Chapter 97 I, Hundred Faces, Invincible!

“Yes, what right!” How is Hassan weak! Why should we Hassan be the first out! I tell you! Don’t underestimate us Hassan! Otherwise, sooner or later you will know what the real King of Hassan is! ”

Curse Hassan: “That’s right! I believe! Bai Maung will definitely not be the first heroic spirit to be killed by you! And! That’s a hundred faces! Dozens of doppelgängers, it can also be said that dozens of ontology, as long as the master does not stupidly gather them together and harden people, she is invincible! ”

Webb: “This…”

Weber thought about it, it seems that this is indeed the truth, Bai Maung Hassan may not be the strongest in combat, but when it comes to saving life, it should be the strongest, right?

Weber: “Well, then first exclude Hundred Damang Hassan. The remaining three heroic spirits, who do you think is more likely? ”

Finn “can’t be Dilumudo, he’s a knight and has a pact with the knight king, so he would never do such a thing.” ”

Webb: “What if Kenneth coerces him with a spell?” ”

“Something is wrong, you see, this timeline should logically be after the duel between me and Kenneth, when Kenneth hit my origin bullet, let alone use magic, it was impossible to even stand up, how could he order Dilumudo?” ”

Webb: “And Sora, have you forgotten the connection question we first watched?” Sora took over control of Dilumudo after Kenneth lost his ability to fight. ”

“Sora will not either, that woman is an idiot + love brain, she will definitely not force Dilumudo.” ”

Sora: “You guys!! You guys!!! Who is the idiot! Who is the braincase in love! Even if Dilumudo is a little more handsome, a little stronger, a little gentler, a little more considerate, a little more noble than Kenneth, I won’t like it……… Love him! ”

Kenneth: “I can’t be happy at all when you say that.” ”

Lin Ye: “Beautiful grassland…”

Kenneth “Lin Ye! I don’t need you to remind me! I thank you! ”

Knight King: “Well, I don’t think Dilumudo will be involved either. ”

Weber “Well, now that’s all that’s left for Berserker and Casser, what do you think?” ”

Finn: “I feel like it’s possible. In the live broadcast, Ma Tong Yan Ye is going crazy, and he wants to defeat Tosaka Shichen with all his heart, and the Yangtze River Knight is a mad dog, a madman + mad dog, anything impossible is possible. ”

Gawain: “I rather think it will be caster, I have seen Giles’s obsession with my king, and it is not surprising that this pervert appears on any occasion when my king appears.” Yusheng Ryunosuke’s murderous maniac also listens to Giles, pervert + murderer, two abnormal people are normal no matter how abnormal they are. ”

Giles: “You’re the pervert!” ”

“You’re the madman!” ”

At this moment, Tongyan Ye and Giles naturally didn’t want to listen, but unfortunately, who would care about them?

“Let me remind you that my father is offering a reward for fighting Giles in the name of the Overseer of the Holy Grail, a public enemy of all heroic spirits, and it is normal to do anything when he is cornered.” ”

Alice Phil: “Besides, Giles came to our house to attack, and we haven’t killed him yet, so it’s not impossible for him to kill a horse gun.” ”

Weber: “That’s right! Giles! It must be this pervert and that’s right! ”

“Hundred Hum Hassan “must be Giles, only he will go to death when the Three Kings are there.” ”

Gao Wen “I still want to choose Tong Yan Ye, I don’t know why, I hate him very much… To be precise, it was the heroic spirit who hated him. ”

Matthew: “That’s right, I don’t know why I always look at that Yangtze knight unpleasantly. ”

Subsequently, a group of people began to make their own choices, however, at this moment in the Tosaka family, the corners of Tosaka Shichen’s mouth rose slightly.

“How could it be the night of the tong goose? When the three kings gather, is there a better chance than this time? At this time, as long as Yan Feng Qili sends Ying Ling to make trouble, then, it is best to succeed, and if you lose, you can also understand the other party’s treasure, at this time, it is the most appropriate to choose it. ”

At this moment, Tosaka Shichen silently made his choice, and his choice was Gassassin!

In the same way, Lin Ye also said to Heizhen next to him, “Heizhen, choose G, it’s an assassin.” ”

“Huh?” Hei Zhen was stunned, and she looked at Lin Ye in front of her blankly, “However, everyone in the live broadcast room said…”

“Do you believe them or do you believe me?”

“Of course I believe you.”

“So what should you choose?”

“Pick G.” Heizhen immediately became firm, although she was only a newcomer, she understood one thing.

Believe Lin Ye, it must be right!

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