【Trigger the essence entry!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the red entry: God of War’s Essence!】

【God of War Essence: Provoke war, enjoy war, trample on war! When you are in war and in battle, your strength will become the absolute strongest in war! 】

Red entry!

The red entry was triggered for the first time!

After a slight pause, Kuze Yu was ecstatic!

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, this God of War should refer to the God of War in the world of No Game No Life: Artosh!

He possesses the composite concept of war and the strongest!

He is the most powerful god!

The ability and effect of this essence are also very simple and crude!

When you are in war and in battle, you are the strongest!

Even if the rest of the people work together, they can’t defeat it!

Even if there is a stronger existence than itself, the essence will raise its own strength to be stronger than it! It is quite similar to the effect after Saitama broke the limiter!

They are all unreasonable concept-level abilities!

Of course, even Artosh, who is known as the strongest god of war in the world of No Game No Life, was defeated in the end!

Defeated by the arrogance of being the strongest god!

Kuzeha even thought that Artosh deliberately exposed his weakness and chose death!

He pursued the strongest god of war, but was ultimately defeated by the invincibility of fatigue!

“I don’t know how high the spirit of the God of War can reach in this world.……”

Jiu Shiyu sighed in his heart.

After all, there are many so-called gods hidden in this world!

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the red entry!】

【The entry will open the fusion advanced section!】

【You can choose five entries of the same color to fuse, and they will be advanced to higher-level entries! 】

The voices of the system came one after another, which made Jiu Shiyu’s eyes flash with a little surprise.

Since he obtained this entry system ten years ago, this is the first time that a new section has been opened!

It is worthy of being a red entry!

Jiu Shiyu simply browsed the information of fusion advancement.

You know, even between golden entries, there are differences in high and low!

Just like the top student and the last student in Sobu High School.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are all students of Sobu High School, a high- level school. They are academic masters!

But the actual gap between the two may be even greater than the gap between academic masters and ordinary people!

With this fusion advancement section, he can dissolve those entries that have average effects and are not very useful in the future!

Thinking of this, Jiu Shiyu suddenly had a doubt in his heart.

“What if the five red entries are merged?”

【Will be advanced to crimson entries! 】

The system’s voice is fed back in the mind in real time.

Obviously, the level of crimson entries should be about half a level higher than that of red entries.

However, it took ten years to encounter the first red entry. It is not easy to accumulate five red entries!

Hisaha happily pinched the face of the lucky little goddess Ayumi.

Then he looked at Nao Tomori.

The girl nodded heavily.

She held Ayumi’s hand.

Before Hisaha comes back, she, the elder sister, will take care of Ayumi!

The black curtain flowed and covered Hisaha.

The next moment, the boy’s figure disappeared in the shelter.

The girls of Yugaoka Girls’ Academy gradually came to their senses.

After seeing the separated body of the earth dragon, they all screamed and ran to the side to vomit.

Takamatsu Deng also covered his cherry lips.

He forced himself to divert his gaze and took a deep breath before he gradually came to his senses.

“However, the brother just now……”

The image of Kuzeha appeared in Takamatsu Deng’s mind, and her heart began to beat faster.

She looked at Tomo Nao and Otosaka Ayumi, who were wearing the school uniform of Haneda……………..

Outside of the Yugaoka Girls’ Academy.

All the members of the Fubuki group have already fallen down.

The only one who is still standing, Fubuki, only managed to stay put by leaning against a tree.

Now, let alone using telekinesis, she almost doesn’t have the strength to take a few steps.

In front of her, a man dressed as a swordsman holds a drill-like sword.

In the blade of the drill, there are also circles of sword blades embedded!

The fourth A-class hero: Samurai Drill!

At this time, Samurai Drill has already fought with the Armored Gorilla for several rounds!

The fine iron armor on the Armored Gorilla, which could not be marked by the Hell Storm used by Fubuki, now has several white scratches.

“You are very good at tickling!”

The armored gorilla taunted in a mechanical voice.

The warrior drill spitted.

“”Look, I’ll drill your stinky mouth made of rotten copper and iron!”

He said casually. His other hand was also on the hilt of the sword.

His arm was trembling slightly.

“Why is this guy’s shell so hard?……”

The warrior drill looked down at his drill sword.

There were already several gaps on it!

You know, he usually used this sword to kill tiger-level monsters, and it was as smooth as cutting tofu.

“If you don’t come over, I’ll go over!”

The mechanical sound of the armored gorilla was enough to give the warrior drill enough time to react.

However, this seemingly bulky and huge guy was so agile!

He could change his posture in an instant and attack him continuously!

The huge iron fist whistled.

