Chapter 57 The battlefield between giants.

In the battlefield.

After sensing the appearance of Chen Mu.

Monster No. 9 also quickly appeared with his newly created numbered monsters.

Monster No. 9 at this time is very different from the last time they met.

The whole body is covered with a thick layer of black carapace.

There are hideous barbs on some joints.

There is a strange blue organ on the chest of Monster No. 9.

In addition, a pair of beetle-like wings grew behind Monster No. 9.

The overall appearance looks very much like the legendary demon.

Only its head is still the iconic flat head.

Otherwise, Chen Mu would not recognize this old opponent.

And the reason why Monster No. 9 has become what it is now.

In fact, it is all thanks to Chen Mu.

The current appearance of Monster No. 9 is completely a targeted evolution made for Chen Mu's various abilities.

There is only one purpose, that is, to defeat Chen Mu!

Therefore, Monster No. 9 is full of confidence this time.

When he saw Chen Mu, he no longer looked afraid as before.

Instead, the arrogance became more arrogant.

"Chen Mu, long time no see!"

"These days, I've been thinking about you"

"Thinking of the pain and fear you brought me!"

"Now, I will return all the humiliation I have suffered to you!"

Monster No. 9 absorbed a lot, and the combat power of the human warriors reached 90%.

Therefore, its speech ability has improved a lot.

It is better at speaking harshly than before.

Chen Mu certainly doesn't take these words to heart.

However, there is one thing that Chen Mu also agrees with.

That is, Monster No. 9 is indeed much stronger than before.

But unfortunately, Chen Mu is also different from before.

Without saying much, Chen Mu rushed down directly from mid-air.

The rapid speed brought a series of sonic booms.

Monster No. 9 laughed and waved his fist, and collided fiercely with Chen Mu's fist.

Accompanied by a loud noise that was enough to break a person's eardrum.

With the location of Monster No. 9 as the center point.

The terrible shock wave spread instantly.

The glass on the surrounding buildings shattered in an instant.

The ground within a kilometer radius collapsed inch by inch.

I don't know how much dust was squeezed by the huge force and was shaken into the air.

For a time, the sight of outsiders was blocked, making it impossible for people to see what was happening in the center of the battlefield.

They could only hear A series of loud noises like nuclear explosions were heard.

In the outer area, looking at the direction where Chen Mu and Monster No. 9 were fighting, everyone was shocked.

Even Du Dao Yazi, who was extremely confident in himself and believed that he would defeat Chen Mu sooner or later, was confused.

No, this noise?

Are you sure this is something humans can do?

You said this was the battlefield between giant gods in myths and legends, and Du Dao Yazi believed it.

How could normal humans be so outrageous!

The mountains collapsed and the earth cracked at any time, or the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

The entire area, nearly ten square kilometers, was reduced to ruins.

You call this human?

There is no doubt that other people cannot participate in this battle.

They can't even help Chen Mu.

This is not a battle that ordinary people are qualified to participate in.

Let alone directly fighting with the two sides of the battle.

Even some of the aftermath that escaped, ordinary people can't bear it.

Even if it is a human strongman who has liberated more than 90% of his combat power, he will be torn apart by those terrible aftermath.

The battlefield of monsters.

Only monsters are qualified to participate!


The main battlefield is undoubtedly here with Chen Mu.

His battle with Monster No. 9 and other numbered monsters directly determines the outcome of this crusade.

But this does not mean that others have nothing to do.

Others cannot deal with numbered monsters.

But some original beasts and other beasts are still no problem.

"What are you doing standing there like an idiot? The monster is right in front of you, and you are still standing there in a daze?"

"Stop watching and do your own thing!"

The voice of Chitose Nishiki woke up the stunned members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force.

Then, the members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force withdrew their gaze from the main battlefield. And they all focused their attention on the monsters around them.

That's right, Chen Mu has his own battle.

So do they!

Moreover, as Chen Mu's subordinates, how could they embarrass Chen Mu at this time!

With excitement and passion, the members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force each picked up their own weapons. They all rushed towards the nearest monster with a howl.

There were no tactics, no formations.

There was only the simplest killing!

Kill and it's all!

Looking at the members who were fighting hard with the monsters.

Chitose Nishiki, who was standing on the top of a nearby building, nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, this is what it looks like.

However, killing is killing.

But we can't really let these good seedlings die here inexplicably.

Pressure must be given, but care must also be given.

Thinking of this, Chitose Nishiki said to Chikoruo Shinomiya who was standing beside him:"Chikoruo, you go too."

"Your mission is to keep an eye on these guys and don't let them really die!"

Shinomiya Chikolu nodded when he heard this.

"Don't worry, no one will be allowed to get hurt on my battlefield!"

After saying that, Shinomiya Chikoro jumped directly from the top of the building.

When she was about to land, the silver-white No. 4 enhanced suit she was wearing suddenly lit up slightly.

The next moment, Shinomiya Chikoro flew out horizontally and completed a cool aerial catapult start flight.

This is also the reason why Jinmu Chitsu asked Shinomiya Chikoro to take care of the newcomers.

Shinomiya Chikoro is strong enough, and she is wearing the monster No. 4 enhanced suit left by her mother.

It is very fast and has the ability to fly short distances.

It is most suitable for shuttling through the battlefield.

As for Jinmu Chitsu herself.

Of course, she will not just watch and watch the show.

The tasks she assigns to herself are equally important!

If those beasts and the remaining beasts are left to the little ghosts of the fifth expeditionary force for practice.

Then, the numbered monsters that may appear at any time are left by Jinmu Chitsu for herself.

The stronger the strength, the more you should deal with powerful monsters.


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