The inside of the castle was not as lively as the outside. It was dilapidated and messy, with scattered rubble everywhere, and mummies and skeletons could be seen everywhere. The broken and rotten flags were tilted here and there, and the former glory was no longer visible.

There was no owner in the bedroom, no craftsmen in the garden, no servants in the corridor, and no guests in the banquet hall. It was dead silent here!

Only in the hall, on the throne made of a giant dragon’s skull, a knight was sitting and sleeping.

Artoria knew very well that this knight was the tyrant who destroyed the world, because this knight had a withered wreath of flowers on his head, a conch shell hanging around his neck, and armor on his body. With a throne made of a dragon head, there could not be another person in the world who was dressed like this! He was the world-destroying tyrant in the story of the gods!

Artoria, holding the holy sword, came to the tyrant and finally made the tyrant wake up.

“Hmm, a new knight? You should report to the Knight Commander Bartoni.”

“Um, no, I was so sleepy that I ate Baltoni. Hahahaha!”

The demon tyrant just woke up and played a joke on himself. He laughed happily and didn’t care about the ahoge at all.

“Do demons also sleep and dream? Do you dream of the beautiful world that once was?”

“Yes, I dreamed about it all. I also dreamed about my loyal butler and my dear princess Dany. Of course, they were all eaten by me. Hahahaha!”

“So, is this twilight apocalypse what you want?”

“Ah, yes, the former human king had everything, and now the demon lord destroys everything. There is no doubt that this is what I should do! Hahahaha!!”

When it was still a human, its world was filled with the compliments and submission of its people, the aroma of cheese and dark beer, its beautiful lover and lovely daughter, the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds!

After becoming a demon, its world was filled with the wailing and crying of its people, the stench of sulfur and rotting corpses, its hideous subordinates and evil followers, silence and darkness!

This was all perfect. Human or demon, he had done his best and enjoyed the best. It was really refreshing!

The monster grinned and laughed triumphantly. Whether alive or dead, whether human or demon, he was the supreme ruler here!

Artoria didn’t want to say anything anymore. This was a complete demon with no humanity at all!

Without waiting for Dai Mao to make a move, the tyrant who was laughing endlessly made a move first!

The sharp claws whistled and cut through the air, rushing over quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they were swung in front of Artoria’s eyes!


Heroes like fair and square crusades, while despicable sneak attacks are what demons do!


Artoria raised her sword to block the sneak attack. She had never taken this tyrant lightly!

The last person who took him lightly was telling her a story before!

With his intuition fully activated and his magic power released, King Daimao attacked with all his strength!

The demon tyrant’s martial arts value was obviously not as high as King Daimao’s. Although he tried his best to resist, after more than ten moves, he still couldn’t avoid being hit by Daimao’s sword!

The harsh sound of metal friction rang out, and dazzling sparks burst out between the holy sword and the armor on the demon king’s body!

The sword passed, leaving only a few scratches on the armor!

And the tyrant under the armor was unscathed!

“How is this possible?

Dai Mao was a little bit unbelievable. The sword in her hand was the Holy Sword of the Star!

Even if it was not in full firepower mode, it was still the top holy sword!

How could it not effectively damage the tyrant’s armor?

Suddenly, Dai Mao thought of the story told by the bat possessed by the spirit. The tyrant conquered the world, and the dwarves made armor for him. Was this a veiled reminder?

Was this armor the tyrant’s treasure?

Dai Mao’s heart sank. The damn spirit mentioned more than just a set of armor!

“The elf’s wreath was worn on the king’s head, the dwarf’s armor was draped on the king’s body, the mermaid’s conch became the king’s necklace, the witch’s candy became the king’s snack, and even the dragon’s head was the king’s chair!”

Is the story of the gods reminding her that this tyrant has five treasures?

In a flash, Daimao has figured out everything, but it is still a little late!

The tyrant on the opposite side has been waiting for the moment when Daimao is dazed!

Because in the battle between the two, the tyrant is actually retreating step by step, so Daimao is pressed a little forward, crossing the throne, leaving his back to the throne made of the giant dragon’s skull!

And now, the throne behind Daimao, the throne made of the giant dragon’s skull, suddenly opened its mouth and bit Daimao!

The head of the giant dragon behind him is biting, and the tyrant in front of him has also raised his claws!

This despicable tyrant has never thought about even a little bit of fair duel!

From beginning to end, it is all dirty and despicable means!

But meanness and filth are often extremely useful!

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