisted.

The hot blood in his body was boiling and surging like a furnace.

It exuded a hot breath.

The exaggeratedly large body squatted slightly, like a Buddha statue standing in front of Jingyu.

“Next, I will use all my strength. You are eligible to give up within three seconds!”

Liu Haiwang took a stance and warned Jingyu.

“You are really amazing, Master.”

Although he was defeated by Hanma Yujiro in the original work.

But his strength is absolutely unquestionable!

Just being stared at by him, Jingyu was wrapped in a strong chill.

Every hair stood up.

It was as if some beast was staring at him with a covetous look!

“But I don’t think I will lose!”

Jingyu still had his hands hanging naturally on both sides.

The whole person looked extremely relaxed.


As soon as the voice fell,

Liu Haiwang pushed the ground with his right leg!


The cement floor was actually kicked out into a dent!

The huge body was as fast as lightning.

Even Lie Haiwang couldn’t see his figure clearly.

I saw him put his five fingers together, like a poisonous snake.

Biting towards Jingyu!

This time, his target was Jingyu’s temple!

He had already given the other party a chance. In a duel, he would not let the other party go just because he was a child!

At the same time,

Jingyu’s eyes were filled with another scene at this moment.


Extremely slow!

Slower than a turtle!

Liu Haiwang approached him little by little.

It seemed that he could dodge at any time if he wanted to.


Jingyu did not have the physical fitness to match his extraordinary dynamic vision.

This also led to the fact that even if he could clearly see Liu Haiwang’s every move.

He could not withdraw and dodge.


Five fingers, like five iron pillars, hit the temple.

At the same time, Jingyu felt it.

It was like the terrifying force of the monk hitting the bell with a thick pillar in the morning!

The skin began to sag, and the fingertips almost touched the skull!

In an instant,

Jingyu reacted.

He did not resist.

Instead, he fell backwards with the huge force.

Because of his action, the huge force was instantly reduced by 90%.

The remaining 10%, Jingyu continued to rotate in the air to dissipate.


he landed on the ground unscathed again!

“Amazing skills!”

Lie Haiwang exclaimed on the side.

He was able to hone the dissipation of force to such a level.

This junior brother’s talent is really terrifying!

You know, it was Liu Haiwang’s full-strength attack just now!

“Still failed to cause damage?”

Liu Haiwang’s forehead also oozed some sweat.

He didn’t expect that he couldn’t hurt the opponent even with all his strength.

It’s not a solution to fight like this.

He can’t hurt the opponent, and the opponent can’t hurt him.

Thinking of this,

he was about to open his mouth to end the competition.

With his talent, it is only a matter of time before he acquires the talent of a sea king.

There is no need to be obsessed with the present.

However, before he could speak.

Jingyu took the lead and said something that shocked everyone.

“Master, you can no longer touch me.”

The calm words seemed to be stating a fact.

But it was precisely because of this that he seemed particularly arrogant!

“What… did you say?!”

Upon hearing this, Liu Haiwang’s blood vessels bulged from his forehead, forming a well shape.

The anger seemed to have turned into substantial steam, which continuously emerged from his body!

“Are you looking down on me, kid!”

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