“Killing people for a disagreement, really sparing no effort to justify the devil’s name! Then I have no choice but to kill the devil.”

Bai Hua was chasing Ruisel slowly from behind, but the murderous intent in his tone really made Ruisel shudder.

“What the hell! You are just a human being, stop bragging!”

Riser ran away and disappeared in the crowd outside.

After a moment,

“Tsk, what bad luck.”

In a small alley, Riser cursed inwardly, his luck was bad today, he should go back to the underworld first.

Not only Baihua was worried, it would be bad to start a war in broad daylight, Riser was also afraid, this was the territory of his fiancée Rias, the engagement had been unstable recently, he didn’t want to cause trouble in Rias’s territory at this critical time.

So after getting rid of Baihua in the crowd, Riser ran to this small alley, ready to activate the magic circle to return to the underworld.

The complex magic circle lit up, it should have teleported it away.

But… the magic circle failed!

At some point, a little boy appeared on the roof, with terrifying spiritual power, looking at Riser’s scalp numbing!

Aren’t all psychics like the old man just now, a little bit A little trick?

Isn’t it the limit to expel a few ghosts?

And this, interrupted his spell silently from a distance… What the hell is this?

The roar of a motorcycle sounded, and a muscular handsome guy riding an exaggerated big motorcycle blocked the end of the alley, while Bai Hua and Dai Mao slowly came to the street!

Ruisel looked at the extras on the roof, and then looked at the spiritual Xinlong at the end of the alley, and his motorcycle!

The momentum of both people is no less than that of the Demon King!

Look at the Lion King on the street, he has even put on the knight armor!

The Knight King who cancelled the breath blocking, the momentum that is more powerful than the ordinary Demon King is overwhelming!

In addition to the unfathomable Bai Hua, now there are three Demon King-level combat forces besieging it!

And it didn’t actually get rid of Bai Hua in the crowd, Bai Hua was just waiting for it to walk into a dead end!

“”Ha, a bunch of humans, you are so daring!”

This scene, is it to kill people to silence them?

Ruisel suddenly thought of one thing, but it was too absurd, mere humans, things like ants!

How dare they come to encircle it?

Encircle a noble demon noble, a pure-blooded demon from the family of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods?

After the demons took control of this world, this hasn’t happened for many years?

And Bai Hua walked over without saying a word, looking at him like a dead person, which made Ruisel more and more frightened. This guy is really going to do it!

“When you want to kill someone just because of a disagreement, you should think that sooner or later, there will be a day when a stronger being than you will kill you just because of a disagreement!”

The battle began, there was nothing to say, under the telekinesis of the dragon suit, Reiser couldn’t activate his magic power at all, and couldn’t form a magic. The telekinesis of the demon king was enough to completely suppress Reiser, who only had the strength of an upper-level demon, and then he was kicked around like a ball by Linghuan Xinlong. He had no power to fight back at all!

“Tsk, will the damage received recover by itself? Is this the Phoenix?”

Linghuan Xinlong found that his attack had little effect on Ruisel. Even if he hit him and made him bleed, flames would ignite at the wound, and then the wound would heal quickly in the flames!

“I heard that the immortality of the Phoenix family is very powerful. Leah, cut off his head. I want to see whether this demon, after being split in half, grows a body from the head or a head from the body!”

Immortality is always relative. It is impossible for a demon to be completely immortal!

If Reiser’s immortality is really completely immortal, then there is no need to marry the Lucifer family. Wouldn’t it be better to rule the underworld by yourself?

“You dare?! Do you know how much chaos it will cause if I die here? How many humans will be buried with me?”

Raiser finally panicked. He didn’t want to try to see if his immortal body could withstand the separation of his head and body!

“Do you still think you have any will at this moment? Show some noble courage and accept death calmly! This is the last thing you can do!”

Bai Hua looked at this guy with disgust, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, what a waste!

“No, no, no, you can’t do this!”

Riser struggled frantically under the foot of Reigen Shinryu, but it was meaningless. At present, the Heroic Spirits under Bai Hua’s command were all Demon King-level, and Sakata Gintoki was even a muscular melee Demon King-level. It was impossible for Riser to break free from his trampling!

“Let me go, I am Gui…”

Ruisel wanted to say something, but the holy sword of the Daimao King had already fallen!

A raging fire was burning under Linghuan Xinlong’s feet. The broken head did not grow a new body, and the body that had lost its head did not grow a new head!

Only at the broken part, flames were burning, maintaining the last life.

Bai Hua had no doubt that as long as its head was returned to the body, it would be reconnected immediately! The person would not die!

But Bai Hua kicked the burning head away, watching the body twitching, the head kept opening its mouth, but it could not say a word because there was no support from the air in the lungs.

The body that was broken into two sections seemed to have a time limit for remaining immortal, and the blazing flames became smaller and smaller as time went by!

The flames gradually went out, and when they were about to burn out, someone came into the alley.

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