The other party was in a terrible state!

“Finally I can leave.”

On the deck,

The employers and fighters who had advanced were moving to another ship.

That was the luxury cruise ship we saw at the beginning!

“Mr. Wang Ma, are you really okay?”

Yamashita supported Jukisai Wang Ma, his expression was very tangled and hesitant.

The other party’s condition was really miserable!

The body was still oozing blood.

“How about…”

He wanted to persuade the other party to give up.

Although he already owed 100 million because of the registration.

But the other party’s life was more important.

As for the debt, he was dead anyway, so he would talk about it later.

“I’m fine!”

With bloodshot eyes, Jukisai Ouma clenched his teeth.

He stared at the man walking in front.

He was defeated without any resistance!

He had never thought of such a thing before!

Even if he used the pre-borrowing, it would be useless.

He must defeat the other party and become the strongest man!

He must not give up for this!

“Is that… Ouma-kun?”

At a high point on the cruise ship,

A handsome man with waist-length hair was observing the bottom with a telescope.

Until he saw the person he had been thinking about.

But it was precisely because he saw it.

His expression became stunned and his eyes widened.

Then endless anger ignited from his heart.

That scarred and miserable appearance.

“Who is it?! Who beat my Ouma-kun like this!”

The teeth ooze blood because of too much force.

The blood vessels bulged with anger, and the rapidly rushing blood made them keep squirming.

The long hair behind him moved without wind, and the evil and strange aura began to spread rapidly around!

“Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!”

Dare to make the god in his mind like this.

“Kill you, no matter who you are, I will definitely kill you!”

The iron railings kept twisting and breaking in his hands.

It made a tooth-grinding creaking sound.

He looked into the distance with a sense of feeling.

The strong evil murderous aura wrapped around his whole body.

The superhuman vision allowed Jingyu to see,

the figure of Kiryu Setsuna!

“What’s wrong, Mr. Jingyu?”

Seeing that the other party suddenly stopped, Tomoko Matsuda asked with some confusion.

“Nothing, keep going.”

Shaking her head, Jingyu was a little surprised by the appearance of Kiryu Setsuna.

But it was reasonable.

After all, he was also a yandere in the original work.

In order to be killed by Juukisuke Ouma, he had been looking for him.

After a while,

When everyone came to the deck of another ship.

What came into view was a group of bodyguards with terrifying momentum.

They were all extremely sturdy without exception, and looked very powerful!

Just standing there, it gave people a strong sense of oppression!

They were the direct guards of Katahara Metō!

And at the front of the guards,

Katahara Metō was sitting there with a smile on his face!

“That’s it, that’s President Katahara?!”

Matsuda Tomoko covered her mouth and hid behind Jingyu with a panicked expression.

The heavy pressure almost made her breathless!

But for Jingyu, there was no pressure at all.

The relaxed expression did not change at all.

She even teased Katahara Metō:

“You actually sent so many people to greet us? How embarrassing! You are such a nice person.”

Hearing what Jingyu said, Matsuda Tomoko became even more flustered.

You have to know that the person in front of you is President Katahara!

If you speak so frivolously, what if the other party gets angry?

“Mr. Jingyu…”

Just when he was about to open his mouth to remind him, he was interrupted by Katahara Mettang.

“Haha, after all, we are all contestants. As the president, I must be polite.”

Katahara Mettang was not angry, and of course he couldn’t be angry.

On the contrary, he liked others to treat him like this.

It’s not what he expected to be afraid of him and obey him blindly!

“First of all, congratulations on your promotion from the preliminaries, although it may be more fortunate for you to be eliminated in the preliminaries?”

“Originally, the meeting was scheduled for tomorrow morning, but because it ended too quickly, so… um?”

Katahara Mettang was talking to everyone.

But he was interrupted by a man who suddenly walked out!

That was the Arabian whirlwind Hasad!

“Can you please answer a question for me, President Katahara?”

As Hasad walked,

While taking off his headdress.

His original handsome appearance was revealed.

“Is it about the preliminaries?”

“Yes, why don’t other people have to participate in the preliminaries, but we do? Obviously, the strength of the five of us is much higher than that of others…”

“Puff… Hahaha!”

Hasard was interrupted by Katahara Metō’s laughter before he finished speaking.

