A few minutes ago,

Yukinoshita Haruno and the others had already locked onto Yukino’s location.

“Miss Haruno, when you meet Miss Yukino later, don’t get too close, let me subdue Miss Yukino first!”

Awashima Seri said to Yukinoshita Haruno with a bit of solemnity.

After turning into a cat, Yukino is not too strong.

But she can indeed become stronger by absorbing the life energy of others.

Awashima Seri had fought with her twice before, and her strength increased very quickly.

This time, Yukino absorbed the life energy of several people, and I’m afraid her strength will reach another level.

Even if it’s her, it will probably take some effort to subdue her.

“Don’t worry, I know my limits!”

Yukinoshita Haruno nodded.

She knew very well how the cat-like Yukino was ruthless. She would kill anyone she saw sleeping with, and her identity as a sister was no different from a stranger.

However, when Yukinoshita Haruno saw her sister snuggling up to the boy like a real cat, as if seeking to please her master,

Yukinoshita Haruno’s emotions were greatly shocked.

“What did you do to Yukino?”

He was a little excited and wanted to go forward, but was pulled back by Awashima Seri behind him.

“”Ms. Yang No, don’t be impulsive!”

Awashima Seri said in a deep voice, her cold and beautiful face was full of surprise and solemnity.

She was very surprised.

How could this person make Miss Yukino, who had transformed into a cat, so obedient.

You know, when she transformed into a cat, Yukinoshita Yukino even attacked her own sister and mother!

Awashima Seri stared at the boy, and her right hand slowly rested on the sword at her waist.

Suddenly, she felt that the boy’s figure was somewhat familiar.

“Who are you?”

Awashima Seri asked in a deep voice.

The young man slowly stroked Yukino’s long silver hair, and his magnetic voice entered their ears leisurely.

“”Has Miss Awashima forgotten me after a few days?”

A familiar voice came into her ears, and the car lights came on. Only then did she see the boy’s face clearly.


Awashima Seri exclaimed.

Behind her, Yukinoshita Haruno also raised her eyebrows and opened her beautiful eyes wide.

The image of the handsome young man appeared in both of their minds.

It overlapped with the person in front of them.

“Yukino’s classmate?”

Yukinoshita Haruno exclaimed in surprise.

Awashima Seri became more cautious!

She sensed an unprecedented danger from the young man in front of her.

He was just standing there calmly, but Awashima Seri felt that she was facing the most terrifying existence in the world.

Awashima Seri’s right hand on the hilt of the sword was clenched until it turned white and blue, and even trembled slightly because of excessive force.

She almost couldn’t suppress her instinct to draw the sword to protect herself.

“”Ms. Awashima, your sword is wailing!”

When Kuzeha looked at Awashima Seri, she saw the sword blade flashing coldly under the moonlight, already close to her face.

The cold touch cut her throat, and as the blood gushed out, Awashima Seri saw the world spinning!

Am I… beheaded?

This was the first thought that came to Awashima Seri’s mind.


Yukinoshita Haruno’s voice came into her ears, and Awashima Seri suddenly woke up.

She subconsciously touched her neck.

It was still there, but her hair stood on end!

At this time, she realized that she had rolled back several meters without knowing when.

Awashima Seri was extremely shocked.

She looked up at Kuze Yu, but the other party just stood there in the original posture.

There was no sword in his hand.

“Is it an illusion?”

“Or was I scared off by his eyes?”

When this absurd thought came to Seri Awashima’s mind, a flash of cold light appeared.

She subconsciously drew her sword to block.


Her calf was cut off!

Seri Awashima cried out in pain, her body swayed and she half-knelt on the ground

“My legs……”

When she lowered her head, she saw that her calf was intact on her body.

“How is it possible?……”

Awashima Seri looked at Kuzeha in disbelief.

She clearly felt the attack from the sword.

Awashima Seri stared at Kuzeha closely, holding the sword in her hand, and took a tentative step forward.

The next moment, the boy’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Awashima Seri instantly felt her hair stand on end!

The boy in her field of vision seemed to have turned into an afterimage.

In an instant, he was less than half a foot away!

Swinging the sword, he cut off her limbs and torso like chopping melons and vegetables!


The sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Awashima Seri sat on the ground powerlessly.

“It’s sword intention……”

She looked at the boy in front of her in disbelief.

With just a look in his eyes and a slight shift in his body’s center of gravity, he was able to create a sharp sword intent.

It made her feel as if she was being chopped!

How high is this boy’s kendo level?

Awashima Seri panted.

“Who are you?……”

Before she finished her words, a huge and terrifying aura rose from the boy’s body, overwhelming her and knocking her unconscious!


Yukinoshita Haruno exclaimed, but before she could go forward to check the situation, she heard the sound of people falling to the ground one after another.

Yukinoshita Haruno looked up suddenly and found that everyone else had fallen to the ground.

“Okay, Miss Haruno, now is our time to talk!”

The boy’s voice came into her ears.

Yukinoshita Haruno bit her lower lip lightly, and the clear stinging sensation made her realize that this was reality!

The strongest Awashima Seri was played like a mouse in front of the boy!

For some reason, the cat-like sister even regarded the boy as her master!

Yukinoshita Haruno took a deep breath, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Kuzeha was not only vigilant, but also more fearful!

At this time, the other party’s identity was no longer the agent of the orphanage, nor was he Yukino’s classmate. He was an extraordinary person who controlled their fate, and even their lives!

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