The House of Evolution!

When Kuzeyu stepped into the research institute, the ground was littered with corpses of Dr. Kinos’s clones.

Of course, he didn’t kill them.

Those killed by him had already been turned into dust and disappeared.

These were killed by the ultimate weapon of this laboratory, the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle! It has no moral concepts of its own, and it has been imprisoned in the deepest part of the research institute by Kinos for many years, and it has long been full of resentment towards him!

However, Dr. Kinos’s clones are countless, and the death of dozens or hundreds of them is nothing! As

Kuzeyu walked, he suddenly found a spirit floating in the air, which was gradually dissipating!


Jiu Shiyu let out a surprised sound!

This is the spirit of Dr. Kinos!

Jiu Shiyu looked around and found that so many copies had died, but only this spirit appeared!

So, Dr. Kinos’s clones don’t have souls?

Then the spirit in front of him is the soul of Dr. Kinos himself!


Jiu Shiyu’s plan was not to leave anyone alive.

It is true that Dr. Kinos’s scientific research ability is amazing.

But he is like a slave to desire and obsession, and will only move towards what he pursues! It is difficult to use such a person.

However, in the spiritual state, it is different!

“”Capture the spirit and send the general!”

While Dr. Kinos’s spirit had not yet dissipated, Jiu Shiyu quickly captured it.

“Dr. Kinos, talents like you should shine even after death!”

Jiu Shiyu chuckled.

“Is the most core information of the laboratory still there?”

Jiu Shiyu asked

“I have divided the core biotechnology into several laboratories for backup. Even if a few are destroyed, there are still some left!”

Dr. Kinos’s spirit replied woodenly.

He had just been detained and had not yet recovered his original language ability. He could only answer simple questions based on his memory.

Then, Jiu Shiyu followed the guidance of the spirit and opened the data room where the backup was stored.

“You, how did you get in?!”

The two Kinos clones who stayed in the data room shouted in disbelief after seeing Jiu Shiyu.

Jiu Shiyu ignored them.

He summoned the imaginary space!

As the Kinos clones screamed, a black curtain covered everything in the data room.

The next moment, everything disappeared!

“This is… imaginary space?!”

Kinos’s clone widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

“You can actually control the legendary imaginary space?!!”

“How did you do it?”

“What’s in the imaginary space?!”

“What form does it exist in?”

At this moment, the two Kinos replicas’ desire for knowledge as scientists quickly expanded.

They were eager to get the answer from Kuzeha.

“Don’t worry, I’ll study it for you later!”

Jiu Shiyu’s voice reached their ears, and the two were overjoyed.

“Don’t wait, just now……”

Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed and the two bodies were separated!

“I’m not talking about you.”

Jiu Shiyu said calmly……………….

At this time, the Institute was filled with the willful voice of the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle.

The House of Evolution encountered a strong enemy, and Dr. Kinos was forced to release him, which made the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle very excited!

“New generation!”

“The new generation of my Asura Rhinoceros Beetle is finally coming!”

“You old humans, just listen to me from now on!”

He grabbed Dr. Kinos with one hand and strode through the research institute.

Soon, he saw Jiuze Yu

“Is this the guy?”

“The culprit who made this place like this?”

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle leaned over and came in front of Jiu Shiyu, squinting his eyes and looking at him.

“Ha, just a little thing like this?” The

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle’s huge face twisted and made a disdainful sound.

Dr. Kinos, who fell to the side, pushed his broken glasses and said coldly

“This person is very strong!”

“Asura Rhinoceros Beetle, if you underestimate him, even you will suffer a great loss!”

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle just can’t stand hearing such words

“I am the most perfect creation of the House of Evolution!”

“An unprecedented new human being!”

“No matter how strong you are, you are just an old human. You can’t beat me!”

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle grinned and clenched his huge fist

“Tell me, human, how do you want to die?”

Jiu Shiyu looked up calmly and looked at the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle.

The Asura Rhinoceros Beetle kept calling him human, which reminded him of a skill!

A skill that belongs exclusively to the God of War Artosh!

Perhaps, he who possesses the essence of the spirit can also emerge.

A mysterious colorful stream of light emerged from Jiu Shiyu’s pupils.

In an instant!

The hairs all over the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle’s body exploded!

The sixth sense flashed wildly!

An indescribable fear emerged from its heart!


Almost without hesitation!

The wings on the back of the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle flapped up instinctively.

It took it back hundreds of meters!

Dr. Kinos looked at this scene in astonishment.

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle… was actually scared away by a look?

At this time.

The back of the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle was tightly pressed against the wall.

It seemed that only in this way could it bring a sense of security!

Big beads of sweat immediately emerged from its body.

Boom, boom, boom!

The heart in the chest was beating rapidly.

It was just like the fear brought by surviving a disaster!

“You… you are not human!”

He shouted at Jiu Shiyu in horror!

He sensed a kind of non-existent aura from this young man!

He could not describe it in words!

But his instinct told him that it was not a question of strength or not! It was a difference in status!

It was a gap in dimensions!

In the face of that difference, fear was the only emotion he could sense.

“Not human?”

“What do you mean?”

Dr. Kinos was completely confused by the words of the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle!

He stared at the profile of Jiu Shiyu.

No matter how he looked at it, he could not sense anything.

But he could tell one thing.

The Asura Rhinoceros Beetle, who had no morals, no cognition, and was only interested in destruction, was afraid of the young man in front of him.

“Asura Rhinoceros Beetle, do you want to retreat directly?”

“Aren’t you the strongest new human?”

“Activate the Asura mode, your chances of winning are very high!”

Dr. Kinos gritted his teeth and shouted!

If the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle can’t do it, then the evolutionary home he has accumulated over the past hundred years will be destroyed!

Dr. Kinos doesn’t want to lose his research data!

“Yes, I also have Asura mode……”

A fierce look appeared on the face of the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle!

In the Asura mode, its body functions will be greatly improved, but the price is to lose its mind for a week!

However, losing its mind may be the only way to win…

It raised its head, and the moment it saw Jiuze Yu’s eyes, its body suddenly trembled!

“Asura mode…cannot be activated.”

Just like seeing a natural enemy that he was extremely afraid of.

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle found that his body was completely stiff in place.

He couldn’t even move!

At this time,

Jiu Shiyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.


“Let’s give this abyss a try!”

After the shocked looks of Asura Rhinoceros Beetle and Dr. Kinos,

Jiu Shiyu stood in the air!

Floating upwards!

At the same time, the wind and clouds above his head began to change rapidly!

With Jiu Shiyu as the center, the terrifying gravity swept the surrounding gas together!

In the sky, a huge vortex was formed!

Jiu Shiyu looked down at the abyss below that he had cut out.

He was preparing, measuring, and calculating the area!

“New humans and old humans are ultimately nothing more than ants on this earth!”

“Let this home of evolution welcome the divine attack!”

A huge ring suddenly appeared above Jiu Shiyu’s head!

Behind his waist and back, eighteen wings spread out, turning into white light, almost covering the sky and the sun!……………………

Under the abyss.

Dr. Kinos and his clones stared at the scene in a daze.

A huge sense of powerlessness emerged from the bottom of his heart.

He could see that a huge amount of energy was gathering in the sky!

The ability displayed by the other party had begun to exceed his imagination.

Looking back.

Asura Rhinoceros Beetle was trembling, still in fear.

He didn’t even dare to look up.

“Asura Rhinoceros Beetle… It’s really the most failed work!”

He laughed bitterly.

The next moment, a solemn voice fell from the sky.

“Divine Strike!”

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