It is undeniable.

At this moment, Chen Mu was simply so handsome.

But the question arises again.

He was handsome, but why did Chen Mu do this? Why did Chen Mu save a monster for no reason?

Isn't Chen Mu always the most ruthless person to monsters?

Wuxia and Jinmu Qianshu explained something.

Chen Mu's attention was attracted by the big bomb above his head.

The area of this big bomb alone is equivalent to half of the exercise area.

Just relying on the weight to hit it, the power is almost the same as that of a meteorite.

Not to mention, it can explode.

If this big bomb really lands, there will be only one result. That is

, the base of the entire third expeditionary force will be razed to the ground.

Among the people present, only a very few people, including Che Mu, can escape.

Everyone else will die.

Therefore, Chen Mu can only hold this huge bomb with gravity.

At the same time, keep the big bomb in the air to try to prevent the explosion from affecting the ground.

In this case, he really has no time to care about others.

Even after blocking the sniper shot fired by Yabai Mina, Chen Mu did not pay much attention to it.

All his energy was on this huge bomb.

Finally, this huge bomb exploded above everyone's head. The terrifying fireworks almost burned the entire sky.

This piece of sky was completely turned into a sea of fire.

Even on the ground, one could feel the terrible heat waves constantly coming.

Only because of Chen Mu.

Otherwise, if this big bomb really fell, there would be no survivors within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

As a price, after Chen Mu withstood all the shock waves of the explosion, he also exhaled tiredly.

Well, then nothing happened...

When the bombs in the sky completely dissipated, the people on the ground cheered after being stunned for a moment.

Everyone felt like they had survived a catastrophe.

At the same time, the eyes looking at Chen Mu were full of admiration and respect.

Really, if Chen Mu hadn't been there this time, the entire base of the Third Expeditionary Force would have been gone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Mu at this moment was simply a savior himself.

In addition to Chen Mu's powerful strength that could not see the upper limit. With gratitude and a strong mentality, how could these people not respect Chen Mu?

However, in addition to admiration, a small question also arose in the hearts of some people.

That is, why did Chen Mu save a monster?

Could it be that Chen Mu changed his personality?

No longer an emotionless monster killer.

But transformed into a monster protectionist?

Of course it is impossible.

However, Chen Mu's rescue of Monster No. 8 does need to be explained.

Otherwise, the eyes of others looking at him will always be a little strange.

For example, Yabai Mina.

She looked at Chen Mu and hesitated to speak.

Yabai Mina really couldn't understand why Chen Mu blocked her sniper cannon.

And why did he save Monster No. 8.

Logically speaking, shouldn't such a large monster be eliminated quickly to avoid future troubles?

Under the puzzled gaze of everyone.

Chen Mu fell from the air.

Standing in front of Monster No. 8.

Then looking at everyone, Chen Mu spread his hands and said:"Don't doubt it, I am not sympathizing with the monsters."

"It's just that Monster No. 8 is not just a monster, he is also our companion"

"You are right, Uncle Kafka."

After hearing what Chen Mu said, everyone else's eyes turned to Monster No. 8, who had regained his ability to move.

In this case.

Hibino Kafka also gave up the idea of hiding.

It has come to this point, what is there to hide.

Moreover, he has not forgotten the scene of Chen Mu standing in front of him before.

Chen Mu saved his life.

How could he back down now and let Chen Mu, his savior, be misunderstood?

Even if it is a misunderstanding, let him bear it.

Chen Mu must not be allowed to bear the consequences.

Therefore, Hibino Kafka quickly controlled his body and changed his head back to human appearance.

Although the body is still that of Monster No. 8.

But even so, he is enough to prove his identity.

Looking at the puzzled and shocked eyes of his former companions around him.

Hibino Kafka smiled bitterly and said:"As you can see, this monster is me who turned into it."

"Captain Chen Mu saw this and chose to save me."

"I'm sorry for not being honest with you before. If there are any consequences, just take responsibility for me!"

Among all the people present, the one with the most complicated emotions at this moment is undoubtedly Yabai Mina.

Because she and Hibino Kafka knew each other the earliest.

As early as when the two were in elementary school, they were already childhood sweethearts.

Even joining the defense army and becoming a member of the expeditionary force was influenced by Hibino Kafka.

Later, because of the talent gap between the two sides,

Yabai Mina and Hibino Kafka gradually drifted apart.

But it does not mean that Yabai Mina no longer cares about Hibino Kafka.

But Yabai Mina never thought that she almost killed this good friend who grew up with her.

Thanks to Chen Mu's action, he saved Hibino Kafka's life.

Otherwise, Yabai Mina would have a mental breakdown.

Shooting her childhood friend with her own hands would definitely be a fatal blow to Yabai Mina's beliefs.

Thinking of this, Yabai Mina looked at Chen Mu with gratitude.

Although this matter was a piece of cake for Chen Mu, for Yabai Mina, it undoubtedly saved her career......

Just as Hibino Kafka confessed his identity and everyone else was silent, a powerful voice came from a distance:"Hibino Kafka, I don't care what your reasons are, but it is an indisputable fact that you have infiltrated the Defense Force as a monster."

"To be on the safe side, I have to capture you. This will affect the lives of all the defense forces!"

"After you pass the assessment of our defense force, we will discuss your stay or departure."

"Do you have any objection to my approach?"

Shinomiya Isao stepped forward to take charge of the situation.

No matter what the reason was, Hibino Kafka has now become a monster, which is an indisputable fact.

And monsters should not be guarded against too much.

The main reason is that the trust is too low. The reason why Hibino Kafka in the original work can be trusted is that he has helped the defense forces several times before.

But since Chen Mu appeared, those opportunities that should have been given to Hibino Kafka have been snatched away by Chen Mu.

As a result, until now, Hibino Kafka has not had any particularly outstanding performance.

In this case, it is a strange thing that he can easily gain the trust of the defense forces.

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