The destructive violent gravity.

After raging for a while, it quickly disappeared.

But the result was terrible.

The more than one hundred beasts brought by Monster No. 9 suffered heavy losses.

One third were directly torn apart by gravity.

Another third suffered varying degrees of injuries.

As for the remaining one third, because of the long distance, there was not much damage.

There were only some scratches left when they fell under the pressure of gravity.

But even so, the power displayed by Chen Mu was very terrifying.

You know, these are all beast-level monsters.

Under normal circumstances, monsters at the beast level are enough to destroy large cities like Dongjingdu.

This is a force that will cause panic in any country.

But Chen Mu suppressed this force directly with his own strength.

Otherwise, how can it be called a miracle. And this is just the limit of Chen Mu just now. It is not the limit of Chen Mu now. After using the gravitational spectrum to tear apart these more than thirty beast-level monsters, Chen Mu was shocked.

���After the beasts, the original power of these monsters quickly merged into Chen Mu's body, helping Chen Mu's"Superman Template Fusion Degree" to soar again.

In the end, it stayed at 18%.

It was 8 percentage points higher than before.

"What a pity. I thought it would be the same as before, one percentage point for each beast."

"It seems that the template fusion degree is getting harder and harder as time goes by!"

Feeling the surging power in his body, and looking at his superhuman template fusion degree of 18%,

Chen Mu thought with satisfaction and greed.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the upgrade is slow.

Anyway, there are many monsters in this world.

There is no need to worry about not having monsters to kill!

And there is a large group of monsters in front of us!..

Just as Chen Mu was thinking about the"Superman Template",

Monster No. 9, who had fallen to the ground, also climbed up from the ruins.

Then, he said to the other four numbered monsters:"We must join forces to defeat this human!""

"No matter how strong he is, he can't defeat all of us alone!"

"As for the other beasts, I order you to spread out in all directions, destroy everything you see, and kill all the humans you see!"

The fighting power that Chen Mu had burst out with all his strength before shocked Monster No. 9.

It realized that the last time Chen Mu hit it, he had not hit it seriously.

However, it was too late to realize this now.

It had come to this point, and it could only fight desperately.

So it began to instigate other numbered monsters.

However, before the other numbered monsters could respond to it.

Chen Mu descended from the sky with a pitch-black blade.

"I said, what are you barking at?!!"


Monster No. 9 screamed, and his left hand immediately expanded into a shield full of bone structure, blocking the body.

With a loud bang,

Monster No. 9's body flew out directly.

The shield transformed by his left hand was also directly cut with a huge gap.

And in the original place, only Chen Mu stood calmly on the big pit he guessed.

In Chen Mu's hand was the"Tide of Death" that kept changing into various shapes."

"I'm surprised I didn't kill you."

"But it's good, so I can see you hit a few more times!"

Chen Mu had to admit that he underestimated Monster No. 9.

The current Monster No. 9 is much stronger than when it was hammered to death by Chen Mu before.

The energy level has soared to 10.1.

Even among the numbered monsters, it is really strong.

You know, even Monster No. 8 is only 9.8.

The current Monster No. 9 is already stronger than Monster No. 8.

This also led to Chen Mu's failure to kill Monster No. 9 with just one blow. However

, it's not a big problem.

If you can't kill it with one blow, then you can just hit it a few more times.

If Monster No. 9 came to Chen Mu alone to make trouble.

With its current energy level of 10.1, Chen Mu might have to spend more effort.

But unfortunately, Chen Mu is now much stronger than before.

So, even if Monster No. 9 is very powerful.

But the ending will not change.

Chen Mu has absolute confidence that he can beat this guy to death!.....

When Monster No. 9 was hit hard, the other four numbered monsters did not stand still.

After a brief hesitation, the four numbered monsters all attacked Chen Mu.

It seemed that Chen Mu was no match for eight hands with two fists.

But in fact,...

Chen Mu pinned these numbered monsters to the ground and beat them with absolute devastation.

However, that was all he could do. Chen Mu couldn't do it now. While beating these numbered monsters, he stopped other beasts from spreading in all directions.

There were too many of them. There were still sixty or seventy pterosaur beasts that could still move.

After receiving the order from Monster No. 9, these beasts immediately spread in all directions.

They didn't give Chen Mu a chance to use his ultimate move and wipe them out in one go.

Seeing that these beasts were about to spread out

, Monster No. 8 arrived at the battlefield.


With an excited roar from Monster No. 8, he jumped up and landed on a pterosaur.

Then, terrible power gathered in Monster No. 8's fist.

With the sound of the air being hammered,

Monster No. 8 smashed half of the body of a pterosaur with one punch.

The huge force even created a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground.

Every punch and kick was like a missile washing the ground.

It can only be said that Monster No. 8's strength is indeed top-notch among the numbered monsters.

I don't know how much fusion degree can be contributed to my superman template by killing Monster No. 8.

Ahem, Chen Mu was just thinking about it, and he definitely didn't mean to do it.

At least he wouldn't do it before Monster No. 8 went berserk. However, even with Monster No. 8 joining the battle, the surrounding pterosaur monsters gradually spread out.

As I said before, there were too many of them.

But at this moment, accompanied by a cry, a rotating alloy axe flew directly from a distance and chopped into the body of a beast.

Along with the alloy axe came the heroic Shinomiya Chikoru.

And behind Shinomiya Chikoru were members of the third expeditionary force who were gathering rapidly one after another.

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