The laughter was so exaggerated that even tears came out.

“What’s so funny?”

Hasard frowned, not understanding what was so funny about his words.

“What a weak and stupid guy.”

Katahara Metō wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes,

Then he looked at the other person with mocking and pitying eyes.

“You are a guy who was promoted because of luck, but you dare to say that you are much stronger than others. Don’t make people laugh!”

“And you are just a pawn after all. As a tool of a businessman, your employer has not expressed any opinion. What right do you have to speak, idiot!”


Hassard’s hard fist gradually clenched.

It is undeniable that he was promoted because of some luck.

But except for that person, the strength of others is obviously much weaker.

And the other party’s words have touched his reverse scale!

“Then let me show you the strength of your so-called pawn!”

Looking up, his sharp eyes pierced forward like a sword.

Hassard walked towards Katara Metō.

“President, do you want me to take action?”

Yingshan asked behind Katara Metō.

“No, anyone can deal with this kind of idiot who doesn’t know his own strength.”

Katara Metō just finished speaking.

A bald man standing on his right took the initiative to stand in front of Hasard.

“Back off, you ignorant brat.”

The bald man warned.


Hasard snorted coldly. He didn’t take such a small character seriously.

“Get out of here, you bastard. I don’t have time to play with you.”


both of them fell into silence.

The air was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

“Hey, are we going to fight?”

Matsuda Tomoko hid behind Jingyu,

with an excited expression, but she shrank her head in fear.

A typical rookie who loves to play.

“Who do you think will win?”

Souyuin Shion asked Jingyu.

The beautiful face looked ahead with interest.

It was the first time she saw someone dare to face President Katara’s direct guard team.

This person’s strength seemed to be very strong.

“It doesn’t matter who wins, let’s finish it quickly.”

He didn’t look at the two people in front of him at all.

Jingyu just wanted to eat something now. He was a little hungry after exercising.

And Garuda was still waiting for him inside.


Accompanied by a wave hitting the hull.

The two of them attacked at the same time!


In a flash,

the bald man hit Hasard’s face with a straight punch!

Blood and saliva splattered everywhere.

Two teeth were knocked out!

The body flew backwards and fell heavily on the splint!

“What, what?!”

Everyone was shocked. You know, this is Hasard!

He killed many fighters in seconds before Jingyu attacked.

Now he was beaten away after attacking?

“You, you guy!”

He struggled to get up, looking disheveled with disheveled hair.

Being watched by everyone made Hasad feel a huge sense of shame in his heart.

Then this sense of shame turned into anger!

He used all his strength to hit the bald man again!


A high kick with an afterimage hit Hasad’s face hard!

The terrifying force actually made his body fly out of the boat!

Everyone could only watch him fall into the sea.

There was also blood rain in the sky.

“That Hasad, was killed instantly?!”

Except Jingyu, everyone else looked at the bald man with unbelievable eyes.

This strength can only be described as terrifying!

It was also at this moment that they realized.

Why is Katara Metsudō’s direct guard called a monster unit!

“Alas, you have already advanced because of luck, why do you have to die?”

Katara Metsudō’s tone was full of sighs, but his expression was happy and he smiled.

“But thanks to this idiot, the number has become 32, isn’t that just right?”

Seeing everyone silent for a while, Katarahara Metō stopped talking.

“Okay, now you can go inside the cruise ship.”

“Oh, oh, I almost forgot to say that.”

Before leaving, Katara Metō seemed to want to

What happened? He turned around again.

“Why don’t the other contestants need to participate in the preliminaries? Because their companies are ranked in the top 28 in the Kengankai.”

“They are all big bosses with unique vision like me. At least none of them will lose to the fighters of the Guards!”


Hearing this,

Yamashita and the others were once again shocked and panicked.

They have already seen the strength of the bald man just now.

Are the other 28 fighters all stronger than them? !

How could this be possible!

“That guy, that guy is unforgivable!”

Crack, crack~

The telescope in his hand gradually broke.

The veins on the back of his hand bulged because of too much force.

Kiryu Setsuna couldn’t bear it anymore.

Kill him, kill that bald man.

How dare he spill dirty blood on his god!

And the guy who injured Wang Ma.

None of them can be forgiven!

“Just wait, you guys who tarnished the gods, I will send you to hell soon!”

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