"How is the genetic test report going?"

While thinking about how to match Chen Mu and his daughter,

Shizhigong Gong also asked Xiaojinmu Haomei.

He came here today mainly for this.

It was just that when he arrived here, he heard that Chen Mu's liberation combat power soared to 96%.

After hearing Shizhigong Gong's words, Xiaojinmu Haomei quickly switched out a piece of data

"The test results are out, no problem."

Chen Mu's performance was too outrageous.

So outrageous that more than one person thought he was a monster.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the defense force immediately gave Chen Mu a genetic test report.

This was to prevent Chen Mu from being a monster who had infiltrated the defense force.

Fortunately, the result did not disappoint Shinomiya Isao.

Nothing strange was detected in Chen Mu's genes.

The main reason for this is that Chen Mu's current"Superman·Man of Steel" template fusion is too low.

The gene sequences belonging to Kryptonians are all in a recessive state.

They did not show up.

If Chen Mu's fusion with Superman·Man of Steel was a little higher.

The result would not be the current result where nothing happened.

However, Shinomiya Isao didn't know this.

After hearing that Chen Mu had no problem, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good. If that's the case, I'll have to speed up my work."

Shinomiya Isao was referring to helping Chen Mu create a powerful monster enhancement suit.

Before, because he was a little suspicious of Chen Mu , the progress of the custom- made enhanced suit was not fast. He was afraid that if something went wrong with Chen Mu, no one would be able to use the monster enhancement suit.

But now, there is no such concern.

After hearing this, Jinmu Chitsugu also became curious.

"What core is used to make the special reinforced suit?"

"Is it our numbered monster?"

After thinking about it, Shinomiya Isao finally chose not to hide it.

After all, everyone present was trustworthy.

And this matter was not too confidential, so there was no need to keep it secret from everyone.

"It is the core of Monster Zero"

"Huh? It's this!"

"Isn't it said that the core of Monster Zero is impossible for anyone to adapt?"

The detailed information of the numbered monsters has always been the top secret intelligence of the Defense Force.

Only a very small number of high-ranking members of the Defense Force know it.

As for Monster Zero, it is even more top secret. In the entire Defense Force, there are less than 30 people who know this monster. Ordinary people will never even hear the detailed information of Monster Zero.

"Yes, but that was before Chen Mu showed up."

"The core erosion ability of Monster Zero is too strong and too difficult to control"

"That’s why we thought that humans couldn’t control it."

"But now, Chen Mu can. His physique is, in a way, more monster than the monster."

Monster Zero, the strongest monster ever to appear in Japan.

Its weight has reached a terrifying 12.9, and it is a true country-destroying existence.

In the end, it was killed by the ultimate weapon of mankind.

After that, the core of Monster Zero was collected and preserved.

And it has been sealed until now.

Over the past few decades, countless geniuses have emerged in the defense army.

But no one can control the core of Monster Zero.

Until Chen Mu appeared.

"With his talent and the support of Monster Zero Enhanced Suit"

"Perhaps in the future, the title of the strongest man in the defense force will fall on him."

Shinomiya Isao sighed.

Facing a monster-level junior like Chen Mu, he, as an elder, really has no confidence...

"Chen Mu? You actually showed up."

"What a rare guest! Why are you here at our headquarters?"

"Don't you always like to move around freely?"


A few days later, at the headquarters of the Third Expeditionary Force,

Chen Mu appeared in the base in casual clothes.

As soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by several classmates who were taking the assessment with him.

While they were curious about why Chen Mu was here, they also looked at him with admiration.

There was nothing they could do, Chen Mu was strong.

And the Japanese happened to be the strongest.

"Captain Mina asked me to come here, and it seems to be related to weapons."

Chen Mu's previous fighting style was quite simple and rough.

But that was only because the opponents he faced before were not large monsters.

It's okay to fight humanoid monsters or small and medium-sized monsters with bare hands.

But it's a bit funny to use it to fight huge monsters.

So Chen Mu needs a new weapon to exert his full destructive power.

Just when others wanted to ask more questions, Jinmu Qianshu interrupted them.

"Team member Chen Mu, come with me"

"Mina-chan is already waiting for you."


Not to mention the weird expressions of others when they heard this name.

Even Yabai Mina herself couldn't help but twitch her lips a few times.

I've decided that I'll increase the strength of Nishiki Chitsuki when I have time.

Liveliness is not a problem.

But Chitsuki, you seem a little too lively......

"Senior Qianshu, is there anything wrong?"

When he and Jinmu Qianshu were heading to Yabai Mina's place,

Chen Mu found that Jinmu Qianshu had been staring at him.

It would be fine if he just stared at him once or twice, but Jinmu Qianshu looked at him every few seconds.

In addition, Jinmu Qianshu showed an inquiring expression from time to time.

Chen Mu finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked directly

"Hehe, no, I'm just a little curious."

Caught on the spot by Chen Mu, Jinmu Qianshu chose to get away with it.

His signature silly smile, hoping to fool people.

But Chen Mu was obviously not that easy to fool.

"What are you curious about?"

Chen Mu asked directly.

Qian Shu did not hide anything and asked openly about his doubts.

"I was just wondering, could it be that you are actually a monster?"

"Or you are like me, with a monster's heart in your body."

Kinki Chitsuka has had a congenital heart disease since she was a child.

Logically speaking, she would not live past the age of 18.

But with her abnormal reaction speed, she won the attention of Shinomiya Isao.

In order to help Kinki Chitsuka prolong his life,

Shinomiya Isao finally chose to take the risk and implant the monster's heart into Kinki Chitsuka's body.

This also led to Kinki Chitsuka's now ridiculously high liberation combat power.

The essence of liberation combat power is actually to restore the combat power of monsters.

The higher the liberation combat power, the closer it is to the monster.

In other words, when the liberation combat power reaches 100%, that is when humans become monsters.

As for Chen Mu, he is special.

He is not turning into a monster like others.

Instead, he is forcibly enslaving monsters with his own strength.

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