Chapter 207: The Black Clay Night of the Wild Goose

Saw this long sword! The black king’s eyes have changed! How could she not recognize the name of the sword!!!

Unspoilable lake light! The sister sword of the Sworn Sword of Victory in her own hand!

And the only one who has this sword!

“Lance… Lott! Sure enough it’s you!! ”

Hei looked at Lancelot in front of her, and her eyes trembled.

“You turned out to be like this! How could you turn into a berserker! ”

My king doesn’t understand why Lancelot can be a saber, can be a rider, but why is he such a ghost!

And looking at the black dumb in front of him, Wild Lan still said two words in his slurred voice: “Ya!!” Se!! ”

This name, combined with the hysterical voice of the Yangtze River, makes people feel that he is a madman at first glance.

But the Black King saw the other side: “Has he gone crazy and lost his mind to this point?” ”

The Yangtze River can only shout four words, one is Hade (Galahad), and the other is Arthur. is loyal to himself, as for Galahad, the Yangtze River actually has a general relationship with Galahad, but after all, it is a father and son, so Lancelot actually likes his son very much, right? .

However, the personalities of the Black King and My King are basically different, and in the face of Lancelot, the Black King has only one choice, that is, to fight to the end!

As for remembering comrades-in-arms, it is something to think about after their comrades have fallen.

Magic Release! Humble King Hammer!

Rumble!! Rumble!!!

Magical light cannons continue to spew out from the black sword! Under the light cannon! Mad Lan is constantly resisting with the indestructible lake light in his hand!

It’s a pity that at this moment, Mad Lan is just Mad Lan, in the face of the black dull’s continuous demonic release, Mad Lan can only resist with his own indestructible lake light, it’s not that he doesn’t want to fight back, but the black dumb’s attack is too dense, what can Mad Lan do in addition to resisting?

Seeing this scene, Tongyan Ye on the side also thought of something, “It seems that after I go back, I should find a way to get some good equipment for the Yangtze River, only close to the battle, it is too much to fight these guys, if you can get a missile, it will not be so passive now.” ”

When Ma Tongyan Ye thought of this, he saw the things discussed by everyone in the live broadcast room, “Not good!” The battle over there is coming to an end! I’m going to get Aoi out quickly!” ”

In an instant, Ma Tongyan Ye directly said to the Yangtze River on the side, “Yangtze River! You drag it out for a while! I’ll be out in a moment! ”

After Tongyan Ye finished speaking, he directly wanted to break into the door of Lin Ye’s house, and Hei Duan wanted to stop him, but at this moment, Lancelot was pestering her like crazy!

“Good opportunity!” When Ma Tongyan Ye saw that the distance between himself and the gate was only 0.0 a few millimeters, suddenly, a figure appeared directly in front of Ma Tong Yan Ye!

This figure is another heroic spirit in Lin Ye’s family! Kurozhen!


A black shadow flashed, and Tongyan Ye’s body was directly kicked more than ten meters away!

Heizhen is a heroic spirit, and the power of Yingling’s kick is certainly not weak.

And after kicking the night of Tongyan Night, Hei Zhen still looked at Hei Du who was still fighting with the Yangtze River Knight with disdain

“Hey, lizard girl (legend has it that King Arthur has the blood of a red dragon in his body), you can’t do it, it’s so hard to solve a mad dog, if you can’t, I’ll come.”

Heizhen directly opened her mouth to mock Hei Du, for Hei Zhende’s words, Hei Du didn’t pay attention to it at all, she just silently fired a red devil and then forced the Yangtze River to retreat, she turned her head to Hei Zhen and said

“Village girl, I don’t need you to question my battle, if I change you, I’m afraid I will collect your corpse now.”

“Che, I will be afraid of him? Forget it, Lin Ye is coming back soon, you hurry up and end the battle, I will solve this Tongyan night first. Heizhen directly turned her head to look at the Yanye in front of her, but the moment she turned her head, she was completely stunned!

In front of her, the figure of Tongyan Ye has completely disappeared! In its place was a dark figure! Heizhen could even feel the ominous aura on the other party!

“What’s going on??”

Hei Zhen is unknown, so, what about the night of the tong goose? How did a big living person who was good just now suddenly become like this?

And at the moment when Hei Zhen hesitated, a black bandage-like shadow suddenly shot out from the black shadow in front of him! As if they had life, these shadows immediately wrapped around Heizhen’s limbs! This speed is too fast, even Heizhen is a little unresponsive at the moment.

“What the hell is this?”

Heizhen’s limbs have been tied up at this moment! And in front of her! The black mud rushed directly at her!

Kurozhen! Dangerous!

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