Punch after punch hit him.

The concrete slabs splashed directly on the ground, making a big hole!

For a fist of this power, the warrior drill didn’t dare to face it at all.

He could only retreat while parrying with his sword!

By the way, he seized the opponent’s gap.

He chopped down with all his strength!

When~ sparks flew!

The huge reaction force directly numbed the warrior drill’s hand.

The sword almost flew out of his hand.

The fist wind whistled.

The warrior drill quickly squatted down to avoid the sweep.

He couldn’t hold it anymore!

With his strength, it was too difficult to face a monster with ghost-level strength alone!

“Iai and Qiu Wu are too slow.……”

If he fought side by side with his fellow disciples, the second-ranked A-class Iai-an and the third-ranked Qiu Wu Tachi, he would not be able to kill the armored gorilla, but at least he could easily hold it off until the arrival of the S-class hero.

“How arrogant! You dare to be distracted while fighting me!”

At this time, the armored gorilla seized a gap of time and kicked the warrior drill in the chest.

The latter spit out a mouthful of blood foam and suddenly flew backwards for more than ten meters!

He knocked down a tree on the side of the road!

The strange drill sword also fell to the ground.

“I really can’t help but fight… Let me give you a quick blow!”

The armored gorilla walked towards the samurai drill and Blizzard, and the mechanical voice was as cold and electric as ever.

“Hey, B-rank, do you still have strength?”

The warrior drill had blood on the corner of his mouth. He supported the broken stone pillar and barely stood up. He looked at Fubuki who was standing beside him.

“I can still use one last blow… I guess.”

After a moment of silence, Fubuki said this.

“Then we will attack together later… although it may not be of any use……”

Samurai Drill was about to pick up the Drill Sword on the ground, but he heard Fubuki’s surprised voice.

“Wait, what is that?”

Fuyuki narrowed her eyes and saw a black shadow that seemed to move instantly, twisting and interfering with the space, and appeared in front of them.

Then, the black shadow faded away.

A young man holding a long sword stood there.


Fubuki subconsciously looked at Samurai Drill.

As a disciple of Atomic Samurai, Samurai Drill also has a reputation in the kendo world.

He must know many people of the same kendo.

However, a trace of doubt flashed in Samurai Drill’s eyes.

He had never seen this boy before!

However, his doubts soon turned into surprise.

The boy was just standing there, and he vaguely sensed a surge of sword intent rushing into the sky!

“Is it an illusion?……”

The samurai drill was not sure.

The armored gorilla was even happier when he saw Kuzeha.

“Another hero with a sword?……”

Before it finished speaking, it was interrupted by Jiu Shiyu.

“Evolution House, where is Dr. Kinos now?”

The indifferent words startled the armored gorilla.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and subconsciously looked in the direction of Yuqiu Girls’ Academy.

“Don’t look anymore, the earth dragon is already dead.”

When the armored gorilla heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his dark eyes.

“It seems that you must be destroyed……”


The sword was unsheathed!

A flash of cold light passed by!

One of the arm of the armored gorilla was cut off at the root!

The sword energy that was accumulated and released cut a gully on the ground behind the armored gorilla that was more than ten meters deep and hundreds of meters long!


The half-iron, half-living arm fell to the ground, and red liquid flowed out.

The armored gorilla froze on the spot.

The armor that it was proud of was now like the ground.

Like a soft piece of tofu.

The boy’s casual sword cut out a terrifying gully!

If it had been its head that was cut just now………

“One last time, Evolution House, where is Dr. Kinos now?”

The young man’s indifferent words came into his ears.

The armored gorilla seemed to be still immersed in fear.

After a second of stunnedness, he suddenly came to his senses.

Fearing that Jiu Shiyu’s next sword was coming, he quickly spoke

“There is a resort hotel in the suburbs 200 kilometers to the north. It is located at the foot of a mountain 500 meters away from the hotel.……”

The armored gorilla didn’t dare to pretend to be cool with the mechanical electronic sound anymore, and just finished speaking in one breath.

Then he rubbed his hands and asked in a timid and humble manner:

“I can go……”

“Well, we can get going!”

The body is torn apart!

Looking at the flying head of the armored gorilla, Jiu Shiyu slowly put away his sword.

He has always been merciless in killing anything that threatens his sister’s life!

“In the mountains?… As expected, it is hidden in a different place from the original book.……”

Hisaha’s figure turned into a black shadow and disappeared again, leaving behind Samurai Drill and Fubuki who were shocked!……………………

PS: There are still a few free chapters. If nothing goes wrong, they will be on the shelves at around 7 or 8 o’clock tomorrow night.

I beg you to give me your first order then!

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