Chapter 55: Breaking news, the battle to conquer Shinagawa!

"Captain Chen Mu, the latest news"

"A 5.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Kyoto in winter, with the epicenter located in Shinagawa District"

"And according to satellite images, a huge hole with a diameter of 3.2 kilometers appeared in Shinagawa District."

"According to the information detected so far, this underground hole is likely to be connected to the inner world of the earth!"

On a new day, Chen Mu was lying in the sun at the base headquarters as usual.

But before he closed his eyes for long, the intelligence specialist Xiao Qimu Haomei exclaimed.

Before Chen Mu could answer, Xiao Qimu Haomei's voice rang out again.

"Captain Chen Mu, the monster has appeared!"

"A large number of ant-like remnants crawled out of the cave."

"There are still many residents nearby who have not had time to evacuate!"

After hearing this, Chen Mu finally opened his eyes.

Although there is no definite evidence yet.

But even if Chen Mu used his feet to think, he guessed that it must be Monster No. 9 who was causing trouble.

You know, there was no trace of monsters in the whole Neon for a period of time before.

As a result, today, so many monsters suddenly appeared.

If this is not a problem, Chen Mu would never believe it.

"It seems that Monster No. 9 has already thought he can deal with me."

"It just so happens that I haven’t improved my strength for a while!"

"I hope Monster No. 9 can perform better."

With anticipation, Chen Mu soon appeared at the headquarters of the Fifth Expeditionary Force Base.

While sending people to gather the team members, he also contacted Shinomiya Isao.

Coincidentally, Shinomiya Isao also planned to find Chen Mu.

Both sides rushed to the

"Captain Chen Mu, you should already know the situation in Shinagawa District."

"Yes, I just found out. Leave it to me!"

Shinomiya Isao nodded. Hearing what Chen Mu said, he felt particularly relieved.

With Chen Mu, the entire defense army seemed to have an absolutely safe trump card.

This feeling is also the main reason why the defense army worships Chen Mu.

However, although Chen Mu is very strong.

But Shinomiya Isao will not really let Chen Mu handle this matter alone. He always has to send some people to do chores for Chen Mu.

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Isao said:"Captain Chen Mu, I will let the first expeditionary force go with you."

"After all, your Fifth Expeditionary Force is still understaffed. Some tasks such as evacuating the masses and cleaning up the battlefield need someone to help you share the burden."

Chen Mu also thought it made sense.

There are always some dirty and tiring jobs that need to be done by someone.

He certainly doesn't want to do these jobs.

The number of his team members is too small to do these jobs.

In this case, it is more appropriate to have a punitive force to help.

"OK, I'll leave now."

"By the way, you guys should also be prepared in the rear, I always feel that this matter is unusual!"

As a time traveler, Chen Mu knows something about the future.

For example, the death of Shinomiya Isao.

In the original work, Shinomiya Isao died in this battle against Shinagawa. He was directly found in the rear by Monster No. 9 and was killed.

Of course, this has now become a fusion world.

Whether this kind of thing will happen again, Chen Mu himself doesn't know.

But it's always right to remind him.

And Shinomiya Isao also nodded.

He kept Chen Mu's words in mind.

There is no way, he is a filial son.

He listened to Chen Mu's words as oracles.


After finishing the conversation with Shinomiya Isao, all the people under Chen Mu were present.

In addition to the 13 team members who joined not long ago,

Shinomiya Chikuru and Nishiki Chitsuka were also dispatched.

There was no extra nonsense.

Chen Mu briefly introduced the mission and tactics.

The tactics are actually very simple, just enter the group of monsters, and then kill them.

Chen Mu has always been so simple and crude.

Others had no objection to the tactics arranged by Chen Mu.

So, all the members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force set off quickly.

On the other side.

On the side of the First Expeditionary Force.

Captain Ming Haixian was dragged out of the bedroom by his deputy captain.

After mumbling a few complaints, he began to follow the team members to the Shinagawa District.

Although he looked a little careless.

And he always liked to put on a pair of dead fish eyes.


But Ming Haixian was still very excited.

Because, he finally had the chance to meet Chen Mu.


Ming Haixian was very curious about Chen Mu.

It was just that he had never had the chance to meet this man who was hailed as the"God-given Son".

At the same time, Ming Haixian also wanted to know how big the gap was between him and Chen Mu.

Yes, he looked nonchalant, but in fact, Ming Haixian was very competitive.

Before Chen Mu arrived, the First Expeditionary Force he led had been competing with the Third Expeditionary Force for the title of ace.

It was just that they were defeated time and time again.

And the reason for the failure was not because Ming Haixian was too weak.


You should know that in the original work, the first expeditionary force where Ming Haixian was, under his leadership, became the trump card of the defense army.

However, this is not a simple world of Monster No. 8.

It is a comprehensive world.

More importantly, the third expeditionary force has an additional Jinmu Chitsuku, such a monster.

In front of Jinmu Chitsuku, even Ming Haixian has no way.

He can only be defeated repeatedly.

And the first expeditionary force he led can only be ranked second.

Now, there is another Chen Mu.

In the future, Ming Haixian can't even be the second.

Of course, Ming Haixian doesn't care much about whether he is an ace or not. What he really cares about is how terrible Chen Mu's strength is.

Is the gap between the two sides really insurmountable.

In fact, he thought about challenging Chen Mu before when Chen Mu just became famous.

But he was stopped by Shi Nomiya Isao.

On the one hand, he didn't want to bring trouble to Chen Mu.

On the other hand, he was also worried that Ming Haixian would be hit too hard by Chen Shu.

Others don't know, but Shi Nomiya Isao doesn't know.

Chen Mu is not a normal human being at all.

He is simply a monster.

Facing such a monster, if Ming Haixian really challenges him, there will only be one result.

He will be beaten into an idiot.

In order to protect this stupid apprentice from being hit,

Shinomiya Isao can only stop Ming Haixian's impulse.


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