Monster No. 9 made a serious misjudgment of Chen Mu's strength.

Although it saw the whole process of Chen Mu killing a monster of the same level on the Internet last time, it only saw it on the Internet after all.

It did not see it with its own eyes.

Therefore, it could not feel how strong Chen Mu's real sense of oppression was.

In comparison, Yabai Mina and Jinmu Chishu, who had severely injured it last time, obviously made it more afraid.

It was for this reason that Monster No. 9 chose to attack Chen Mu first.

As Chen Mu expected, it would pick the soft persimmon first.

It would lay a trap to attract Chen Mu to take the bait, and then kill Chen Mu.

After devouring Chen Mu and evolving its own physique, it would go to find trouble with Yabai Mina and Jinmu Chishu.

But now, Monster No. 9 was dumbfounded.

Didn't I come here to pick the soft persimmon?

How come I suddenly met the most ruthless one?

The sense of oppression that Chen Mu gave it at this time was far above Jinmu Chishu and Yabai Mina.

This was not an opponent that it could contend with at all.

If it wants to fight Chen Mu, it must at least evolve again based on its current foundation.

However, it is too late to figure out some things now..

Before Monster No. 9 could stand up from the ruins, Chen Mu had already arrived above it.

He was suspended in mid-air, looking down at Monster No. 9.

Seeing that Monster No. 9 dared to stand up and run away.

Chen Mu was not going to tolerate it, so he leaned down and beat Monster No. 9 again.

Monster No. 9 was like facing the superhuman Steppenwolf at this time.

He couldn't beat it, couldn't resist it, and couldn't escape.

He could only be beaten into various shapes by Chen Mu like a sandbag.

He was really beaten into various shapes.

Monster No. 9's body was actually very strong. As a humanoid monster, it was naturally stronger than those large monsters in terms of physical fitness.

However, it still couldn't stop Chen Mu's iron fist.

However, Monster No. 9 was not a weakling either.

After being pressed down and beaten, Monster No. 9 was also angry.

Damn, as a numbered monster, I also have to save face.

In the case of extreme anger, Monster No. 9 was also angry.

The only thing it could do was to grow a dozen long tentacles with bone blades from its body, trying to sneak attack and hack Chen Mu to death.

But Chen Mu was too lazy to dodge.

He grabbed the tentacles that were coming over, and with a little force, he tore them all off. He also forcibly pried open the mouth of Monster No. 9 and stuffed all the torn bone blades into the mouth of Monster No. 9.

What is the ultimate insult?

This is the ultimate insult.

This is pure numerical crushing, an impeccable violent beating.

Monster No. 9 has no way to resist at all, the gap in hard power is too big.

Chen Mu used the simplest and most violent means.

He smashed Monster No. 9 head-on.

Dare to make trouble?

Then I will turn you into an accident!.....

A few minutes later, Chen Mu finished his beating.

At this time, Monster No. 9 had been crushed into pieces.

It couldn't be put together.

Chen Mu ignored the broken bodies scattered everywhere.

His eyes were fixed on a small piece of meat that was constantly squirming.

This piece of meat was the biological core of Monster No. 9.

At this moment, Chen Mu fell into a brief hesitation.

Should he kill Monster No. 9 now?

Or let it go?

Although Monster No. 9 likes to make trouble, doesn't Chen Mu just want it to make more trouble?

The more monsters Monster No. 9 creates, the faster Chen Mu will upgrade, right?

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed.

Then, Chen Mu crushed the biological core with one foot.

It was reasonable.

However, if he really let Monster No. 9 go, Chen Mu would be very unhappy!

I have become a superman, but I am still feeling aggrieved.

Then I am not a superman in vain?

As for becoming stronger, there are so many monsters in the world. Without Monster No. 9, can there be no monsters in the future?

So, Monster No. 9?

You better die right now!

After crushing Monster No. 9, Chen Mu also breathed a sigh of relief.


Revenge, that's how it should be!

For your enemies, you should smash them into pieces!

As the biological core of Monster No. 9 was shattered, a powerful source of power was also quickly absorbed by Chen Mu.

At this moment, the fusion degree of the Superman template jumped several times.

In the end, Chen Mu's Superman fusion degree stabilized at 10%.

Then, countless voices flowed into Chen Mu's ears.

Like thousands of rivers returning to their currents, countless noises, like the mumbling of some ancient god, made Chen Mu's brain crash for a while.

But after a while, he recovered.

With lingering fear, he blocked most of the"super hearing".

Yes, after the fusion degree of the Superman template reached 10%.

Chen Mu also acquired a new ability.

Super hearing......

Super hearing is one of Superman's iconic abilities.

It is also a very abnormal ability.

In the setting, if Superman himself wants to

, he can stand in any corner of the blue planet and hear sounds from anywhere.

In simple terms, it means monitoring everyone on the entire planet.

Moreover, this is just the setting of the ordinary version of Superman.

Some versions of Superman, such as"Silver","Gold", and"Supreme", can even ignore the vacuum of the universe and monitor the entire universe and even the multiverse almost like a rule.

Of course, that outrageous degree is still far from the current Chen Mu.

Let alone comparing with those legendary versions of Superman, even the ordinary version of Superman, he is not as good as him now.

But even so, Chen Mu can still do it and monitor the entire neon anytime and anywhere.

However, being able to hear is one thing, and whether you will be killed by noise is another.

The more sounds you hear, the more information you need to process.

When a large amount of sound information is directly integrated into your mind in a very short time, even Superman's super brain will be directly burned.

So, Chen Mu chose the same approach as Superman.

That is, set the voices of the people you are familiar with to"special attention".

This solves the problem of too many voices to handle.

It also ensures that Chen Mu can rush to the person around you immediately if he is threatened.

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